Regenerative Rising Reviews "Indirect Work"
Regenerative Rising
Dedicated to re-image our way of life to align with the principles of regeneration and indigenous wisdom.
The following review was originally featured in Regenerative Rising ’s Momentum in Regenerative monthly newsletter. In Regenerative Rising Reviews, the Regenerative Rising team will collectively bring our reflections on books and other creations from the lens of our developmental work as we create Foundations in Principles of Regeneration online learning space. While on this journey, we aim to offer insights, inspiration and nutrients for Mind, Emotions, Body and Spirit of all who venture into our contemplations.
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Combining over four decades of author Carol Sanford ’s research and experience with rich traditions of Indigenous and lineage sources and quantum cosmologies, Indirect Work translates living systems understanding into a practical human technology for daily life at home and work. Through foundational wisdom and exercises for self-discovery, this guide will illuminate your understanding of the unlimited power of regenerative change and how we can become agents for a world that works for all alive.
Illuminating and intentionally developmental, Carol states that, "[The content] requires a high degree of investment on the part of readers so that it can be engaged with as something alive, with the power to change their experience of the world". She encourages this depth of interaction with intermezzos – built-in disruptions that remind the learner to stop, reflect and examine what they have just read while, in the process of doing so, actively challenging the tendency to simply accept everything that has been said thus far as true and get the reader to shift their patterns of thought by introducing a habit of deciding for themselves what bits and bobs they agree with and why so that they can more effectively apply their learnings to their unique context.
Most of the team at Regenerative Rising read Carol's No More Gold Stars before diving into Indirect Work. If you have read our reviews of Carol's other books but have yet to start your reading journey, we suggest that you begin with No More Gold Stars: Regenerating Capacity to Think for Ourselves, followed by Indirect Work: A Regenerative Change Theory for Businesses, Communities, Institutions and Humans before reading The Regenerative Life: Transform any Organization, Our Society and Your Destiny. No More Gold Stars provides a great overview of Carol's philosophy and briefly touches on indirect work while Indirect Work (as the title suggests) is explained in more depth, including how to contribute indirectly and invisibly but in a way that is felt, as well as introduces Carol’s seven First Principles of Regeneration. Lastly, The Regenerative Life dives deep into each of the principles and the nine regenerative roles using case studies from her 6-month-long action research project to help readers further ground into what she means by each principle.?
Regardless of the order you decide to read these books, Indirect Work is a must-read for anyone seeking to make a difference in the world and build the capabilities required to do so in a more meaningful way.
Contemplative Thought Leader Musing on The Ancient, The Sublime, The Familiar
7 个月Carol Sanford has written many insightful books on the reformulation of our 'How' and 'Why' as core to the developmental work we humans must tackle. I like to use this metaphor: We cannot rearrange the chairs on the deck of the Titanic in hopes we miss the iceberg! Instead we each must fundamentally redirect our internal navigation in order to bring the ship around. It is titanic work to delve into one's own interior yet I would posit it is the most compelling landscape yet undiscovered for each of us to bring the fullness, potency and uniqueness of our life force forward to be of service to all we say we care for and about. It is a brave and loving act to examine one's own impulses, biases and notions about what is. This is the cutting edge.