Refuse to Pick Up More “Human Parasites” in 2020
It’s the dumbest thing.
Most people collect friends the way dogs collect ticks and fleas. They go about their merry way doing whatever they’re doing, totally oblivious to how many parasites they’ve become infested with along the way.
People pick up what I call “Human Parasites” by letting anyone latch onto them, no matter how unhealthy they may be. Unlike pets who can be treated with medications to prevent ticks and fleas, there is no medication to prevent Human Parasites.
There are VERY few things that will have a greater impact on how happy, successful, and healthy you’ll be at the end of 2020 than the people you allow in your inner circle throughout the year. While it’s not possible to eliminate all negative people in your life, you can at least limit your exposure.
No matter what area of your life you want to improve, it will start improving the minute you start improving the quality of the people you hang around.
This is why I challenge you to begin the new year by taking this “Better People Pledge”:
In 2020, I will spend:
>> LESS time around people who think they’re so important that it’s okay not to return calls and emails, and MORE around those who practice the Golden Rule.
>> LESS time around people who want to tell me how to do my job even though they’ve never done my job, and MORE around those who actually know what they’re talking about.
>> LESS time around people who don’t take time to thank me when I do something for them, and MORE around those who understand the importance of gratitude.
>> LESS time around broke people who always want to give financial advice, and MORE around self-made millionaires who are willing to share their wisdom.
>> LESS time around people who always have something negative to say, and MORE around those who can find the silver lining in the darkest clouds.
>> LESS time around people who don’t do what they say they’re going to do, and MORE around those whose word is their bond.
>> LESS time around people who think the world owes them something, and MORE around those who expect nothing but appreciate everything.
>> LESS time around people who are always looking for what they can get, and MORE around those always looking for ways to give.
>> LESS time around people who do things I wouldn’t want my kids to do, and MORE around the kind of people I want my kids to grow up to be like.
>> LESS time around people who are always envious of others, and MORE around those who know how to be happy for others even when their own lives aren’t going so well.
>> LESS time around people who are always looking for others to bail them out of the messes they get themselves into, and MORE around those who solve their own problems.
If you’ll take and keep the Better People Pledge today, you’ll be AMAZED at how much better 2020 will be for you than 2019 was.
In Servant Leadership,
Glenn Shepard
P.S. The Better People Pledge is copyrighted material. However, you may share, repost, retweet, print, or redistribute in any way it as long as the author is properly attributed.
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