The REGIO Peer2Peer Communities are progressing with their works and reaching out more and more practitioners willing to share their experiences and challenges.
?Here is a short recap of the Communities' activities in February and March:?
- A successful joint thematic meeting just concluded. Over 90 practitioners of the DNSH principle and Selection of operations Communities met in Copenhagen. Topics of discussion were related to challenges to implement the DNSH principle in ?#Cohesionpolicy programmes, practices in projects appraisal, complaint management, recruitment of external experts, and many more.
- The State Aid community met on 15 February to fine-tune the Note for the European Commission, outlining the challenges related to state aid including #incentive effects, new #GBER and #ESIF simplifications. Discussions will continue at the next in-person meeting of the Community on 26 and 27 April in Sofia, Bulgaria.?Representatives of DG REGIO will join the debate and ?exchange views with practitioners.
- On March 2nd, the NRPP and Cohesion Policy Community focused the discussion of the second thematic meeting on challenges in programming, implementing and monitoring #NRRPs and #Cohesionpolicy programmes.?
- The Circular Economy Community met on 7 March?for the second community meeting. The meeting opened with the intervention of the representatives of the #Madeira regional directorate of environment and climate change, who presented the #Madeira #CircularAgenda.?
- Roadmaps Community met on 9 March for the ninth thematic meeting.
Martina Hernaut
, from the Croatian
Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds of the Republic of Croatia
, presented the national #ACB #Roadmaps. Later on,
Mafalda Ferreira
, from the Portuguese
Agência para o Desenvolvimento e Coes?o, IP – AD&C
, illustrated the implementation of specific actions of the PT #ACB #Roadmap Portugal. The ACB Community is enlarging its scope and a reflection on the strategic use of #Capacitybuilding to improve #Cohesionpolicy programme implementation has started.?
- The Embedding cooperation community met on 14 March, for the first thematic meeting.?Discussion concentrated on the most important #triggers and #obstacles to #embedding #cooperation.
Many more online and in-presence meetings are in the pipeline:
Eventually, we would like to inform you that the European Commission is organising the second series of events for Member States on Good Governance for EU Regional Policy:
- On Friday 24 March (10:00 - 12:30) in an online event the Competence Centre for Administrative Capacity Building in DG Regional and Urban Policy will present tools and services supporting administrative capacity building that are made available for authorities managing the ERDF, the Cohesion Fund and the Just Transition Fund.
- On Tuesday 28 March (09:30 - 12:30) a second event, also online, will allow participants to listen to presentations of diverse case studies being currently implemented, and to broadly discuss the challenges and opportunities that citizen participation and involvement of young people represent for EU #Cohesionpolicy.
- On Tuesday 18 April (09:30 – 17:00) the ‘2nd Forum for Managing Authorities: Building Administrative Capacity 2021-2027’ will take place in hybrid format (up to 300 participants in Brussels and additional participants online).
For more details and information, do not miss
Be part of the REGIO Communities!
For further information: [email protected]