Refugees, Migration & An Integrated Plan that reforests and upcycles Pacific Plastic to help solve drought.
Albert Einstein, The Dalai Lama, Victor Hugo, Jerry Springer, Billy Wilder, Gloria Estafan, Sigmund Freud, Sir Alec Iissigonis, Anne Frank, Pope Gregory, Les Murray...Were all refugees.
Refugees Introduction
The refugee crisis is the humanitarian issue of unequaled proportions of our time.
The result has been disruption to many political processes in International politics and this has been ongoing for almost two decades. It is such a complex issue, that in order to instigate policies that really work, has been such a complicated task that no government or organisation has really known fully how to manage or even to cope particularly well with the crisis.
Turkey has spent 7.6 Billion Euros hosting 2.2 million refugees. Germany one year spent in excess of 20 Billion Euros. There have been 1.3 million that have crossed The Mediterranean or Aergen Seas. 5-8,000 people drowning per year. The cost of housing one refugee in Europe is costing 32,000 Euros per year. The total EU cost is likely to be in excess of 200 Billion Euros per year.
There is not one political strategist that makes the claim of being able to significantly resolve this crisis that is about as complicated and entrenched as any political conundrum in history has ever been. I do claim to have an answer. One that can bring together countries with seemingly entrenched and conflicting perspectives.
Traditional Left/Right politics as defined in the past century would imply that bridging all these differences is seemingly impossible within a single political union. Yet, I work from a differing perspective to others. My perspective is that the idea of workers of the world uniting happened with the uptake of the internet. That the major paradigm shift that that created was the fact that people of opposing ideas can find common ground, can find incremental ideas to agree upon, even if their overall political ideology is apparently in discord. I use a process that I call "Integrated Modelling" to start to solve an issue by actually creating a dual focus. One focus being the problem, in this case "mass refugees and immigration" I then look to find a seemingly unrelated subject and find a way to bridge the two and create completely new perspectives to totally change the situation and generate a tapestry of new answers. The unrelated issue for Migration I look to now for providing new answers for is The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, an area of plastic floating in the Pacific Ocean, three times larger than France.
For knowing how to progress with the refugee issue, there have been seemingly as many approaches tried as there are countries receiving refugees. There have been many heart rendering moments, like the boy washed up on the beach and the boatloads of people escaping from sinking dinghies. To the best of my knowledge there has not been a thesis produced of how it may be possible to very much curtail and potentially go a considerable way to actually solving the situation and find once again a way for the equilibrium that has been long lost to be re-found. People smuggling is a business and some operate from shop fronts and have a network of people assisting them on their routes including officials that turn apparently blind eye to the practice.
Today the refugee crisis is the major issue of today and not even during WW2 was the issue of refugees displaced in Europe influencing and affecting the Western world in the way it is today. Whilst I am not going to cover all the wrong doing that has been going on. I leave that for the rest of the media. What I am going to cover is primarily an overview strategy that looks at the principle elements from a geo-political perspective and outlines a methodology to start to solve the crisis. This is referring to solving the crisis politically by suggesting positioning that governments could take and then this aligning with the work of NGO's, innovators and with social enterprise models that together can significantly reduce the burden on governments and produce some means for the refugees to find a happier and more self-sufficient future. We have three primary areas of refugee concern.
1. Europe.
2. USA.
3. Middle East
3. Asia.
In Asia the issue has been with displacement of people such as the Rottinga. The most concerning refugee issue in Asia has been avoided which would have resulted from any conflict in the Korea's. The reason I mention this is vitally important because it proves and demonstrates that if there is the political will to avoid at all costs the drivers for the issue, the issue can be mitigated. Prevention is better than cure and by increasing the stability on the Korea's, this has solved many inter-connected issues before they otherwise would have inevitably happened. The Middle East aspect of this I'm not going to focus on in this article so much. The reason for this is that is firstly it is easier to construct a model for Europe and the USA together and if that is instigated, as I define within this document, then that also addresses The Middle East. In order to get more detail of how, then study earlier published "Integrated Models".
There are also refugee issues in many other parts of the world, and information from here can be extrapolated to there, however my thesis is primarily on Europe and the USA.
Cause of the Middle East and European Issue.
The first driver was environmental in the mid 1980's. The changing environment caused the famine in Ethiopia that then led onto wider famine issues and the displacement of many people in many countries throughout the continent. The issue was highlighted by the Band Aid venture and this helped lead to a new found global awareness of socio-environment issues.
There were migration issues in the Middle East and Africa due to various factors and despot leaders, the principle next major phase began in 2000's with the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. The issue began to expand out from Iraq and created a destabilising factor for other nations in the region.
The Arab Spring originated as another factor. This was caused again primarily as a culmination of environmental pressures reducing capacity, coupled with heightened economic pressures coupled with taxation. Various corrupt governments were replaced, however the overall effect was the increase in the displacement of more people.
The environmental and economic pressures in Africa combined with conflicts in the Middle East oppressive regimes and religious persecution had culminated in what can described as "an inverted Integrated displacement model in action. A perfect storm of millions of subsistence farmers that for generations have lived within the environmental conditions they found themselves in all of a sudden were in circumstances they could no longer cope with. UnfairTrade agreements have also played a part in causing the problem. There were many reports of farmers in some regions having to throw away their produce and locally to have to purchase imported produce. The over use of farm land without soil regeneration another factor, hotter winters, disruption to season rains, flooding and a multitude of other factors have produced conditions that have become intolerable to so many.
Whilst the situation in Africa and The Middle East was contained until 2011. The invasion of Libya and then a second civil war in the country opened the floodgates to the refugee crisis in Africa and The Middle East spilling over into Europe.
The European experiment with the EU has suffered greatly as a result of this with the burden being most notably felt by Greece and Italy, however with refugees going into Europe through Turkey and leaving via Morocco into Spain the issue has become a very pronounced southern Europe issue. What adds considerably to this are the existing European pressures on the Southern countries such as Greece, Spain and Italy.
European Issue driving wedges between the closest allies.
Firstly, I have to be clear with this. Currently individual EU states are still seeing the issue from a national perspective. There are too many "moving parts" to the situation to be able to see it from a completely inter-national perspective. So really there is only one alternative and that is to see it from what I call "An Integrated Perspective" puts the pieces of an abstact seemingly unrelated web of issues together from a perspective that does not just consider Europe but considers the world, the nations these migrants are coming from and draft the plan from that perspective firstly work back from their to regional and there to national. Chancellor Angela Mercal has hinted at something close to this by saying we have to stabalise Syria firstly. So I believe that she is beginning to sing from he same songbook as I , however I have taken the whole basis of the solution much further and broader. So in Essence what I am saying here is that national leaders should perceive the answer to the refugee crisis in a way they have never thought in terms of political strategy before. They are trained to put their national interests first, then regional then International. Whilst that may function for every other issue, it's impossible for it to function for the refugee issue. However, by inverting priorities, which is very easy to do the answers in other countries can be met, this then reduces the flow of refugees and this then enables the national priority of less refugees to be fulfilled.
How we can outsmart predictions again.
The peace talks and agreement between the Korea's, were assisted in part with "An Integrated Model" writen last August providing a "narrative" that could be applied to get through the complex situation that no leaders nor the UN had been able to chart for over sixty years. The excellent leadership on that particularly important issue led to negotiations and then a personal relationship between President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un developing. The first constructive relationship between the West, North Korea and South Korea since before the Korean war. All sides in those discussions and today all sides feeling more secure.
Whatever opinions there are on President Trump policies and there are so many opinions. The opening up to talks he did is the single best choice for peace ever made by a President. North Korea had not been given a chance. There had only ever been pressure put onto Korea's and whilst President Obama said that was going to be the single greatest challenge of The Trump Presidency, yet there was a peaceful way out with talks. This path Trump took This is not to say that other Trump policies should not be questioned of course they should, anyone that is a leader should be ready to instigate, defend and adapt policies where suited and if a better option presents itself become a truly wise leader and shift course. The truth is being a truly great leader is not about having all the answers. What it really is, is presenting some answers and if they are improved upon along the way then they can become great answers. Changing and adapting to the path of least resistance and the best conditions is what makes a good business person and a leader. Bad leaders think they know everything, do listen to others and then do not adapt. Adapting gracefully to the best knowledge around is the art of great leadership in the information and new insight propelled world we now live in, in the 21st Century. However, when it comes to peace making in Asia, Trump did a better job than any President ever has and that one path to diplomacy which was asymmetrical to the policies of so many other Presidents that have gone before is something that should be confirmed.
If that type of policy making goes into other regions so much is possible and the longest running wars can finally and honestly find peaceful resolution. With the utmost enlightened leadership, which of course like all of us do have their faults, however if the higher ground to many of these issues is really sought today, then we really could achieve the closest the World has ever come since many thousands of years, the first real steps towards greater International peace. I believe that this is not only feasible in our lifetimes, it is feasible within the next two or three years, if optimum policies are created and enacted. So the Nostradamus prophesy and those of the most accurate computer algorithms of Stanford and New York Universities that predicted a war of the Mongols, that equates to The Korea's has has been thwarted and prevented. This prevented a massive refugee situation from ever occurring, however this refugee plan dovetails with some new potential answers for other countries.
