With so many real estate sectors in a state of flux, mixed-use regeneration schemes are looking like a surer bet
Everyone in real estate has their favoured sectors. However much we like to think of ourselves as dispassionate analysers of markets and potential returns, we all have an asset class where we’re more inclined to see the upside and look past some of the negatives. For every person that loves the glamour of luxury retail, there’s another that can’t get enough of the simplicity of sheds.?
For those that like a challenge, it is large-scale urban regeneration that gets them out of bed in the morning. There is something undeniably appealing about taking a site that has fallen from grace and creating a place where people come together
Done well, regeneration is that rare mix of commercial viability and social usefulness
But delivering such schemes is hard. Really hard. Vision, optimism and persistence are some of the real estate sector’s most attractive qualities, but regeneration specialists need these attributes more than most. These projects take years, decades even, and it’s a fight all the way. Spotting an opportunity
Given the challenges and long-term commitments involved, it is no surprise that many look elsewhere when devising their investment strategies
If the attractions of major regeneration are a significant ‘pull’ factor for investment capital, there are increasingly ‘push’ factors too. In times past, developers looking for an exciting, long-term project
Across much of the UK and Europe, there are plenty of locations that are ripe for just such an approach. Deindustrialisation and, latterly, the impact of the internet on how people live have left a swathe of assets unviable for the role they were initially built for, but not necessarily at the end of their useful lives. Olympia was first opened 138 years ago; reimagining a much-loved building to position it for the next 138 years is quite the legacy.
There are probably easier ways to make money from real estate, but surely none as ultimately satisfying as breathing new life into something that had lost its way. As we look to build cities that truly cater to the way we live now, it is the urban regenerators that will lead the way.
Have a great weekend.