Regjistrimi i organizatave jofitimprur?se n? Shqip?ri/Registration of non-profit organizations in Albania

Regjistrimi i organizatave jofitimprur?se n? Shqip?ri/Registration of non-profit organizations in Albania

?do person fizik ose juridik, vendas ose i huaj, ka t? drejt? t? themeloj? nj? organizat? jofitimprur?se (OJF) n? Shqip?ri. Organizatat jofitimprur?se n? Shqip?ri regjistrohen n? baz? t? Ligj Nr.8788, dat? 7.5.2001, “P?r organizatat jofitimprur?se”, i ndryshuar.

Format e organizimit t? nj? OJF-je jan?:

1. Shoqata, OJF me an?tar?si

2. Fondacioni, OJF pa an?tar?si

3. Qendra, OJF pa an?tar?si

Organizatat jofitimprur?se fitojn? personalitet juridik pas regjistrimit t? tyre n? Gjykat?n e Juridiksionit t? P?rgjithsh?m Tiran?.

Dokumentacioni kryesor i nevojsh?m p?r themelimin e nj? OJF ?sht? akti i themelimit si dhe statuti, t? miratuara nga themeluesit e saj. Fondacioni mund t? themelohet mbi baz?n e nj? akti testamentar, i cili p?rb?n aktin e themelimit t? tij.

Akti i themelimit p?rmban n? m?nyr? t? p?rmbledhur t? dh?nat kryesore t? OJF q? p?rfshijn? emrin, logon, themeluesit, q?llimin etj. Nga ana tjet?r, n? baz? t? form?s s? organizimit t? zgjedhur, Statuti p?rmban nj? rregullim t? holl?sish?m t? ??shtjeve t? organizimit, funksionimit dhe veprimtaris? s? OJF.

Sipas ligjit afati i marrjes s? Vendimit nga Gjykata p?r regjistrimin e OJF ?sht? brenda 15 (pes?mb?dhjet?) dit?ve nga data e depozitimit t? k?rkes?s.

Kostot e regjistrimit t? nj? OJF variojn? nga 30,000 deri n? 50,000 lek?, p?rfshir? k?tu kosto noterizimi, k?shillimi ligjor etj.

Nj? OJF, pas fitimit t? personalitetit juridik, ka detyrimin t? regjistrohet pran? administrat?s tatimore dhe t? pajiset me NIPT.

P?r udh?zime dhe informacione t? m?tejshme mund t? na kontaktoni:

e-mail: [email protected]

cel: 00355696032690

Any natural or legal person, domestic or foreign, has the right to establish a non-profit organization (NPO) in Albania. Non-profit organizations in Albania are registered based on Law No. 8788, dated 7.5.2001, "On non-profit organizations", as amended.

The forms of organization of an NPO are:

1. Association, NPO with membership

2. Foundation, NPO without membership

3. Center, NPO without membership

Non-profit organizations acquire legal personality after their registration in the Court of General Jurisdiction in Tirana.

The main documentation necessary for the establishment of an NPO is the act of establishment as well as the statute, approved by its founders. The foundation can be established on the basis of a testamentary act, which constitutes the act of its establishment.

The act of establishment contains in summary the main information on the NPO including its name, logo, founders, its ultimate goal etc. On the other hand, based on the form of organization chosen, the Statute contains a detailed regulation of issues of organization, operation and activity of the NPO.

According to the law, the deadline for taking the Decision by the Court on the registration of the NPO is within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of filing the request.

The costs of registering an NPO vary from 30,000 to 50,000 ALL, including the cost of notarization, legal advice, etc.

An NPO, after gaining legal personality, has the obligation to register with the tax administration and be equipped with NIPT.

For instructions and further information you can contact us:

e-mail: [email protected]

cell: 00355696032690




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