Various people of the past, predicted the refugee crisis going into Europe from Africa and The middle East. This prediction has been accurate, and does appear to align to present day concerns in the EU , the issue is more divisive between member states and within member states than any other issue. I consider however, that this model if instigated through the EU and as close to how it is produced as possible, can provide a completely new perspective of the whole issue and this will reduce migrants to a more manageable level. it can be the answer required and give the EU an incredible and very worthwhile sense of purpose and even more justified reason for being such a Union. This can Improve perceptions of States wanting to help solve the issue and populations to see the whole situation in a more positive light. This is not a whole answer, but a process answer. In other words better answers will evolve through the course of the instigation of this. This strategy is limited in so much as it can only be of the optimal benefit with the full cooperation and partnership of governments, whether this is in the EU or the USA. In both cases this reduces the scale of the problem and simultaneously helps better answer other existing issues. This coupled with the introduction of policies can potentially provide an optimal path to avoid the refugee crisis getting worse or to a critical point in the relationships between EU members or the political divergence of opinion in the USA becoming any more confrontational. This plan releases a pressure valve on the entire refugee issue. This is significant and worthwhile, and a start towards an improvement of the situation from many vantage points.
Refugee moral issues.
Refugees are seen as a one way expense that need to be carried before assimilating into society and contributing. The numbers are vast and yet it is how to deal with the inescapable truth that vast populations are changing continents. Should they be welcomed or sent back or a balance of both depending on circumstances? Is the correct moral answer to be kind to them or to be indifferent to their needs? Is it morally correct to provide help to them or is it morally correct to see the drain they are putting on our societies and therefore to simply look to protect our own? Reading blogs on the issue this is the discourse on the internet. It is also represented in the view points presented by governments of EU countries. it is also the same debate between the US administration and senators in the US.
How bad has the refuge issue for families?
In the Uk policies on immigrants are said to be deliberately harsh. In the USA, children have been separated from their parents. In Europe there have been many other reports of abuse including from Oxfam. or abuse, neglect and taking refugees mobile phones away from them so they loose contact with their children and parents. There are indefinite detention centres, gangs, rapes and whole host of reported and unreported issues that have occurred. What has not been reported can only be speculated upon. What is very clear is that a great many people are in conditions that they do not want and this is costly and not the best answers to the issue.
What was the public reaction to this?
The media and public reaction to this has been anger, concern in the Western media. It is quite clear that whilst the policies are considered totally unacceptable No matter how difficult and seemingly overwealming the issue clearly is considered by governments. There have to be better answers. Neither the media, nor the public can permit children to be be separated from parents. This has happened both in the USA and Europe. They will ask for and demand answers. If governments are really unable to provide these answers, and if the desperate measures continue then this will inevitably become even more concern and the public will not get used to this. Who can not have empathy for children as young as four or five taken away from their parents? This is certainly not going to pressure people into not leaving their countries. These types of policies will simply lead to more division among people in Western countries and disenchantment. One issue that everyone agrees upon is that any form of abuse is not an answer. Most clearly when these people are simply trying to escape from wars, poverty and persecution.
The refugee crisis was the single most significant factor in influencing the Brexit vote. The immigration crisis reducing the unity up the EU. The immigration policy into the UK was the primary reason for Brexit and the basis attempted re-negotiations with the EU and failed prior to the Brexit vote being called. The truth is that at the time the EU did not have a fully comprehensive plan of how it could deal with the entire complexity of the migration crisis, it's complex but some new answers like this can potentially progress discussions and lead to improved agreements. However, some very good measures have been taken and if there was an in or out ultimatum through economic measures introduced it could bring together a plan that starts to work for the entire European Union.
The Migration issue is so complex due to the vast quantity of moving parts within the crisis. It can be likened to "the moving parts" issue of overall global development that impeded the capacity for agreement on Climate Change for twenty five years. It required so many years of talking essentially at cross purposes between such diversely variant countries with a plethora of needs for it to register the only viable process for Climate Agreement was to have a flexible agreement. To have properly empowered that would then have required the uptake of innovations with very rapid extrapolations and many increment multilateral agreements. What the EU should be going for is a flexible agreement that then has incentives and disincentives for cooperation. The countries that carry the largest burden are already funded, however the costs are running far into the billions. There has to be an economic model established to reduce and subsidize the costs.
For the EU it is still causing serious issues with some Eastern European countries being against accepting immigrants. With Italy and Greece getting most of the immigrants and expense. With Italy now having an anti-immigration right wing party, yet one of the greatest burdens of refugees. In response to the speed required to adequately process asylum claims, the EU established "hotspots" in Greece and Italy. These places identify, register and fingerprint incoming migrants and redirect them either towards asylum or to return them. Many "hotspots" though are over crowded and understaffed. Their is little external supervision so neglect, abuses and national gang confrontations are part of everyday life if these camps. When politicians and policy makers are jeered out of restaurants, soon after introducing a policy it is very clear that a re-think is required.
A perceptual shift of refugees can be possible and is essential.
The current perception is that they are coming here to take our resources in one way or another and we do not have enough resources for ourselves. The refugee issue is frequently not see in terms of what they can offer and what we require. Refugees are seen only in the context of net cost rather than net asset. That is where this plan varies from any other presented. This plan seeks to set out a path so that the people that are refugees and migrants can make a very substiantial contribution to our society. The contribution that they make will alter all perceptions and yet this improvement they make to the world is done so in a way that additionally reduces the flow of more immigrants. The cost involved in helping them make a really valued contribution is achieve not through more government hand outs, but by the instigation of a really advanced collaborative economy model. This reduces the expenditure of either the EU or the US and enables some of them to become much more financially independent and self supporting. Through their own work there is a new path to progression.
In Jordan it cost $3,000 to care for a refugee and provide water, food, shelter, education and opportunity. In Europe that figure is closer to $30,000
The costs of keeping people in the EU can be reduced in two ways. 1. Looking to buffer countries in North Africa to assist. 2. Creating slef-help methodologies as presented in this document. If costs in keeping refugees are spent in better ways that factor in self-help then that money will go much further and assist in solving the issue or some of the issues for more people.
Looking towards buffer countries, EU-Turkey issues and the human rights questions creating new quagmires to be traversed.
In 2016, the EU announced a deal with Turkey to try to stop people from moving into Europe through Turkey. Turkey was promised dfinancial assistance,visa free travel to the EU for Turkish citizens and faster EU accession. However, the EU-Turkey deal failed to close the border and thousands of migrants continued to travel in through the use of gangs. Since the deal only 750 asylum seekers have been sent back from Greece to Turkey. This is because the Greek officials and courts consider Turkey to be not safe. However, this deal is one example of what is considered a controversial practice, in which the EU links economic incentives and aid to agreements by states to stem and mange the movements of people from their territory. Similar deal are being approved with countries including Libya, Egypt, Sudan and Nigeria. In 2016, the European Commission proposed a "Partnership Framework" with countries in the Middle East and Africa. This led to criticism by a broad range of groups for deal making with countries with poor human rights records, and for conflicting with international protection frameworks, including the right to leave one's own country. The EU continues to support refugees in countries like Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan-Where the majority of Syrian refugees are hosted.
Right to Stay or Sent back? Now a third option.
Every day there are petitions inviting participation to prevent people who have had the right to stay revoked and are due to be sent back to a country that could have anything other than their best interests. There can be very difficult situations and some people can get sent back to their country of origination and face unfair imprisonment. This model I present offers a third alternative. It provides a place that is neither in the country they were travelling too and not the country they are being sent back to. This offers a third and a forth potential option. Therefore more refugees can be assisted and some this could provide a them with a vital way to avoid the trauma and potential danger by being returned home.
The Use of EU partnerships to leverage improvements to Human Rights.
The question of whether it is ethical to do deals with countries with poor human rights records is not the first that should be getting asked, if these countries are not detaining migrants. Countries that have poor human rights records have deals in so many other ways. Was it only countries with the best human rights records allowed into the United Nations or The Paris Climate Accord? Agreements with countries with poor human rights records that can help stem the tide of refugees should be leveraged towards better human rights records by doing deals with them rather than not. There is no doubt that the human rights issues within the whole of the Korean peninsula will go up considerably due to negotiations being made. By not engaging with countries with bad human rights records, they simply continue. Whilst human rights should be upheld and if these countries wish to partner and benefit with EU incentives their human rights records should be improved significantly towards European expectations.
Alternatively, if the EU is not going to have these "buffer" countries to assist in reducing the flow of immigrants, and the border is to be within EU countries then the cost of processing goers up considerably. To the point where Italy is considering flying 500,000 refugees back and that is dangerously costly to the countries economy. The reality is that if the EU tried too hard to protect all the people's rights trying to get to the EU and yet numbers continue to rise, then the financial burden will be unsustainable, essentially it could jeopardise the EU itself both politically and in some ways financially that then leads to political discord as is being seen currently between a few EU countries. The reason that the refugee issue was held back for so long was because of Libia provided a "Buffer" and that there was a more political, military and environmental stability in the past. By working with countries outside of the EU that does reduce the strain upon the EU. The truth is though that both the EU and the USA are pressured under the strain of the refugee issue. This plan can offer new perspective and real answers. it is ethical, factioning human rights on every level. It is financially realistic and practical answer that provides the most comprehensive framework to date to try to take on the issue and provide some new ways to progress that are good for the recipient countries as much as for the tax paying public and those seeking genuine assistance. It is providing a first interjection and is a process, that is designed as a start and would be improved upon in practice.
The populations.
