Regime of administrative leadership
Fausto Felix
Master Degree in Business Administration, Specialist in Planning and Strategies, Law Degree
Qualification of leadership and its evaluation
Visualizing a leader is always associated with those warriors, troop generals of antiquity, of the type of Carlo Magno, Bolívar, Alejandro, Aníbal; religious leaders such as Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Buddha, Martin Luther or Mother Teresa and the political type such as Martin Luther King, Fidel Castro, Ernesto Che Guevara, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln or Malcolm X, have left traces in history for which to remember ; These people are just one example of the thousands of types of world leaders who have transcended their time, their generation, and their territory. They have common features that make them worthy of this title because they were successful, they left ideas, thoughts and conditions with which many identify when they want to forge an ideal of leadership. Many of them had and have hundreds, thousands, and even millions of people who follow their ideas and examples. It is their dynamic framework of influence that means that, despite the time that has elapsed since their deaths, their admirers and followers continue to revere them, for their good-natured determination to sacrifice for the common causes of his fellow men.
Its importance lies in the fact that through them the groups can create a dynamic of productive work in an attempt to achieve common objectives, through the influence they bring and the motivations they generate; They are elements that empower organizations through civic and moral example, contributions of ideas and techniques necessary for the evolutionary development of the goals proposed by the social group to which they belong and because with their charismas they can generate hope for an entire community that believes in them. and identifies with them. For companies, these people are necessary elements, because through them very significant economic, technical and productive advances are achieved, which can take the organization to unsuspected levels in terms of economic value, prestige and financial value. Also for raising millions of leaders by motivating them to be like them (Lussier, & Achua, 2016).
In this context, without being limiting and based on the previous guidelines that determine a leader, we can say that: Leadership is the transformation of authority between bosses and followers to achieve the goals established by the institution through a metamorphosis (Lussier, & Achua, 2016).
Reasoning about how some people develop leadership skills. Are leaders born or made? Or what determines leadership: nature or upbringing?
With the specific motivations, the appropriate teachings, and the pertinent conditions, it is always easy to see an individual emerge who takes the reins of a certain social, business, sports, or community group, etc., taking it along the path they always wanted to achieve, developing skills and attitudes that manage to position him before the group as their guide and mentor: at that moment a leader has emerged.
Every person carries with him a nuance of a leader asleep in his foundations, which manages to wake him up when the opportune moment determines and empowers him, causing the characteristic features that distinguish the leaders from the followers to emerge. Obviously, for a person's leadership to emerge under certain conditions, it must have an innate base that pushes it towards leadership determination, it is what some describe as the third, in which they show that a third of leadership is innate to the individual and the other two thirds is learned through various development schemes (Lussier, & Achua, 2016).
Other analysts cling to the conviction that leaders are made through timely education focused on those ends, denoting that in this sense we are all on an equal footing to emerge as leaders, something inconsequential because even under this precept we do not We will all have the social or economic conditions to receive this type of training that enhances our hidden skills, or underdeveloped as some point out, to be successful managers or leaders. No less true is that the more adversities an individual has to face, the better forging of his value as a leader he develops (Rivera De Cruz, 2012).
Is it possible to teach leadership and enhance its skills?
It is rational to think that leadership can be learned, especially in the era of technological knowledge, which makes sufficient knowledge available to develop effective leadership capacity with just one click. Based on the fact that many people who have developed an unusual leadership capacity bring with them approximately a third of their developed leadership conditions, many institutions and individuals have known how to channel those characteristic traits of each of these notorious leaders, so that we we can learn and study them for the purposes of practical execution in order to execute an effective and conscious leadership in the face of the challenges that we have to face, be they running a company, a neighborhood meeting, a club of friends, a political party or a Sports team.
Many institutions invest substantial economic and financial resources to transmit to their members, supporters and employees the necessary and sufficient knowledge so that they fully carry out a special capacity for institutional leadership, which allows them to take the reins of the institution and develop it with zeal and care as to the established guidelines. Every leader has or had a paradigm to follow, those conditions that made or make them a leader, started from seeing how others around them carried out leadership in groups or institutions, which were perfecting their innate leadership conditions. Leadership can be taught, it is what in English is called KSA, the initials of Knowledge, skills and abilities (knowledge, skills and abilities), as well as we learn the indications of the teacher, the head of the company, the manager of the team, the swimming instructor, the political leader or our mother, likewise the relevant and basic aspects can be taught so that a person can develop their hidden conditions or their prevailing desires to lead and become a leader (Lussier, & Achua , 2016).
The learning of leadership and the teaching of it, starts from learning certain sets of special conditions, factors that are intrinsic to the development of any leader, in order to be able to develop her leadership talent. These technical skills are represented in a pyramid that represents three stages or ranks, skills that must be present for an efficient leader to develop:
Technical skills
These skills are conditioned by the ability of a person to master the technical concepts of the time, through which it will be easy for them to do the work assignments of their position. This implies mastering and knowing the operation of computer, statistical, marketing, administrative and social programs, based on the fact that these changes can vary depending on the positions and the company in which it is managed. They can be easy to learn and in these times you have to be in agreement with them to achieve a stable leadership dynamic (Lussier, & Achua, 2016).
