Regeneration~Leaf Phytochemical Environmental Effects~Echinoderms~Saponin~ Cancer~Agarikon~Salamander~ Metabolics~Oleanane Saponin~Phase Conjugation

Regeneration~Leaf Phytochemical Environmental Effects~Echinoderms~Saponin~ Cancer~Agarikon~Salamander~ Metabolics~Oleanane Saponin~Phase Conjugation

As, For Leaves, As, For Space Forming Phytochemicals, As, For Some Plant’s “Leaves”, As, Medicinal, As, For Human’s Oxidative Stress, As, For Leaves, As, “Chemical Communication”, As, In “Aquatic Species”, As, For Axolotl’s Regenerative Species, As, Of “Aquatic Salamanders”, As, For Salamander Amphibian, As, Closely Related, As, To Frogs, As, For All “Newts”, As, Regenerative Salamanders, As, For “Chemical Communication”, As, For Aquatic Species, As, For “Leaves”, As, From Trees, As, To Affect Responses, As, For “Chemical Signals”, As, In “Newts”, As, Salamanders, As, For Space Forming Tree Chemicals, As, To Influence Newts, As, For Locating Their Mates, As, For Sensing Encircling Predators, As, For Chemical Signals, As, For Newts, As, For “Evolved Chemical Receptors”, As, For “Sensing Environmental Chemicals”, As, Given Off, As, By Trees, As, For Regenerative Salamanders, As, For “Newts”, As, For Their Habitats, As, “Old Trees”, Leaves, As, For Rocks, As, For Newts, As, Regenerative Salamanders, As, To Like “Old Trees”, As, For Habitat, As, For Environment, As, For Old Tree’s Phytochemicals, As, For “Forest’s Space Forming “Volatile Compounds”, As, “High Vapor Pressure”, As, From Solids Or Liquids, As, For Human’s Inhalation, As, Of “Forest’s Volatile Compounds”, As, Limonene And Pinene, As, For Human’s Anti-Inflammatory, Antioxidant Effects, As, On Our “Airways”, As, For Plant’s Space Formings Volatile Compounds, As, Produced, As, From “Plant’s Stress” As, For Human Medicinal “Arboreal Mushroom” “Fomitopsis officinalis”, As, To Grow Out Of Wood, As, “Human Anti-Viral”, As, For Old Trees Hold More “Carbon”, As, For Carbon-Based Nanomaterials, As, For Anti-Viral Motions, As, For Newts, As, Salamanders, As, Attracted, As, To “Sunny” Ponds, As, For Arboreal Salamanders, As, “Lungless” Insectivores, As, Aggressive, As, For “Great Tree Climbing”, As, For Salamander’s Regenerative Limb, As, Structurally Elemental, As, To “Tetrapods”, As, For Tetrapods, As, Related, As, To “Lungfish”, As, For Lungfish, As, Closest Living Fish, As, To “Humans”, As, For “Natural Regeneration”, As, Ingestion, As, Of Seeds And Fruits, As, By Animals And Birds, As, For “Digestion Process”, As, To “Alter” “Seed’s Coat”, As, To Enhance Germination, As, For Human Medicinal Herbaceous, As, For “Woody Ash”, As, For Ash Tree Seed Plant, As, For “Ash”, As, “Alkaline”, As, To Clean Human Wounds, As, For Human’s, As, “Slightly Alkaline”, As, For Alkaline Soils, As, Having A “High PH”, As, For Black Foot Daisy, As, To Like “Alkaline Soils”, As, For “Daisies”, As, Having Space Forming “Saponins”, As, For “Triterpene Glycosides”, As, For Triterpene Glycosides, As, For Warm-Blooded Animals, As, For “Affecting Metabolism”, As, For Metabolism, As, To Control “Cell Proliferation”, As, For Differentiation, As, For “Metabolism”, As, “Profound”, As, For “Regeneration”, As, For Phenolics And Saponins, As, For “Plant’s Secondary Metabolites”, As, For Plants Synthesize, As, To “Accumulate” Secondary Metabolites, As, A “Response To Stress”, As, For All Newts, As, Salamanders, As, For Newt Urodele Amphibian, As, To Repeatedly “Regenerate Limbs”, As, For “Eastern Newts”, As, To Use “Chemicals” And Their Visuals, As, To Find Food, As, For Eastern Newts, As, For “Wild Ambystoma tigrinum Larvae”, As, To Consume “Aquatic Molluscs”, As, For “Nematodes”, As, For Space Form Triterpene Glycosides, As, In “Marine Invertebrates”, As, For “Echinoderms”, As, Molluscs, As, For “Secondary Metabolites”, As, For Regenerative Starfish, As, Echinoderms, As, For Echinoderm Newts, As, For Salamanders, As, For Molluscs, As, For Cold-Blooded Invertebrates, As, With Space Forming Triterpene Glycosides, As, For Regeneration, As, For Echinoderm’s, As, “Pentaradially Symmetrical”, As, “Rotational