Regain Your Youthful World of Possibility
There was a time when you thought you could be anything when you grew up. Your world was full of possibilities. What happened?
Some people want to blame their parents, who went from “you can do whatever you desire to do” to “you better quit dreaming and get a job.”
The reality is, more often than not, you got a job to pay the bills, then life started to happen. Before you knew it, the job you planned on staying at “until I find something better” has now been considered your second home for more than a decade.
Instead of being excited about future possibilities, too many people are disappointed with where they are, and worse, have no plan for getting somewhere else. Most have accepted where they are is where they will stay. Don’t let this be you!
Remember this, great things in life don’t happen when social media tells you they’re supposed to happen. They happen when the time and conditions are right.
When you realize there are possibilities out there, it becomes easier to keep preparing, keep getting better, keep learning and growing, so when the time and conditions are right, you’ll be rewarded with the perfect opportunity for you.
I want to share three things you need to rediscover your youthful world of opportunity. I encourage you to pause, open your mind to wonder, and observe small children. You will discover each child, regardless of background, will possess the three things I’m about to share with you.
The first thing you will need to rediscover is resilience. Children know what they want. If something is out of reach, they will try to go around, climb over, crawl under, or go through, whatever is preventing them from reaching what they desire. If they still cannot obtain what they want, they won’t hesitate to seek help in getting it. If someone ignores them, they move onto someone else. If they are told no, they will ask again, again, and again. Imagine the possibilities you would have if you didn’t stop at the first obstacle or the first rejection. Don’t let anyone steal your dreams.
The second thing you will need to rediscover is joy in your heart. If you watch children, they are joyful. They are laughing, smiling, and enjoying life. They do this when they are on a playground, playing with others, and even when they are by themselves! Whether you need to be resilient to have joy in your heart, or you have to have joy in your heart to be resilient, I’m not sure. I am sure you need both to regain your youthful world of possibility. After a child has been told no and has resolved he/she is not going to get what they want, when the crying is over, the child is loving and joyful, even to the one that rejected the desired outcome. Imagine the possibilities that would be open to you, if you didn’t hold a grudge, if you forgave those that rejected you in the past. Don’t let your past equal your future. The past may have been a hard “no.” Today may be a “yes!”
The third thing that will help you regain your youthful world of possibility is to reignite your curiosity. Parents are constantly (but unintentionally) trying to curb a child’s curiosity with “don’t touch that”, “leave it alone”, “you’re going to get hurt”, “that’s yucky”, “stop, you’re going to break it”, “quit knocking it over”, and so on. The reality is each child is figuring out what is going on in the world and how they fit in. While we think children are fascinated with buttons, they’re really fascinated with what the buttons do. Imagine wondering why a button on the wall turns the light on the ceiling on and off. When you take a moment to think about all of the things you possess, each one is a result of someone’s curiosity. Curiosity starts with questions. How can I get better? How can I improve my situation? How can I benefit those around me? What can I do to increase my value? What processes can I improve? Who do I have to become to be worthy of a promotion? Who do I have to become to own a business and have people want to work with me? If you ask better questions, you get better answers. Imagine your possibilities when you start asking better questions!
Remember, there is greatness within you. You have to choose greatness. It won’t develop on its own. I believe in you!
I have a grandson, Ethan. He turns two this week. He is full of resilience, has joy overflowing in his heart, and is as curious as the day is long. Every night, I pray he stays resilient, keeps joy in his heart, and remains curious. I pray the same for you.
“Don’t wish for things to be easier, wish to become better.”
Take Action Today!
If you would like assistance with regaining your youthful world of possibility, I can help you. We can meet by phone, through Zoom, or at a mutually convenient location. Whether you choose me or someone else, a coach will expedite your results. All change is best supported through consistent guidance and practice.
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Published by Bryan M. Balch, Results Coach
Helping Individuals and Businesses Achieve Desired Results