Social skills
These skills are based on the conditions that a leader must have to interact with people; He must be an efficient communicator, a dedicated understanding and have an exceptional work capacity to be able to connect with individuals and groups, who project the human being that he carries inside to create empathy with the social conglomerate of his environment. It is a very necessary condition to be able to create an important leadership base within an institution or as an individual, because it is the raison d'être of all influential and important leadership (Andreu Seix, 2015).
Skills to take initiatives
The skills to execute initiatives or make decisions are attached to a host of factors that make it possible to apply the correct decision at the right time, to resolve conflicts and take advantage of them at any given time. It has a lot to do with the analytical capacity that we present, especially in difficult times, which will determine our broad or limited capacity for rationing when addressing conflictive situations. This is decisive because the leader has under his command people who, in one way or another, his decisions will end up affecting him and the greater the ability to make reasoned and sensible decisions, in that same dimension they will end up being affected, that is, if they are bad, the consequences will be obvious, if they are good, happiness will be for everyone. Being critical, creative, analytical and a good manager are essential conditions to succeed as a leader and develop the desired leadership (Lussier, & Achua, 2016).
Important skills according to the degree of management
Depending on the level of management, the needs required to be able to promote managerial capacities must also be so. Many point out that the higher level of management needs personal and social initiative skills more than technical skills; Those in the center grade need to be balanced in terms of the use of the three levels of managerial skills and the first grade requires more skills between people and the techniques on which they are based to apply resolutions (Lussier, & Achua, 2016).
Parallelism and comparison between the roles of interpersonal managerial leadership versus informational and decisive leadership
Henry Mintzberg points out 10 administrative roles that are used by leaders to fulfill their institutional purposes. They were segmented into three divisions or categories, which he called interpersonal, informational, and decision-making.
Category 1
Intersocial roles
The intersocial leadership roles involve the leader, representative and liaison, so it becomes evident that these conditions are the highest, necessary and important to successfully implement the necessary roles in communication and performance with society. By describing their roles we can then comprehend why they are so important (Mintzberg, 1979).
The boss, ringleader, caudillo or any managerial designation is the one who executes administrative actions such as planning, organizing, leading and controlling the effective functions that companies require to achieve their proposed goals. His influence is notorious for the other roles played by other leaders in the company (Mintzberg, 1979).
The leaders face this role at the moment in which they personify this role when they appear as the head of the organization before the related parties, through legal, community, clientelist actions or the reception and accompaniment that the company offers to their relatives. In any activity that the company has the opportunity to get involved in, the person in charge is obliged to stand up for it (Mintzberg, 1979).
Being a leader means that when you interact and share with human beings outside your environment, you show the conditions that determine you as such. This includes participation in protocol activities, work meetings, boards of directors, professionals, shareholders' meetings, sales agents, and other variables (Mintzberg, 1979).
Category 2
The roles of this type of leadership are made up of those of an informative, supervisory and disseminating nature. Although they are based on intersocial relationships, they are minor in relation to those in category 1 (Mintzberg, 1979). These are defined like this:
Informative roles
The roles of the informational leadership are made up of inspectors, propagators and spokespersons and their development is based on the capacities that they can show in intersocial relations (Mintzberg, 1979).
That performs the same function as supervisors, they are leaders that embody this role when concentrating data on their actions with other people, reading memos, newspapers, sponsorships, etc., and when attending symposiums, frequenting opponents' infrastructures and so on (Mintzberg, 1979).
These leaders face this role by sending data to their peers within the institutional agreement, reinforced at this time by information management, which results in the increase of their skills (Mintzberg, 1979).
This role is staged through those people in the institution that provide data to the third parties participating and interested in their relations with the business structure. His exercise translates into providing the data to his superiors and other divisions of the organization, as well as to buyers and suppliers, and others (Mintzberg, 1979).
Category 3
The last of these three categories has to do with the so-called conclusive or definitive roles, those that, even though they are of a lower hierarchy in relation to the two previous ones, represent a capital importance for the development of the organization (Mintzberg, 1979). These are, namely:
Conclusive roles
The ultimate leadership role encompasses that of boss, antagonist handler, media dispatcher, and businessperson. Having a high ability to make resolutions is important to be able to achieve your goals (Mintzberg, 1979).
It is the role played by those leaders who can execute important changes or advances in the goods and services provided by the company. Frequently they make use of facilitators of diverse opinions to improve through consultations with inspectors (Mintzberg, 1979).
Antagonism manager
This leadership assumes its role at the moment that correction activities are undertaken in the face of a conflictive situation that paralyzes trade, setbacks, or delay of raw material. As long as the risk is maintained and over the other roles that they embody, they habitually provide an approach to the conflict that has arisen (Mintzberg, 1979).
Media distributor
Its basic activity consists of distributing the means by means of a programming, request of faculties and preparation of premises. The will to determine who receives a larger or smaller budget is very valuable, because the determinations accepted by people seeking their personal benefit do not always reflect the convenience of the institution (Mintzberg, 1979).