Symmetry”, As, For “Sound Waves”, As, Roughly Centered, As, “Around A Central Axis”, As, For “Symmetry”, As, A “Pattern”, As, Of Five Arms, As, For “Radial Symmetry Repeating Pattern, As, Around A Central Axis, As, For “Identical Pieces”, As, For Rotational Symmetry, As, For “Sound Waves”, As, For Rotational Symmetry, As, For “Daisies”, As, For Daisies, As, Having Space Form “Saponins”, As, For “Saponins”, As, To “Inhibit”, As, For Human Cancer Cells, As, For Saponin’s Anti-Tumor Effects, As, For “Wild Daisies”, As, For Saponin “Triterpene Glycosides”, As, “Space Forms”, As, For Triterpenoids, As, In Echinoderms, As, For “Regenerative Starfish”, Sea Cucumbers, As, For “Sponges”, As, Multi-Celled Immobile Animals, As, For Triterpene Glycosides, As, In “Daisy”, As, For “Electro-Physiology”, As, For “Animal Functionality”, As, For Plant Derived Human Cardiac Glycosides, As, For Human Effects, As, For “Electrical”, As, For Glycosides, As, A Space Form “Molecule”, As, A Sugar, As, Bound With Nonsugar “Molecules”, As, Through A Glycosidic Bond Linkage, As, For Glycoside Molecules, As, “Carbon Hydrates”, As, For Space Forming Monosaccharides, As, For “Chemical Reactions”, As, To Produce Glycosides, As, For “Chemical Reactions”, As, In Interstellar Clouds, As, For “Mammalian Monosaccharide Transporters”, As, For “Regeneration”, As, For “Ketones”, As, In “Walnuts”, As, Ketogenic, As, Human Healthy, As, For Ketones, As, “Chemicals”, As, Made In Our Human “Regenerative Liver”, As, For “Low Ketones”, As, In Human Diabetes, As, Insulin Deficiency, As, For Cancer And Diabetes, As, “Metabolic”, As, For Space Forming Monosaccharides, As, For Human Bone And Human Skeletal Tissue, As, For “Metabolic Role”, As, For “Dietary”, As, For Human’s Ingestion, As, Of Macronutrients, As, For Micronutrients, As, In Fruits And Vegetables, As, For “Phytochemicals”, As, For “Human Metabolic Balancing”, As, For Metabolics, As, “Skeletal Blood Cell Types” And Our “Calcium Reserve”, As, For “Bioactive” Space Form Oleanane Triterpene, As, From “Wood Bark”, As, For Oleanane-Type Triterpene Glycosides, As, From “Terminalia arjuna” Evergreen Tree Bark, As, For “Human’s Cardio Protection”, As, “Cardiotonic”, As, To Improve Our Human Heart’s Contractions, As, For Oleanane-Type Triterpene Acids And Glycosides, As, For Human Breast Cancer, As, For “Oleanane Saponin”, As, For Small Black Seed “Nigella sativa”, As, For Plant Nigella sativa, As, For “Monarda fistulosa Plants”, As, “Wild Bergamot”, As, “Bee Balm Herbaceous”, As, To Attract Bees, As, Steamed Distilled, As, To Produce “Space Form Essential Oil, As, For Herbs, As, Beneficial, As, For Honey Bees, As, For Herbs Increase Honey Production, As, To “Deter Viruses And Bacteria”, As, Within Bee Colonies, As, For “Herbs Anti-Viral Motions, As, For Space Forming “Aromatics”, As, In Herbs, As, “Citral Terpene”, As, For “Lemony Scent”, As, For Black Cumin, As, For Human Diabetes, As, For “Human Airway Disorders”, As, For Black Cumin Seed’s Main Active Constituent, As, “Bioactive Space Forming “Thymoquinone”, As, To Block Human Cancer Cell Growth, As, For Thymoquinone, As, Human’s Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Oxidant, As, For “Anti-Viral”, As, For “Lettuce”, As, “Lactuca sativa”, As, Of “Daisy Family”, As, For “Wild Lettuce’s” Seeds, Leaves, As, For “Sap”, As, Human Medicinal, As, For “Human Asthma”, As, For Our Higher Brain Synchronizing, As, Involving Our Thalamocortical Loops, As, Our Brain Binding, As, Our Human “Temporal Binding”, As, To Achieve, As, To “Generate Coherent Perceptual Conception”, As, Our Emergence, As, Of “Awareness”, As, Our Brain’s Multi-Scaled Organization, As, Our “Human Complex Systematics”, As, Involving, A Proton Gradient, Electrochemical Gradient, As, For “Glutamate”, As, For An Electrical Potential, As, Fast Brain Excitation, As, For Recursive Wave Interference, As, For Constructive Wave Interference, As, Our Human Long Term Potentiality, As, For “Phase Conjugation”, As, “Waves Of Charge”. Thank-you.


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