Population of EU 512 Million
Population of Africa 1.2 Billion
Population of The Middle East 411 Million
The issue for the EU is that a vastly greater population total has an increasingly substantial proportion of it's population wanting to move into an economic zone, the EU that is supported by a lesser population than the places the migrants are arriving from. Of those people some are refugees with genuine asylum requirements others are economic migrants also with genuine reasons for concern considering it may well have been trade agreements produced in the EU and in the West that made their subsidence farming lifestyle unsustainable. However, the clear reality is that continents and regions with higher populations are putting increasing pressure on the smaller EU population.
The circumstances are similar a greater population having an incentive to get into the smaller area. Any form of immigration administration that is done in the USA whether it is processing applications or rejecting applications requires expenditure.
The population influences in the USA.
Population of USA 320 Million
Population of South America 414 Million
Population of Central America 311 Million
The immigration to the USA is less refugees seeking political asylum and more so economic migrants. However a combination of decades of Hollywood depicting the US as the land of milk and honey combined with the fact that many people have made there way to the USA and now wish to bring in families and relatives. All of these factors are combining to create a situation that has got to be solved, yet how?
Population perspectives of refugee's to the north.
1.7 Billion people into a landmass that seems quite full with 512 Million people. 720 Million people going into a landmass of 320 Million. For every refugee and migrant that settles there are more links to family and community. More money sent home, more strain on resources in countries where there is a significantly large group of people and the middle classes have been squeezed due to unnecessary spending on wars. Yes, all of us in some way are victims of the failed war policies of our previous governments. What the issue really is all about is that the population of Africa and Middle East into Europe and South and Central America into North America there is a funnel effect. Whilst I see the Wall concept in America as more of a political catch phrase than a true and complete answer. Yet, on the other hand it has been also very exaggerated in opposition to this too. Nearly every border in the world has fences or walls. That is fairly normal. Yet, in the context of their being so many people trying to breach the border into the USA and into Europe. The real answer is to push a significant number of the social advancement methodologies in the direction of the south and that way people have much more reason to stay where their families and communities are, which is what most people want, if you speak to them. Moving abroad is very much a secondary option to most.
There is no right or left answer to the refugee crisis where there are partner nations with such differing views. This model is one way to improve the collective narrative and potentially traverse these differences. This is obtained by presenting something new to the whole debate.
The Left welcome refugees on an ongoing basis, however due to the scale of numbers and limited resources is not scientifically possible or sustainable. Climate change is taking it's toll and left to run it's course without action is going to create ecological and therefore economic collapse on a scale we still have net yet seen. What is the most important issue is helping to make the original homelands more livable. The refugees if encouraged to come is actually also encouraging the thousands of deaths in the Mediterranean. The boats they are taking are just not made for those conditions. Whilst the left wants to show compassion to these people that desperately want out of intolerable and dangerous conditions. The kindest way to do that is to establish processing centres outside of Europe.
The right are seeking to discourage refugees by various means which are very unethical this has included detention centres in the UK. The breaking up of the Jungle camp in Calais, the separating of families in the US. The fact is from the left perspective many migrants do contribute, do do jobs local people would not do. They do achieve extraordinary things such as the development of Apple Mac computers. However, as one CNN journalist put it. We just "Don't have the capacity for this". He is right and I go further by saying "We just don't have the political philosophy to even know where to begin." Yet the harsh treatment of people caught up in this crisis is wrong. They are the victims of Western policies, wars and socio-environment pressures. Whilst so many did not stop to complain about the wars in first place, the and is causing adverse reaction. People are outraged by bad policies, especially as people are wise to knowing that the results of all those wars now affects them personally. If they were pro war in the middle east and now un-supportive of refugees, then they are hypocritical or were just short sighted of the real consequences of those wars are what these refugees are experiencing today and the pressures that this is bringing to Europe and to the USA in other ways too. Within 24 hours people turned on the politicians that were responsible for policies in separating children from their families. This has now calmed down and there is change to re-dress this. However the truth is that people are very protective of these people, they know they have suffered more than we can know and people want to put an end to this suffering by supporting them.
Border Fences.
President Trump's election pledge of "Build The Wall" tapped into many Americas's concerns over immigration, the travel bans, the dreamers issue. Whilst President Trump is determined to show that he is effective on immigration. He clearly does want to protect America in the same way that so many Europeans want to protect Europe. With illegal crossings there are risks. If the flood gates remain open the crisis only gets bigger and more complicated. It has been caused partly to past trade agreements. The concept of having a country or a barrier that is in-passable, is nothing new, nor should it be controvertial other than for the cost. It is how borders have been maintained since there were borders. The issue in the US though is the length of the border with Mexico, the issue in Europe is the same. The topography of the US make a wall challenging. The topography of Europe make the issue challenging. So many border crossings into the EU make the task of policing so difficult and people are so desperate for something better than what they have. The reality of the situation is that life in Europe and the US is better than in the places many people are fleeing from so really it is a question of finding ways that are low cost to raise their standards, make continued settlement more viable there or they will increasingly cross borders into the US and EU.
The length of a fence or wall to stretch across the breadth of the US would require it to be 1900 miles long. That's 300 miles longer than Paris to Moscow. However, there has been reference made to The Great Wall of China being over 13,000 miles long. Yet what also needs to be taken into consideration is that The Great Wall of China was built for a very different purpose. It was built to keep out the Mongols and Tibetans who used horses in raids on China. The Great wall of China was to stop people on horses and not just people. Whilst the 25 ft wall in some places could have been scaled by people, it could not have been scaled by people and horses. Therefore, it worked.
Realistically a ladder proof wall would have to be 70 ft high, and even a ladder proof wall can be bridged can have holes made in it with the only requirements being a pneumatic drill and a generator. Whilst the wall could cost trillions the equipment to penetrate the wall could cost less than a few hundred. My conclusion on the wall is that to have better fencing and walls makes sense only to slightly reduce the problem. It is not the answer. It is actually impossible to create a border that long that is completely secure and cannot be crossed. If Glastonbury Festival is used as a reference then the only way a wall could work would be to have two walls and police in the middle. Cueta, The Spanish enclave on the coast of Africa has two very high fences and even this is sometimes breached, yet is in a relatively small area compared to the stretch of the USA. To have fences on borders makes sense, however depending upon this alone, without solving the issues that are causing the migration in the first place is not realistic. People in South and Central America, Middle East and Africa are very much family and community orientated. Usually for them the very last resort is to migrate to another country. By creating incentives for people to stay and for providing migration review in exchange for work that is fed into a circular economy can reduce costs and lessen the one sided nature of people wanting to migrate. Currently all the costs and burden go to Europe and the US, there is little if any benefit and very substantial costs and political pressures created as a result. Additionally, there are many stories of despair and bad treatment this is not part of a solution. The resentment towards these people has to stop and new ways created so that the countries they are endeavoring to get into benefit is some way from them. This then provides them with a sense of self worth. It shows the people in the host countries that they have not just come in order to drain services and resources and it provides the tax payer with some form of benefit and gain as their tax money has been and still is subsidising this issue.
Learning from festivals on how to secure fences?
Glastonbury Festival is one of the largest music and cultural events in the world. Music, dance, theatre, circus and every type of It is legendary in the UK and to many the highlight of the year. It has been running for some thirty years. People getting over fences and under fences to get in used to be widely considered as an essential part of fun in going to Glastonbury Festival. There are so many stories of how people managed to get through security into the event which is held at a large farm with many fields. Each year they used to put up a fence around the perimiter, however people would get in, some people would arrive at the festival with a ladder and charge people £5 to go up their ladder. Others would arrive with a spade and dig under the fence and charge £5 that way. Sometimes whole sections of fence would get knocked down and hundreds of people would get through before it was fixed again. Even with a vast amount of security men and the fence people would still find a way through and this is only around a farm. The issues of people getting in became so serious it was jeoparsiding permission for the festival so what the festival did is began using two fences and having security with dogs patrolling on foot between the fences. Word got around and the numbers of people that got in greatly reduced. So the festival fence was breached constantly, word would get around about where the weak point in the fence was and many would get in. When it is considered that those getting in had the strong motivation because their favourite bands were playing and yet a border fence is perceived as giving people a life of freedom from oppressive conditions, it becomes very clear that the motivation to cross that wall or fence will be so great and that coupled with people communicating the weak points in the fence. It seems very unlikely that a fence alone can solve the immigration crisis in the US. When all factors are considered such as
the wall is beaten by a ladder, a tunnel or a pneumatic drill, a fence with wire cutters. An electric fence by wire cutters and all of those can be beaten by small drones that before the wall is built will likely be available on the market for a reasonable price.
Refugees, transient people and the Roma.
There are incorrect associations given by many of migrants, refugees and the Roma, aside for the economic debates that migrants bring improvements to economies. The irony is that we are all descended from travelling people. The people's of North America was the latest wave of migrants and before them the indigenous people came from Asia. The Europeans from Africa. For hundreds of years there has been no reason for us to accept and acknowledge this as much as there is today. Today a wider understanding of who we are and where we came from can assist in the reduction of misconceptions.
The influence of our more transient ancestors is a part of all of us.