The negotiating leadership is exercised when replacing the institutional function against agreements that do not stipulate limitations, such as unit values and the limit of a sale, the acquisition of a good or service, the salary of a worker or the increase of salary for your own benefit. Under these premises they maintain the intention of reaching favorable agreements for the company (Mintzberg, 1979).
Administrative management is aware of these ten roles or roles that remain overnight in every organization, deciding which of them is the most valuable, depending on which ones are executed by managers and which ones are developed by the other leaders, will be conditioned by the administrative occupation and the climate prevailing institutional framework (Lussier, & Achua, 2016). However, it is noteworthy to note that many of them are interrelated and intermingled in their application in the company, because at a given moment, a leader may be focused on having to perform any of these functions, even having a lower or higher degree. of leadership, without affecting their functional abilities within the organization.
Determine the difference between a manager and a leader
It could be said that in certain types of managers there are natural conditions of leadership that they exercise fully, but distinctive features continue to persist between them and the leaders, since the managers exercise a conscious attitude of command, while the leaders have the power to predominate. in other people their ideas and thoughts, in the understanding that the universal prototypes have undergone substantial variations from administration to leadership. Every victorious administrator employs various truly cooperative ways of leadership because he shares managerial tasks with his subordinates and these leadership obligations are transmitted from the administrators to renowned members of the institutional group (Lussier, & Achua, 2016).
Furthermore, despite these statements, there are marked particularities with sufficiently distinctive features between a manager and a leader, which can be seen in this way:
??????- The administrator is prosecuted in carrying out the topics positively,
??????- Managers are concerned about safety and their optimal way of performing their duties,
??????- Directors with anticipated authoritarian character do not rise up the steps of current associations;
- The warlords concentrate on carrying out their acts with restraint,
- The warlords are concerned with revolutionizing and transforming their environment,
- Warlords have the ability to encourage their followers, establishing favorable circumstances to achieve victory (Lussier, & Achua, 2016).
In the present dynamic of the current corporate world, every administrator, in addition to being good at his functions, must also seek to develop leadership for his managerial evolution and be able to climb faster in the chain of command, which will contribute to the institutional triumph of he. The paradigm shifts suggest that we are in a process of transition from the authoritarian command to the current collaborationist command. A common point among all the victorious leaders is also their great ability to manage organizations, in the same way there are winning managers who denote exceptional leadership qualities.
The point lies in being able to couple these two ways of directing, through the concatenation of management and leadership, or trying to enhance these capacities between administrators and workers. The truth is that an institution that intends to develop successfully in today's hectic corporate world must need the skills and favorable conditions of both styles: the manager and the leader (Lussier, & Achua, 2016).
Is leadership a generalized competition? In other words, is a good leader affable in any context where he works?
Prototype of the contingency leadership thesis
There are theses that posed the generalized conditions that should be uniform for all leadership situations, among which are the traits thesis and the behavioral leadership thesis, which came to be recognized as general theories, that is, that their approaches can or could be applied at any level of the situational ladder of leadership, better known as universally applicable.
Starting in the 1960s, it became notorious that the type of leadership that can be applied to all organizational circumstances is not possible, because no type of approach is conventional for the same prevailing situation, that is, that leadership depends on the location and when this type of behavior occurs. These theses, called conjuncture or contingency leadership, seek to express the appropriate type of leadership based on the leader, the fans, and the location (Rivera De Cruz, 2012).
Prototype of the integrative leadership thesis
Towards the decade of the 70's, the concept began to experience variations due to the integrating paradigm through the interrelation of the neo-attractive or charismatic thesis. These attempt to mix the integral leadership thesis with the attribute or trait hypothesis, the behavioral thesis and the eventuality thesis in order to give an explanatory reason to the leader-fan ties that a triumphant influence encompasses.
These hypotheses recognize behaviors and characters that allow an efficiency of the boss, investigating the rationality through which, similar behavior of the leader manages to achieve different results on his admirers, starting from the location. Its precepts aim to create the conditions to determine that leaders continue to be created and formed according to their circumstances and the environment that surrounds them, which many call the self and its circumstances (Lussier, & Achua, 2016).
Author's Notes
Management of managerial leadership is the number 1 delivery of the research work carried out for the Business Leadership subject for the Master of Business Administration with a Specialty in Planning and Strategies, studied at the NUC-University of Puerto Rico, which is composed of 14 independent parts, covering all modern aspects of business leadership today.
The remaining 13 deliveries have to be published gradually during the next weeks; Thank you for your special interest in reading this article, thanking you for evaluating and recommending it to multiple people interested in learning about business leadership.
With appreciation and affection, very sincerely;
Fausto Felix
Andreu Seix, R. Social Skills. (2015). Editorial Síntesis, S.A. Madrid, Spain.
Lussier, R.N., & Achua, C.F. (2016). Leadership: Theory, application & skill development (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. Chapter 1: Who Is a Leader and What Skills Do Leaders Need?
Mintzberg, H. (1979) The structuring of organizations: A synthesis of the research. Editorial Prentice Hall, Mexico.
Rivera De Cruz, L.M. (2012). Importance of Leadership in Organizations. EOI Blogs.