Regaining the Public's Trust in the Election Process
American Distrust in State Government and Elections
We've all witnessed the erosion of trust Americans have in Government and the electoral system, despite best efforts by officials to tighten security and boost voter confidence.
The situation has become so volatile recently with Election Officials and Poll Workers lives and wellbeing in constant danger, that the Department of Justice has created new legislation to protect Election Workers Safety and Privacy
“When we don’t meet their expectations, it actually undermines their trust in government. We undermine trust both in our competence and the extent to which we understand and care about those in need of our service.” - Clare Martorana, Chief Information Officer
Let's talk about why...
It's not all Social Media's Fault
Social Media is an amplifier, but it's not the cause. While Social Media and online misinformation catches most of the blame, it's really just a symptom of the larger issue.
Imagine you need help from an organization, company, or agency (that you can't reach in-person) you're channeled to interact with them over the phone, online chat, or email. And if those channels are overloaded, ineffective, broken, or inaccessible, it's unfair and leaves you feeling helpless, angry, and distrusting the system.
‘We’re down 50 employees’: DHS staffing under scrutiny as SNAP recipients decline in RI
Rhode Island's SNAP Benefits story is one example that is pretty universal these days. Call & Email centers operating with a fraction of their pre-pandemic headcount, and unable to support vulnerable citizens when they need it most - for instance, applying or recertifying for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits.
Government resources and services are inaccessible to many citizens
Forms and document accessibility is a real challenge faced by nearly every state which the Pandemic has intensified. Interacting and complying with the government always involves some document or form that has to be filled out and submitted. Now, if you don't own the right technology (Desktop Computer), have adequate technical proficiency, speak the native language, or are lucky enough to not be visually impaired, the entire process is a challenge at best, and seemingly impossible at worst.
Here are examples of when document accessibility is a challenge
Take 5 minutes to put yourself in the shoes of someone who only owns a cell phone, or faces one of the other challenges listed above. Browse your agencies website and try to navigate your way through one of your processes. What's it like trying to open a form and fill it out?
How easy or challenging was the process for you?
When you hit “submit” on an application do you have any insight into the process. “Am I done? Am I going to get the thing that I’m trying to get? When am I going to get it? What is it going to look like? What other steps need to happen?”
Positive Experiences Rebuild Trust in Government
Agencies have demonstrated it is possible to shift the mindset of an entire agency to a customer-first ethos. For example, the Department of Veterans Affairs' enterprise-wide, comprehensive customer experience initiatives raised trust in the VA among veterans by 24% since 2016.
Rebuilding trust is doable and can start with small manageable steps. I believe the easiest place to start is with Forms and Document Accessibility. That's where people tend to get hung up, cut out, or stuck in the process. Code For America has proved that it doesn't require teams of consultants or multi-million dollar solutions. Most agencies already own the tools to begin modernizing their forms and documents. The process can be approached in a incremental modular fashion based on available resources and man-hours.
Benefits of an Improved Citizen Experience
When people are well taken care of, processes are transparent, and expectations are met empathetically - people naturally become less sceptical, critical, and angry.
Government employee morale increases when it feels like you're making a positive impact. When people are truly getting the help they need, they are incredibly appreciative. Think about how much easier it will be to fill vacant positions in Government when overall sentiment is positive. And once headcount is back to pre-pandemic levels, spreading the workload - serving more people at scale, the entire process becomes a virtuous cycle.
It's time to get the flywheel spinning in this direction, and it starts with your leadership.
Here's how Adobe is showing up to help
Across the country Adobe is supporting agencies with Accessibility Assessments, Strategies, Roadmaps, Training, Tools, and Thought Leadership. We want to help you and your agency.
If you'd like to learn more about how we can help, I'd love to hear from you.
Jason Zagami - Adobe
State Government Account Director
Phone: 781-929-7946
Email: [email protected]
Great read!!