The first recorded place of settlement in Europe is Los Millares in Almeria. This, Europe's first ever city settlement is 20 kms from where Antonio de Torres Jurado was from he traveled to Granada and invented the first ever guitar. It was the "guitano" culture that popularised this musical innovation that years later would pave the way to The Beatles, Rock and Roll and what we spend a considerable amount of our time listening to guitar music. The "Guitano" people had traveled from India to Europe. English is Germanic with a Latin influence. These languages are Indio-European. They originated from the Indus valley, the same place as medicine and a broad range of knowledge that has gone on to influence the world since including the practice of yoga. Yoga traveled to the Shaolin temple and formed the earliest of references to what became Kung Fu, Architecture, and Medicine traveled across Asia and also developed into various dance forms it was brought west and evolved into Flamenco dancing.
Remembering the past can help today.
Before agriculture we were hunters and gatherers, travelers, tribal people. Europeans came up from Africa to the South of Europe and from there to the North. Yet, the whole human story seems to have this theme and that a few of the earlier settled people can look less favourably towards transient peoples. The whole notion of "Settling Down" is fundamental to our society. The relationship and understanding between the people that are the most "settled down" and those that are the least "settled down" is playing out more and more in the world. In the 70's it was really not even a consideration, yet since the mid 80's and those that had settled became the first climate refugees, now we see the refugee crisis in Europe, the Middle East and the America's. When it is considered that wars and refugees are linked and that the fall-out from the wars and refugees are what contributed both towards Trump winning the election and Brexit. It is the issue that is creating the most disparity of opinion in the EU too. What we really have to consider is this that the whole future Western society is being affected by this issue. One very populous part of the world where there is not such a major refugee crisis is in Asia. The refugee crisis there was averted by building peace between the Korea's.
If we look at any of these transient people's issues correctly we have to acknowledge there is not one single answer. It is a situation of providing a raft of answers that go some way towards creating very significant progress and from that juncture using adaptive innovation. When people have questioned Theresa May on where all the funding for the NHS will come from. The truth of the matter is as long as the vast majority is known now and a process created that combines both the good will of people and a process of adaptive innovation the answers can be found. It is actually very similar to the transient people's issues too. Angela Mercal is correct there has to be stability created in the places people are coming from before they can go back home. I have worked with Senegalese people and one of these became my friend, Mamado. He has friends that are illegal immigrants. I asked him why are there so many illegal immigrants leaving from his country for Europe? This is what he told me. "My people are the Mandinka. Family and community is everything to us, so we prefer to be where our community is. however, the pressures on us and lack of hope or opportunities lead to migrating. When we are there we earn money and send it home to our families. I asked him why he had so many children, he said in the west you have a pension. In Africa we do too, it's our children. We look after them and then they look after us. I said to him would you have so many children if you had more stability and he said no. The statistics match his answer too, by raising the standard of living the birth rates go down. The conversation changed when I said to him, what do you think life in London is really like in terms of costs? He began to say everyone in London is very wealthy. Everyone is looked after, money is everywhere, there are no poor people. People do not have to work much to earn so much money. I asked him how much he thought it may cost to rent a flat in London. When I told him, he could not believe it. I told him that there was alot of stress, loneliness, the elderly people were not looked after by the younger people. Many people live alone and that people work very long hours. He was very surprised by all of this. It was very clear to me that his perceptions of the UK almost could not be more unrealistic and if he spoke with anyone in the UK they would say the same. I told him about house prices and food banks. I told him that people go on trains in the middle of London and few speak to each other. I told him many people do not speak to their neighbours. I could see that he actually had seen little if any really realistic information about life in London. I wondered how many of his colleagues, friends and brothers had made the perilous journey to Europe based upon completely fictitious and unrealistic accounts. If only they knew, I thought, so many would think twice. What was clear to me is that there are many exaggerations and misconceptions when it comes to a true understanding of what life is like in Europe. Therefore improved information for would be economic refugees could very significantly assist in reducing the numbers of people trying to cross the sea.
Mamado invited me around for traditional tea at his apartment. I walked into the front room and there were around ten men and two women sitting there talking. I saw that there were two televisions, one on top of the other. Both of them were switched on with the volume up. One was Senegalese television the other Spanish. I said to my friend, why do you have two television sets both in the same room. Why don't you put one television into another room? He laughed and said no, we like to sit and relax and talk together. If you want to watch one television you focus your attention onto that and that's all you here. If you want to watch the other television then then that's all you hear. I thought what an insight. many societies that are more "togetherness" orientated, this is the greatest value. They see the wealthy EU and assume it is the same as where they are from. It seems the Western media presenting the West as the best place in the world to be has come at the price of too many people now wanting to live in the West. Realistically the radio, television, the big screen and the internet has been advertising the West for decades as the best place to be and now maybe we should not be so surprised that so many want to get into the west. More realistic television reporting and broadcasting in the places of origin of many migrants would certainly lift some of the myths.
So the answer in part to migration and refugees in part is education. People who are becoming refugees could have a better awareness of what life is really like in the places they plan to travel to. The sense of community is not the same and if they knew that they may think again. Similarly if we knew more about the positive influences that transient peoples have had then maybe there would be more tolerance and a sense that we can benefit from these people and always have done in some ways.
So whether you are a European or a North America, there is some refugee somewhere in all of us. For people to make such an arduous journey, leaving family, friends and community behind, they are desperate, resourceful, ambitious and determined. They will likely have had few opportunities and this is what they are seeking to obtain.
A change in perception by governments can reduce costs substantially.
Governments have been tending to see refugees as needing to be looked after. This is expensive and in many cases meeting them half way with potential ways to improve their lives and stand on their own feet is what many seek. Again though, it comes down to the vast numbers. However this can be adjusted if they are encouraged through programmes to support each other more in terms of personal relationships, yet also in skills and work opportunities.
Refugees from victim to more self-sufficient teachers.
If refugees are able to self help by being self reliant, they are able to teach this self sufficiency to others. In order to do this Using Integrated modeling to build a new circular economy that operates in way that is business savvy and starts on something more akin to a micro-finance basis. Although finance is less important than opportunity and training.
Land Land, Usable Land.
It's so easy for people in the west to see immigrants as taking jobs, yet the truth is that so many of those jobs are jobs that people do not want to do. However, this is additionally looking at immigrants from our perspective and not from their perspective. Most of them would have worked on the land or been very close to the land. This may be a generalisation of course, however the reality is that all industry comes from Agriculture if you were to find out what the greatest skill-set is of most immigrants it will be land related. The issue is all about land, they will have lost their ability to use their land for one reason or another. So the basis of my answer is to find ways to connect them to the land and for this to become a part of a solution strategy. Our relationship with the land is not good, we import goods from all over the world, our soil is weaker than ever before, more of the top soil is washed away due to erosion, we are 50% down on forests, we import food from the other side of the continent to give away in food banks that more and more people are dependent upon. By utilising both the skills of migrants and establishing major agricultural projects to re-balance all of those imbalances many answers can be created simultaneously.
Migrants and refugees arrive with what?
They arrive with the clothes they were hopes and all have aspirations for a better future and some skills. Having spoken to refugees at The Jungle in Calais, I was certain that they had many skills and were very eager to work and use their skills if there is the opportunity to do this. They come with resourcefulness and a willingness to be flexible and find a place for themselves. They arrive with the intention of working. Yet, they are received in a way that inevitably would have been very dangerous. They arrive and end up in centre's where there is little to do and these centre's cost so much money to house them.
What do we need that they can offer.
If the world could be likened to a boat sailing on the sea and we were seeking to survive what we would need to consider are four factors. 1. Water. 2. Food. 3. protection from the weather/shelter 4.The most effective use of our existing resources.
Where are people right now?
We have a world that is economically unfair and in many ways economically desperate. The best days are over for the most people and the people born in to today's world are generally unlikly to do better in life than their parents or grandparents. They will be very lucky if they get a home bought, have a wife and children before they are middle aged. That's in the wealthier countries. The poorer countries continue to exist hand to mouth and economically so more so does the average person in the West. People spend more time than ever with technology and less time in person to person relationships.
Where is the world right now?
After the vast resource grabs of the 18th, 19th and 20th Centuries the Earth is more resource poor than before, yet having greater needs and requirements. As a path of the course in our evolution we have deforested the land by 50%, destroyed 87% of the wild animals, we have poisoned the air and reduced the seas down to having more plastic in them than fish. Every industry in the world is dependent upon natural resources and yet our cycles are more disrupted and our resource base is less. For every migrant that arrives in the wealthier countries it is a reminder of how capitalism in the form it has been in for centuries does not work any more. The gradual incination of the pyramid that gradually sloped up with so many falling into the middle class bracket has become squeezed into what looks more like an obelisk. So whilst there can be a propensity for those near the bottom of the obelisk to blame the ones lower down the obelisk that narrative does not hold water for long when it is considered that to a large extent with the migration crisis we really are all in it together. harsh actions towards the refugees for many is intolerable, especially when it is children. The educated western psyche is potently aware that the reason for the plight of these people is not of their making. The reason they are suffering is clearly due to the failed and greedy policies of previous leaders. They took the resources from countries and destablised those countries to the point where the whole western world is being challenged by the "collateral damage" of their bad policy making. Aside from all the damage and harm that has been done, In order to undo the negative results of those years of faulty policies on a political basis is challenging yet it is feasible. To turn around the human level suffering is more challenging yet again it is feasible.
