RegAlytics Weekly Alerts – 5.11.2022

RegAlytics Weekly Alerts – 5.11.2022?

I sometimes think to myself, I can’t be an expert on all of this and then I remember that most of you are just watching one specific area.? And if I was let’s say ONLY following cannabis, I could easily become the leading expert on just cannabis regs.? I mean, there’s only 100 a week.? But I like a challenge and to that end, I am going to invite all of you to Thursday’s webinar on Russia and Ukraine, where I will distill everything you need to know about the 1,562 alerts that have come out so far this year.? Use the link in the comments to sign up.? It’s at noon eastern time.?

5 State Securities Regulators: Shut Down Russian NFT Scam?

The Regulators of the Week are the 50 States.? Whew!? So much, starting with 5 state securities regulators working together to take down the Flamingo Casino Club – which is a Russian-operated scam focused on selling NFTs in the metaverse.?

Five States File Enforcement Actions to Stop Russian Scammers Perpetrating Metaverse Investment Fraud?

Acting AG Platkin Announces Action by New Jersey Bureau of Securities to Stop Russian Scammers Perpetrating NFT Investment Fraud?

CA: Social Media Violence?

California is proposing changes to the CCPA, which covers any social media operator with over a million monthly users. They need to conspicuously address how they combat violence on their platform, and also, the rule change would allow a victim of such violence to have a right to sue the social media operator to remove the post.?

Senate Bill SB1056: Violent Posts (Regular Session)?

CA: Cannabis Catering?

California is also proposing a rule change that would allow caterers to get a license to serve cannabis at private events.?

State Assembly Bill AB2844: Cannabis Catering (Regular Session)?

NJ: Employer Cannabis Exceptions?

Also on cannabis, New Jersey has a rule on the table that would allow an employer to prohibit recreational use of cannabis by its employees IF it falls under the exceptions listed by this new law.? The exceptions are like, “operating heavy machinery, operating weapons, law enforcement officers etc.”?

Senate Bill S2518: Permits Employers to Prohibit Use of Cannabis (2022-2023 Regular Session)?

RI: Modernizing Credit Cards?

Rhode Island is working to modernize its rules around credit card to pave the route for some of the new fintechs out there.??

House of Representatives Bill H7434: General Regulatory Provisions: Credit Card Lending (2022 Regular Session)?

LA: Ways to Utilize Crypto?

Louisiana is proposing a bill that would direct the local Cash Management Review Board to consider and report on ways the state can utilize cryptocurrency.?

House of Representatives Concurrent Resolution HCR103: Cryptocurrency (2022 Regular Session)?

NY: Brooklyn Clean Energy?

Finally, Con Edison filed a petition with NY State’s Public Service to repurpose an existing plant in Brooklyn to prepare to a way to accept some 9 gigawatts of offshore wind that NY is trying to generate before 2035. Comment period is open!?

Proposed Rule Making: Brooklyn Clean Energy Hub and Cost Recovery?

?Topic of the Week: Abortion?

The Topic of the Week is abortion.? Why?? Because last year, there were a total of 43 regulatory alerts on the topic of abortion.? This year, so far? 169.? 60 of those are from last 12 days since the Supreme Court leak.?

I’ll bet you’re all dying in curiosity how the break down is and where its going, and I will give it you, but only if you sign up for a RegAlytics demo.?

Attorney General Ferguson Seeks Protection for Out-of-State Abortion Providers?

Senate Bill SB1142: Abortion Services (Regular Session)?

House of Representatives Resolution HR138: Study of State Laws: Abortion (2022 Regular Session)?

Statement by Ricardo Lara, Insurance Commissioner of California: Bold Leadership on Multiple Fronts to Face Mounting Threats?

General Assembly Bill A3975: Jurisdiction Over New Jersey Resident (2022-2023 Regular Session)?

Improving Access to Abortion Services and Information Under the Sexual and Reproductive Health Fund?

Proclamation: National Women's Health Week?

Attorney General James Provides Guidance to Protect the Digital Privacy of People Seeking Abortion Care?

House of Representatives Bill H7442: Health Care for Children and Pregnant Women: Abortion Coverage (2022 Regular Session)?

Senate Bill SB1245: Los Angeles County Abortion Access Safe Haven Pilot Program (Regular Session)?

Governor Pritzker Announces Record-Setting $11.2 Million in Funding to Support Family Planning Services Throughout Illinois?

Transcript of Pelosi Remarks at Press Event on Capitol Steps on the Supreme Court Draft Decision on Roe v. Wade?

Government of Canada Strengthens Access to Abortion Services?

Government of Canada Strengthens Access to Abortion Services?

Representative Sheila Jones Stands for Access to Legal Abortions?

Statement by Nancy Pelosi, Speaker, United States House of Representatives: Senate Republicans’ Unanimous Vote Against Women’s Health Freedom?

Governor Newsom Proposes Reproductive Health Package to Strengthen Protections, Expand Access, and Welcome Businesses from Anti-Abortion States?

Statement by John Bel Edwards, Governor, Office of the Governor: Opposing Radical Anti-Woman House Bill 813?

Governor Murphy Renews Efforts to Secure Reproductive Rights and Bolster Access to Reproductive Health Care in New Jersey?

Government of Canada to Announce Funding to Strengthen Access to Abortion Services (May 11, 2022)?

Legislative Mandates for FY 2022?

Senate Bill SB2444: Local Government Finances (112th General Assembly)?

Senate Bill SB1103: Financial Benefits to Abortion Facilities and Their Affiliates or Associates (2022 Regular Session)?

SEC: SPAC Disclosures?

Last four.?

One, the SEC put out another proposed rule on SPAC disclosures and comments are due May 31st.? They want to really get into the sponsors, conflicts of interest, and what really is going into the underwriting of those instruments.?

Special Purpose Acquisition Companies, Shell Companies, and Projections?

?EBA: Crowdfunding Disclosures?

Two, the EBA published its final draft RTS specifying the information that crowdfunding service providers have to provide to investors on the calculation of credit scores and prices. The final draft specifies minimum set of standards required for a proper credit risk assessment and loan valuation because the EBA finds that investors using the platforms are sometimes operating with insufficient information – especially if the crowdfunding platform hasn’t done enough due diligence.?

EBA Publishes Final Technical Standards on Crowdfunding Service Providers?

?Toomey: SIFIs Politicized?

Three, Pat Toomey in the Senate is complaining about SIFI designations.? For those of you who don’t know what a SIFI is, its basically a “too big to fail” designation that certain entities get which elevates them to a higher standard of regulatory scrutiny.? Pat Toomey, a Republican, is using his position on the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs to voice his thoughts that this too, is becoming too political and focused on climate change instead of being economic.?

Statement by Pat Toomey, Ranking Member, Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs: FSOC Must Focus on Real Risks, Not Political Issues?

?Canada: Flights for Ukrainians?

Last one, because I thought it was uplifting.? Canada is offering 3 federal charter flights to Canada for Ukrainians and their family members to come to Canada for safety.?

Federal Charter Flights for Ukrainians Who Want to Come to Canada?

You Need a Plan For Regulatory Change!?

And that’s it this week for RegAlytics.? We have the most comprehensive, coherent, and customizable regulatory alerts tool in the world.? Come and see how company after company is transforming their compliance with this kind of transparency.? See you next Wednesday!?



