Refurbish / Renovate your online presence in these hard times.
By Ashish Bajaj - Yng Media

Refurbish / Renovate your online presence in these hard times.

1.It is easy you can do it - its always not about agencies and experts. You are your brands best spokes person and know the best about your journey and qualities.

2. The first and foremost requirement is a neat and clean website that compliments the services / products you provide and explains it easily to the customer in 15 seconds or less. There are many Do it yourself options available online. and others. They have templates and updating them and sewing together is fairly easy.

3. Start small and make improvements on the way, as the founder of LinkedIn once said. If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product you have launched it too late.

4. Most websites need 5 to 10 pages. You need not come up with complex network of pages. Should be fairly easy to start with your home page where you explain all in summary the products and services, who your customers have been , how to contact you and start the sales / inquiry conversation. Other elements that are good to add are introduction about your team. The brand story and the journey so far.

5. 15 word pitch and call to action. The most time the customer spends on your website is on the first fold. Come up with a 15 word pitch that explains your business easily to your customer, followed by a quick call to action, like fill this form to get a quote or call us now , click here to chat with us. The faster the connect the higher the changes of a business deal.

6. Think like a customer and come up with search terms / keywords that your customer would use on google to find a business like yours. Ensure you have content about those keywords / search terms on your home page. Ensure they are in your URL , meta title, page description , page title and page content. Don't stuff it too much if its good for humans its good for search engines too.

7. Do it yourself platforms do help you integrate tracking and progress tools like google analytics and google search console. Do integrate them , spend some time learning the basics of both . It would give you a lot of insight on how your website is shaping up on search engines.

It should be a good start - If you have any further questions you can drop me a message.