The world whether you believe in climate change or not is ecologically collapsing. man can turn this around, and turn it around very quickly indeed if there is a coherent plan and very large labour force. If done in the correct way not only does that help reduce the issue of migrants, it provides new resources for the economy. Not only that it can potentially convert what has been becoming an out of control migration crisis into a major self funded opportunity that actually enhances the EU or the US. It actually adds to the economy in a completely new way rather than draining the economy and resources. The way that it would need to be put together is very specific indeed. It would not stop the migration crisis, however it would convert a part of the migration crisis into being resolved and generating an opportunity for all and therefore some of today's migration problem can become a part of tomorrow sustainability opportunity.
What's the first and foremost priority.
To educate areas where people are tempted to become refugees. To provide the means and the resources for people to stay home. Having met, spoken with and worked with many migrants from Senegal and South America whilst in Spain. I have gained really good insights into how they think and their motives for becoming economic migrants. It is essential to understand that they are all very family orientated and do not wish to leave their homes and their communities. This is very important as mostly they are taking such a risk based upon feeling like there is no other option. Therefore, improving the conditions in their home countries is the best possible preventative measure. This can be achieved by creating fairer trade deals firstly, secondly can be achieved by NGO's becoming informed and educated on all the intermediate technologies I mention in this document and extrapolating that knowledge into the field. All of the incremental answers within this document are easy to learn and to teach with the correct original coaching in some cases from myself. Therefore, I can teach an NGO. The NGO can then teach fifty people that then go on to teach 5000 people who then go on to teach 50,000 etc. Many of the measures are slight adjustments and doing things in new ways. This can be wrought with difficulty though in terms of the transference of new methodologies if they are culturally different. This has been an issue in some parts of the world with the uptake of solar cookers. Whilst they are ecological and save wood, there is a strong intrinsic value to sitting around a fire place as a family or extended family group and therefore there have been cases of solar cooking being rejected completely. However there are other initiatives I recently heard about where they are not directly introduced into a particular region, a person from the Community goes away on a training programme to specifically learn all about solar cooking in depth and returns to the village as a teacher. This has reportedly obtained very good results. However, generally with the intermediate technologies provided here they are all likly to be able to obtain excellent results and their benefits will be very quickly evident. Whenever remote regions are approached with new technologies and ideas it is always important to provide respect. The transference of knowledge is key to encouraging people not to leave through information and then when this is combined with improved teaching about intermediate technologies, then there will likely be some noticable improvements with the reduction of people making the journey and becoming refugees. It is equally important to resolve the Syrian crisis too and other land and conflict based issues that are causing migration. The changing enviornment has to be acknowledged as a very clear factor and so what is really essential is to really promote tree planting and teach this through extensive programmes. if many more trees are planted on Earth perhaps this will reverse so of the effects of a changing climate and help the Earth balance itself better, which provides the basis of both ecological as well as economic equalibrium for many more people.
Germany moving towards agreement, can this be the missing component to bring sides together?
Angela Merkel has been so accommodating to refugees and has really stood up for those with so little. She now says migrants should be sent back to the countries that first registered them as asylum seekers. Whilst George Szamuely suggests this is unlikely to work. With the current use of technologies I would agree. However, when this Integrated Model is instigated and done so properly. Then it makes it much more feasible. Horst Seehofer, a key member of Angela Merkel's coalition said that a compromise had been made and he would not resign. Italy is donating boats to the coastguard of Libya. The approach that I take is that creating a stronger African coastline protects the extended European coastline and reduces those travelling across the Mediterranean. This is potentially an ethical win, yet only if there are centres established on the Africa side in order to process Asylum seekers. Whilst they may have fled persecution in the South if there are safe long term centres established in Northern Africa and then these are provided with the means to settle in these parts then that is a good part of the answer. These safe areas can be enhanced by regenerating some of the many Green Islands and this is obtainable through the best Intermediate technology methods being utilised. Land that today is seemingly unusable can be regenerated. This then provides the basis for new habitable places.
What Syria? Arab Spring, Famine in Africa have in common.
Environment mismanagement and the changing weather coupled with increased agricultural needs and options given to get out of the situation.
Back to the land.
A key reason for any refugees coming to the USA or to Europe is because of either existing family living in the West or due to the incapacity to be able to farm the land as these people have done so for generations. With a real determination to re-stabalise countries that provides one strand of the answer. Given the opportunity to go home many would immediately. Yet, that overall is not enough for the rest. The truth is there are many locations in Europe and in Central America where it is feasible to regenerate the land and provide places for migrants to re-settle, without going to Europe or into the USA. The whole north of Mexico has plenty of space as do many other places on the US border with Mexico, land that is deemed unusable, that in it;s current form is unusable however could potentially be regenerated. How can this land be regenerated? how can this seemingly economically negative land and the economically negative phenomenon of the migration crisis be turned around, at least in part?
Desert regeneration villages.
There are many ways to regenerate desert that were unknown about even a few years ago and even today governments and even NGO's have only some of the information about how it is feasible. Here I provide a few examples of some of the methods.
1. Harvesting condensation from the air. The Desert obtains more moisture from the air than it does from rain. Most of this moisture is burnt up within moments of the sun coming up. This can be captured and harvested through condensation nets and through many other methods. What would be required is a very substantial supply of either wooden or plastic frames that can then have netting attached to capture the water. Condensation can additionally be captured and water trees. This method can be so efficient that trees has a greater propensity for survival than if they were watered in the usual way. Additional water sources can be obtained to increase water supplies and rain capturing technologies can be applied.
2. Food costs can be reduced through farming, fruit picking once the trees are grown, by aquaponics and by the production of Spirullina. The settlements whichever countries they are in could work towards being as self sufficient as possible. The people of central America invented Aquaponics and it can produce particularly high yield food production within a very small space. New technologies for regenerating dessert such as the use of clay, composting and biochar which retains more moisture in the soil can be utilsed. All of these technologies are future technologies that will be important on this planet very soon. 25% of the 500 largest cities on Earth are experiencing water stress. Cities include Los Angeles, Tokyo, San Paulo, Cape Town, La Paz, Kuwait City, Adelaide. Additionally the worlds soil desperately needs regeneration to maintain current levels of productivity. Water and good soil are both running out. We can start to think of old issues, yet in new ways.Migrants can become part of the new answer in the transference of this knowledge to help whole cities adapt to greater self-sufficiency.
3. Agave production. Agave is one of the most useful and commercially productive plants on the planet. There are many industries that can be created through Agave production these include the production of Sisal carpets, Tequila and Agave syrup, wood and can be used to produce crafts and even musical instruments. There is a very significant shortage of Agave to the extent where the price of Tequila is being affected. Agave are a spiky cactus and would be firstly an ideal plant to grow due to it's climate stabalising properties, it is also spiky and cuctus like. They provide the best and most profitable way to create a barrier between the USA and Mexico and rather than it costing so much it can provide some part of the answer to the migration issues.
So these semi-desert communities that can be created on normally unusable land and be part of a refugee, migration resettlement programme and become economically sustainable can also not only be part of the solution for some migrants, and regenerate the desert and improve border security, they can also potentially become a field training centre's for student that wish to engage in the science of this venture. The thinking is that these centre's can be used whilst applications are being considered or as medium term stop off points for migrants as a part of a larger programme.
The centre's though whether they are established in the EU or on vacant Greek Islands not used currently due to water considerations for example can provide the means for the migrants to be of great use to the country they are coming too and potentially very much reduce and off set the costs in having so many refugees and migrants. The USA would benefit in these ways from having this.
What governments are not factoring enough and with this programme can consider this more.
First and foremost many of the refugees and migrants want to work, they are coming to work and yet in many cases they are being left in centre's without being able to work and at great cost. If work and skills programmes are established then this reduces costs, can provide some incomes to the migrants enables them to become more self-sufficient and less of a one way cost. Many migrants have come from farming or rural backgrounds and therefore many will already have knowledge and skills that are immediately usable and can teach others. Therefore it can be envisaged that there are agriculture self-help programmes created.
1. Programme that enables migrants to contribute and to benefit in terms of skills and build up their resources.
2. Improved resources such as trees that are a natural asset, all economies are originally based upon agriculture. The Earth needs more trees, trees can be produced cheaply and provide food and incomes to reduce government costs.
3. Migrants can be taught how to produce soil and when they know this many areas along the North African coastline and more inland can be regenerated. Therefore land deals can be done with the partner countries.
4. Water capturing, storage and generation from condensation capturing is an additional means for assisting in the regeneration of land.
5. Land regeneration is possible through a new innovation in using clay, initial trials in Egypt showed some success with this. Composting, biochar, EM1, EM2 can all be taught when this is combined with water capturing methodologies and additionally with condensation funnel intermediate technologies vast areas can be replanted at minimal cost.
To establish these centre would require agreements with countries on the African coast. however, the crossings of the Mediterranean will continue unless there is a well known and well publicised dis-incentive or series of dis-incentives created to very significantly reduce the crossings.
How much loss of live is there crossing the Mediterranean?
Between 5,000-8,000 people are dying in the Mediterranean each year. There are over 1 million people who have already made it to Europe. The drivers for causing people to risk their lives are two fold. 1. Success in becoming accepted into Europe 2. The profit motive of the people smugglers. If those two are removed, then there is no reason to cross the Mediterranean.
How can it be made unprofitable to do the transportation? It can be made unprofitable in two ways 1. To accept no applications by those that cross by sea. If these people are sent straight back and then charged, then there will be no incentive at all to cross the Mediterranean. How they could pay for the return crossing is defined further down. Whilst it may seem wrong to charge people, if that is going to save 5000 peoples lives or more per year then it is worth it. Additionally, it reduces costs for the EU and additionally the payment back scheme assists the overall scheme. 2. Any people that arrive and any boat crew and captains are fined and have their boats confiscated or if they are unable to pay then they too can join the volunteer/exchange option to cover the costs of their return to Africa.
If the desert is to be regenerated into habitable land, what exactly is required?
To regenerate vast tracks of desert requires millions of 2x2 box frame units. They can either be made out of wood or would be better if made with plastic. The use of wood is both ecologically un-viable and it is expensive. These 2x2 box units would then be covered with mesh and with plastic formed drain pipes added then become condensation and rain capturing intermediate technology devices.
Additionally to produce very low-cost desert viable housing that is much better than tents there are one of my innovations Bubblehomes, which would be suitable in applications where there is a considerable amount of loose rock. These would require front doors that need to be made. These too can be made of recycled plastic. In addition to this other house components can be made of recycled plastic.
Where can millions of these plastic components be derived?
The pacific ocean has more plastic than fish. If decommissioned oil rigs are sourced, they can be obtained at a low cost. Then it is possible to link these together with de-commissioned ships and establish a permanent settlement where the great pacific plastic patch is. There are new machines like tractors that can pick up plastic and additionally fishing boats with nets can bring in the plastic for processing on the rigs.
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch can become tool to greatly reduce Mediterranean crossings and migration.
This is based between California and Hawaii. It is vast, the size of Texas, three Frances and even the size of Russia have been referenced. Much of it is made up of small particles and some of this nothing can be done with. Other plastic has fused with sea life. However there is much that could be cleaned up. There are methods to do this too including using booms and currents to channel plastic. There are machines and even fishing nets with fishing boats can be used, if there is a processing centre there. The economics of cleaning this depends upon a usuable set of products that can be produced. 3D printing produces one of the best answers as some 3D printing methods can use any plastics and items with a good value can be produced together with special items that assist in the re-homing and re-housing of refugees. When food can be produced there the costs go down again.
There is more plastic than fish in the sea. The WWF or other NGO's can really help by partnering with holiday companies, or even if just by association. Tourists can help solve this too from the perspective of cleaning beaches. Then a settlement at sea can clean up The Great Pacific Garbage Patch. It is a combination of both eco-tourism, scientists, migrants and volunteers. Would there be a negative stigma attached to cleaning the sea by Migrants? No absolutely not. An Ocean Village is a great resource for scientists, ecologists and volunteers, for people who want to assist in the cleaning up of the ocean and for migrants too. If programmes are established with tourists too then we all work to clean beaches and the sea together so it becomes a whole new "green industry." The benefits are fed back to the people working on the programme as well as to those who are based in land based settlements who need the resources that this programme can produce. The land based programme provides the food the Ocean based programme provides the materials for housing and for capturing water. So there is an exchange established between the land and the Ocean based ventures. Many cultures in Europe such as in Germany and in Scandanvian countries and to some extent in the Uk are already very well organised in terms of Beach Clean up's. There have been many effective campaigns and people are very aware of plastic, so this whole programme builds an infrastructure that factors in the problem of the migration, the problem with the loss of life in the Mediterranean, the problem with plastic in the sea and the problem with unusable land. Through an integrated approach all of these four issues combine together to produce one very substantial answer to all four issues. Then another series of answer all factor in and combine to provide new answers. 1. The cost of feeding people in an Ocean Village is very much reduced by advanced Aquaponics projects. It is feasible to produce very high yields of fish and vegetables from Aquaponics and combine this with vertical planting. Aeroponics is another method that grows giant vegetables in days uses 90% less water and 90% less space.This combines two to three forms of very high yield and space efficient farming 2. Spirullina production adds a forth. This would enable all people to get optimal nutritian and to maintain a very healthy balanced diet whilst at the ocean Village. 3. Cultural exchange. There would be a meeting of different cultures and therefore this is a good way for migrants to be able to meet people who are from some of the countries they are going to and therefore this enables them to gain contacts, build friendships and more easily a simulate into the countries they are going too.
Ocean Village.
Water can be harvested and produced, some drinking water may need to be brought in.
There can be regular re-stocks as Ocean Village becomes a sea harbour.
It's envisaged that a substantial amount of the food required can be grown at Ocean City.
Eco-tourists can come and participate, so there would be a tourism based income streams.
There will be costs involved in establishing this, however it is a whole new work and leisure infrastructure that is being created through this and that is sustainable in every way.
Health and good relations.
There are always risks at sea. So therefore the people going would have to be well screened and there would need to be rules in place to ensure the whole venture is safe. All participants would have to have a minimal requirement to be able to swim. There would need to be a strict protocol of how to resolve social issues, however as there would be a number of ships and de-commissioned oil rigs together, there could be a policy of immediate transfers to other vessels as a part of the safety considerations. Therefore people would feel safe where they are and if not can transfer to another vessel. To leave the facility would be feasible through ships passing through. There are collaborative economy benefits to participation.
We learn by doing.
The great clean up of the Garbage Patch in the Pacific would be the best ongoing advert for looking to plastic alternatives. This will fuel whole new industries and provide many new opportunities.
It is true to say that in many ways the people from the cities who are more plastic aware now in recent years and people from UK, France, Germany etc do have some form of cultural influences and trends do come from the cities and frequently from the northern countries. The reason for this is that many technologies, leisure, sports have originated in Northern Europe firstly. There is now significant interest in eco-tourism and people interested in these subjects. The young Spanish, especially in the cities are increasingly aware like in the UK about plastic and have interested in ecologically related subjects. People in all areas are far more aware of plastic now than even a few years ago. So to produce an answer to this, that improves the situation substantially is actually quite easy. Firstly, if holiday companies introduced an optional beach day clean up at sunset, some local people would get involved too. That would get very noticed and very talked about by the locals. The local networks in terms of group thinking is far more inter-connected than in Northern Europe, they all sit out in the streets in the Summer and talk. it's the same in Spain, Italy, Greece etc. So if even one or two holiday companies offered afternoon eco-tourism, beach clean ups. That could very quickly influence the thinking and whilst some people at first would say look at these foreigners paying to come on holiday and cleaning up our beaches. However, the trend would certainly catch on and would immediately get some local support, they would participate. People would copy very quickly, it's just that as nobody in groups ever do beach clean ups, no groups do it.
The only way to have a culture of beach clean ups is to create it or the beaches remain as they are. There have been great strides made on the consumer side, yet not on the clean up, so much. The awareness is already there, this is because the supermarkets, used to just hand out plastic bags, now they ask if you need them and charge. Possibly more people take their own bags to supermarkets there now than in the UK. So there is an awareness of plastic. So the next element to this is if there was the plastic connected, what can be done with it? Well there are types of 3D printing that can utilise any type of plastic, and there is a trend for 3D printing there, so a few investors putting money into 3D printing in these places then creates a market for cleaning up beaches. If people could bring in plastic from the beaches and earn anything for it, then there would be people in north Africa cleaning the beaches. So the answer to this is Ecotourism related for Europe and 3D printing with cash paid for plastic in North Africa. from the 3D printed plastic it is possible to make gifts that sell to tourists. Additionally in North Africa there is a tendency to recycle for products, so some imaginative designers going there on holiday and showing any locals how to recycle plastic into products would be quickly replicated and copied by the locals, if they can find a way to make money out of waste plastic the beaches will be improved quickly.
If there develops a "trend" to litter pick the beaches, then there is the basis to start on the " Pacific Garbage Patches". 3D printing is the key, this combined with volunteers, an out of service oil rig, and if the plastic is converted into components for building affordable homes. therefore people who work for a few months get a discounted home. 3D printing is the basis of how to make cleaning up the seas economicially viable combined with NGO's linking with tourism operators.
There is more plastic than fish in the sea. Beaches everywhere have got plastic on them. NGO's can really help by partnering with holiday companies, or even if just by association. Tourists can help solve this too. I know Spain well, the demographics and the thinking of the people in relation to plastic waste on beaches. Firstly, the younger people from rural areas have tended to move out of the villages to the cities. Whilst the young people from the cities, ie Barcelona, Madrid, Granada, Valencia tend to frequent the beaches, whilst the visitors from overseas tend to go to other beaches. There is quite a lot of plastic, most of it though is not disguarded on the beaches but on the roads and then with the strong winds blown onto the beaches and into the sea. the Costa Del Sol, used to be called Costa del Viento, (windy coast until a marketing man changed the name and brought in tourism, the whole coast of Spain is very windy, and predictable, the winds pick up every afternoon.
Much of the plastic on the beaches, will be there due to national tourism in these countries. it is very rare to see groups of people dropping large amounts of rubbish on the beach on purpose.
It is true to say that in many ways the people from the cities who are more plastic aware now in recent years and people from UK, France, Germany etc do have some form of cultural influences and trends do come from the cities and frequently from the northern countries. The reason for this is that many technologies, leisure, sports have originated in Northern Europe firstly. There is now significant interest in eco-tourism and people interested in these subjects. The young Spanish, especially in the cities are increasingly aware like in the UK about plastic and have interested in ecologically related subjects. People in all areas are far more aware of plastic now than even a few years ago. So to produce an answer to this, that improves the situation substantially is actually quite easy. Firstly, if holiday companies introduced an optional beach day clean up at sunset, some local people would get involved too. That would get very noticed and very talked about by the locals. The local networks in terms of group thinking is far more inter-connected than in Northern Europe, they all sit out in the streets in the Summer and talk. it's the same in Spain, Italy, Greece etc. So if even one or two holiday companies offered afternoon eco-tourism, beach clean ups. That could very quickly influence the thinking and whilst some people at first would say look at these foreigners paying to come on holiday and cleaning up our beaches. However, the trend would certainly catch on and would immediately get some local support, they would participate. People would copy very quickly, it's just that as nobody in groups ever do beach clean ups, no groups do it. We can go beyond the saying no to plastic straws to having beach clean ups. This then helps the larger cleaning up the seas programme become better established, liked, respected and embraced. People will want items from the Great pacific garbage patch made and that creates new markets and new employment.
The only way to have a culture of beach clean ups is to create it or the beaches remain as they are. There have been great strides made on the consumer side, yet not on the clean up, so much. The awareness is already there, this is because the supermarkets, used to just hand out plastic bags, now they ask if you need them and charge. Possibly more people take their own bags to supermarkets there now than in the UK. So there is an awareness of plastic. So the next element to this is if there was the plastic connected, what can be done with it? Well there are types of 3D printing that can utilise any type of plastic, and there is a trend for 3D printing there, so a few investors putting money into 3D printing in these places then creates a market for cleaning up beaches. If people could bring in plastic from the beaches and earn anything for it, then there would be people in north Africa cleaning the beaches. So the answer to this is Ecotourism related for Europe and 3D printing with cash paid for plastic in North Africa. from the 3D printed plastic it is possible to make gifts that sell to tourists. Additionally in North Africa there is a tendency to recycle for products, so some imaginative designers going there on holiday and showing any locals how to recycle plastic into products would be quickly replicated and copied by the locals, if they can find a way to make money out of waste plastic the beaches will be improved quickly.
Ocean Village facilities
The facilities at Ocean Village can be substantial. Whilst there may may be some more commercial based ships used and oil rig platforms which are very much practical. There will be de-commissioned cruise ships that can be also used. Have so many vessels together enables them to be very strong and robust and each type of platform having a different purpose. There can be shops, restaurants, bars, cinemas and many other facilities. By having the ocean all around provides the possibility to have enclosed ares with floats so a very wide range of water sports are available. There can be a an ecotourism and science tourism side. The facility can be vast and can grow by adding ships and rigs onto the other sections.
Can the whole Pacific Garbage Patch be cleaned-up?
Whilst from today's perspective this may seem impossible. If there were thousands of people working there, and really good equipment, then just maybe it is feasible. It is without doubt a vast industrial scale project. It is also folly to even begin without doing it on the vast scale required. However, I'm sure many people would want to participate, get involved and would welcome working on this such venture.
Piecing together a US & EU solution route.
Firstly the EU and the USA might do well to recognise that their situations are very similar, although there are differences. Technically it is more complex for the EU to resolve the issues with so many partners, whereas the US simply needs to agree nationally on policy. With the model I present both the EU and the USA can apply it and learn from each other.
Dynamic new answers
1. These people are people and that should always be remembered, there rights should be protected families kept together and ones that have been separated re-united.
2. Many refugees and asylum seekers are highly skilled, educated and have skills and abilities that can help others and save costs if there is an infrastructure created to harness and utilize those skills. many are hard working and industrious they are coming to make a better life for themselves and would be willing to work if given the opportunity and chance.
3. When a refugee arrives either in the USA or in the EU there someone within that region is having to pay taxes towards the cost of even the first conversation had, let alone the time spent in accommodation, food costs expenses, care and coaching. With this plan there are new options and incentives and offsets that help provide better answers that are more compassionate and at a lower cost in some cases. This is about meeting refugees as potentially self-sufficient people and helping them in that way. In creating this Integrated model that generates new industries such as this the pressures on existing jobs are lessened.
The costs required to process applications can be subsidized and reduced by the introduction of a full socio-environment programme.
The right and left political perspectives when it comes to properly starting to solve the refugee situation alone are limited, very limited. From those perspectives alone, they have taken us to where we are, a massive political conundrum that nobody can solve. By simply having opposing polarities of view does not bring us any closer to a realistic answer. The answer to the refugees and migration requires a bold new vision and it requires a 21st Century people power supported political and social answer.
Our food system will be in crisis due to seasonal changes.
Farmers worldwide are reporting the same, more unpredictable weather, more flooding, more droughts. The fluctuation in temperatures and then rapid freeze conditions are making farming more challenging every year. With soil exhausted we are starting to need new answers and already have them lined up in many small experimental projects worldwide. This strategy helps bring all of those new answers together. It is key today to remember that all human industry, commerce and trade originates from agriculture. That is the clear link and human evolution has never had the levels of disruption to agriculture we are starting to see today. The role that these people provide in the world could not be of greater value and importance to us today and for the future. Within the next five years we will either determine a way to solve these issues or Society will change. We will see cities run out of water. We will see new types of refugees that are just like you and I. Today's refugees can be prepared to help us meet this need. Their solution is our solution too.
The perceptions we have of displaced people is changing every day There are issues that frustrate the left and the right 1. Wars 2. Environment 3. Economic conditions 4. refugees the four are in-separable. The reason is that it provides a sign post to where the answer to start to solve this lies too. That signpost to solving those issues in ways we have never done so before point to this. The answer for the USA is different than for the EU. Angela Merkel is right by saying that Stability in the countries of origin is essential for people to go home and rebuild their lives again. This provides a vast new temporary stop gap. With the plastic collected components are made, these are for houses. Those houses have value, that is where the cleaning of the oceans becomes a viable financially advantageous as well as environmentally value option.
The answer to both is the same. Stability. Stability in countries that can house these people and give them a fresh chance in life. Chancellor Angela Mercal is correct about the need for stability in their homelands being the key to this. How can this stability be created? It requires political, environmental and social measures. It requires walking away from battles and embracing the possible. Charting a way forward for the refugees that helps everyone progress a little together and in a new way. The major costs of the refugee crisis can be offset and put into new solutions. These are a vast network of new micro industries that can be created through this.
What are the first steps to reducing and starting to solve the refugee crisis in the EU?
1. Instigate a raft of measures in the countries from where these people are migrating from. This involves agreements with their governments, incentives to stay and environmental measures to regenerate the land and thus support local farming.
2. Look at International trade agreements can these be adapted.
3. Establish a points based system to increase agreement and unity within the EU and to create buffers.
4. Offer incentives to create Global Villages outside of the EU. these are resettlement villages that are safe and offer a new alternative to migrating to Europe, where a good life can be built up through this roadmap plan.
5. Establish Ocean City to clean plastic from the seas and turn it into usable products for this venture.
6. Establish strong volunteer non-immigrant side to ocean City to ensure the project is progressive well monitored and life improving for all involved.
7. Build up new resource for the world of highly skilled migrants adept in the needs of environmental replenishment, both on land and at sea.
8. Use the Global Village and Ocean City models to improve selection processes and as a third and forth option for either staying or being sent back.
9. Use these facilities to to encourage people to stop crossing the Mediterranean. This can be achieved by faster processing of application outside of EU rather than inside the EU.
10. Use all of these measures together with many emerging agricultural innovations to transform some refugees and migrants from costing resources to becoming financially independent.
11. Stucture the refugee and migration programme so that refugees and migrants are helping refugees and migrants in support wherever possible.
12. Look to reduce the use of detention facilities in the EU and use them more as networking and self-help support centres so refugees and migrants help each other.
An overview of the above list.
This all should be valued and perceived as an adaptive process, where a raft of measures are instigated and these get results and from their the model is improved upon. 2. The basis of the answer that I will produce and publish here will be the best strategy presented so far for trying to address the very complex issues of the refugee situation.
We are all older generation migrants ourselves. From an anthoropological, cultural, musical and linguistic perspective there is a transient element in all of us. English is Indio-European, ie from India originally where Latin languages originated too. Going in holiday is what so many aspire too, how many retired want motorhomes and caravans? This is considered the nature of success when you have a home, when you do not have a home it is perceived in a very different light. However, blaming people for not having homes isn't the best answer when there are with today's technologies ways to produce low cost homes.
Buffers or walls?
The buffer of Libya is what reduced the flow of refugees into Europe from the 40's until the 00's. Brexit has potentially made the EU a buffer for the UK.
New perceptions of refugees and migrants evolving.
The company Beneton, is featuring refugees and migrants in it's clothing range. There are adjustments in perception that can and will continue to happen. However, what is in the interests of all is finding ways for them to help themselves. That save costs and reduces pressures on western society. It is what they want in any case and that builds mutual respect and whilst they come with hope, through this programme they can provide us with more than hope. With major conservation programme instigated they provide a very valuable and respected service to all. The replenishment of the land and the sea there are few other more urgent needs in the world today. By them growing trees they produce resources that can create create food and products that can form the basis of their own small businesses.
Euro incentive system
Incentive for countries to take a more active role. For those that automatically have to take a more active role incentives offered. It is the same with buffer countries. Therefore if countries want to close their minds to the refugee issue, they are also closing their minds to the greatest advancement in recent years and this will affect their economies negatively. This really is a case of there being no brilliant answers until now and the refugee issue is all of ours to solve. Those that help, support those countries, those that don't, don't support those countries. If many have that mindset we win the refugee crisis together and they then help us win the environment crisis of the future.
Taking a broader view on refugees.
For many years no refugee problem. It takes very severe problems to create refugees. It takes a major solution as big as this and more to be able to stem the flow and create an interjection to the situation that helps them, helps governments and helps us all.
The broader view.
It all comes down to land, environment and economic means. Migration to cities, has to be migration back to countryside rather than other countries. Options at home, create less need for desperate measures refugees are taking. Ie dangerous boat journeys or sea crossings.
Trying to stop refugees once they have arrived is as futile as trying to stop speeding by speed cameras alone. How do governments reduce speeding in reality. 1. education. 2. cameras. 3 fines. 4 driving tests. A multi-prong approach that looks at the issue from many perspectives and creates many incremental measures. it is the same with this strategy. Many increments to solving the refugee issue that function synergistically.
The refugee dialogues.
A negotiation and selection process could provide an option either a Global Village or Ocean Village project is a means to obtaining the right to resettle. The USA has had a scheme where migrants could obtain the right to stay in exchange for military service. This is a more agricultaral and peacetime based alternative. No matter how many refugees and asylum seekers there are some will be allowed to remain and some sent back to their country of origin. This provides another path and it is as good for the migrants as for the countries. This interjection provides the means to avoid and potentially re-shape existing centres, more into opportunity and skill sharing centres rather than for housing alone.
The ten step plan to starting to solve the European refugee crisis.
1. Accept that last century left right paradigms cannot provide good enough answers to this. There has to be an Integrated model that creates a whole basis of new industries that meet the needs of the refugees and also the needs of Europe and the world as a whole.
2. The answer of preventing people from crossing the Mediterranean in unsuitable boats is an ethical option, yet only if there are adequate processing facilities established on the African side of the Mediterranean.
3, The only way to be able to establish centres on the other side of the Mediterranean requires the vast industrial scale uptake of Natural design and integrated technologies. These need to be utilised in ways that produce micro cost homes, new water sources, transfers non-farmable land to farmable land, part of the process incorporates rapid replanting of trees and crops and the trees become a resource for food, more self sufficiency and opportunities.
4. Educational campaign across regions and countries refugees and migrants are coming from.
5. The establishment of an Ocean City is made through bringing together de-commisioned oil tankers and ships. This is established with a mix of both migrants and also scientists, conservationists and volunteers on work in exchange for housing schemes.
6. The establishment of the Ocean City has three principle objectives. 1. To clean the sea and to up-cycle plastic waste. 2. To re-stock the Oceans. 3. To provide a work and living environment that is used to assist refugees and migrants in learning new skills, in earning an income for permanent housing. 4. To produce the resources required in order to regenerate desertified land in North Africa, Southern Southern Europe, Mexico and Central America. 5. The Ocean City is a place of replenishment and sustainability. 6. The atmosphere in Ocean City has to be relaxed and enjoyable where everyone feels part of a big team that are the elite conservationists working together on the greatest conservation challenge in history.
7. Everyone that participates in any way in Ocean City must be given an opportunity for life and skills that they have for life that can help them in future gain employment. Ocean City can never been seen as a place of punishment, rather it is a much better alternative to what are today detention or processing centres.
8. Participants of Ocean City should be given improved opportunities for employment, the whole perception of Ocean City must be very positive for it to work. Therefore, the media presentation of Ocean City is very important to begin with and the migrants working there should feel a sense of inclusion and that there work is of as much benefit and use to the world as the world of the scientists. At Ocean City everyone learns about self-reliance, team play, they receive coaching skills and a logistical improvement for their lives, whether that is the opportunity for reduced cost housing, housing resources and in addition to this building skills.
9. Global Villages are the settlements established in countries that form the buffer area's. These are negotiated by preferential treatment in trade agreements and by economic grants.
10. Aquaponics, tree planting, condensation capturing, natural design skills, low cost housing construction skills, soil production and many other elements of this are considered an ongoing learning and development programme, not only for the migrants but for many. Therefore, the migrants will enter into societies as people with highly advanced skills that are very relevent to today and therefore the migrant stigma is gone. People will see increasingly that migrants are really not only an important part of today's society, yet an important part of tomorrows.
11. The migrants being trained in all of the above resource areas will be an excellent resource for teaching people these necessary skills that are going to increasingly affect us. Many Cities are running out of water or experiencing water stress, these include.
12. Participation in Ocean City provides an alternative to going on backpacking holidays it is a social and environment enrichment project for the world. It is all about providing a whole new thrust of mans exploration into our collective potential. Taking on the greatest conservation challenge in history, producing the greatest outcome and giving everyone a whole new sense of purpose towards sustainability and the conscious use of plastic. Ocean City will be create a new time of the Earths re-stabalisation.
13. The skills and abilties that are learned by all of Ocean City and Global Village residents are vital skills that the people of this planet require and currently we do not have. The skills of this vast peace corp can take on the skills and challenges of a changing world environment. They can provide support, skills knowledge and know how that enables us to regenerate vast tracts of land. The people involved in this may start as refugees and by the time they have learned from this, they too will have all the skills and knowledge to return home and teach the people in their villages. This model transforms the current paradigm of a one way ticket to the West as there is no hope in the South and transforms that into a circular passage back home so every community in the poorest parts of the world have new experts able to assist their own people in ways that currently today they cannot and neither do governments and neither do all the NGO's and charities in the world currently have the skills and capacity to do this. 1st Sector is government, 2nd Sector business. 3rd sector NGO's. 4th Sector is a new International Peace Union. This International Peace union is made up of refugees, migrants, scientists, volunteers and many that would like to have time to experience Ocean City or stay in a Global Village and study.
What are the great strengths of this Integrated Model
1. The strategy is fair, humanitarian and has an environmental ethos at it's core.
2. The strategy adds to the current common sense approach that reduces people crossing the Mediterranean.
3. The strategy has comparable benefits for the USA. where Global Villages are created in Central American countries.
4. The strategy creates new economies and greatly reduces the cost of housing refugees and migrants, by relocating them more to lower economy countries to reduce costs and really investing in the self-reliance rather than a dependency based approach.
5. The skills and housing gains that can be derived are potentially obtainable through a well structured approach that fits with both European values and still provides the means for those needing to escape persecution can still do so.
What to consider to avoid potential mistakes with this Integrated Model
1. This is easy to present and to be quickly understood. This is very complex and even to provide a basic outline has been challenging. The truth is that people are not used to having two seemingly completely differing issues presented to them at once in the context of one aspect becoming the solution to the other aspect. In essence The Migration problem is a vital part of the solution to the plastic in the sea problem and that then becomes a a pivotal part of solving the migration problem. It make sense on so many levels that once in practice people would wonder why it was never perceived before and will wonder if they too can participate. So this is not easy to explain and yet how it is explained in full is really important for people not to get the wrong idea. Ocean City is an advancement on Earth using the latest technologies to learn to live better for all of us. Ocean City and Global Village will provide the resilient adaptive culture and society this planet needs in the next thirty years as our climate warms a major part of the adaptation required for the future is extrapolation based of intermediate technologies. So these people are re going to be our teachers in the future. Don't try to summarise this and relate it to anything that has happened before. This is new, nothing like this has ever existed on this planet and to understand this requires look at it in it's full complexity. This is much easier once it is in practice.
2. If it is manipulated and seen from a biased political perspective. This is a science and needs to be seen in that way to work. This is an Integrated model. What that means is it is a bridge building model that is made up of many increments that interact together to produce a viable more self sufficient structure. This is not a short term, "political" idea to be adapted in this way or that way to suit politically biased agendas. The agenda of this is a long term solution for the refugees and for the countries they are seeking to get to, which currently are not in specific agreement, yet have outline agreement. This plan can only be instigated in a way that is created by the goodwill of many people. Like any Integrated Model, it can either be instigated extremely well, like in the case of the Korea's model or it can be instigated badly like another Integrated model I will not mention that was borrowed, re-designed, failed and was then scrapped.
What are the special considerations of this plan.
1. This is the most effective integrated Model Since the Integrated Plan for The Korea's. Where this varies though is that there was a greater element of flexibility within the Korea's plan. What was required then was an element of goodwill by leaders. This requires a very specific instigation as all elements have to function for any of it to function.
2. This strategy can and should never ever be used or considered in terms of any form of punitive measure. It is about providing a new alternative locations that can be factored into negotiations and into solutions for assisting the refugees and migrants. People could stay in this location for one year contracts at a time and if they want to leave then that can be arranged. During this time they would work either in the farming, the facilities or in the plastic processing. There work then is transferred into units that enable them to get the components of their own homes in the Gloabl Village project. This is available for anyone that wants to live in a low impact ecological community and who cannot afford their own home. It is a new option to spend time at Ocean City and to save up for a home that way through harvesting plastic from the seas. This project would have high media presence and be a frontier in learning and in living better on our planet.
3. The next frontier of human development can be replenishing the Earth with trees, plants, cleaning the seas and providing new answers for us all. The refugees and migrants who have been seen as the last can become the pioneers that help us all. The knowledge that they provide us in the future is the knowledge that enables us to continue to live well on this planet.
4. The knowledge obtained which enables us to properly master the living systems on this planet and adapt to them is derived from what is today the greatest political challenge. It becomes the most significant political and scientific advancement since we ventured into space. With this project the advancement is in time. Time we can maintain good balance on this planet.
This Integrated Model is a realistic new answer. It is the process answer and produces the greatest results if innovated further by me working directly with a government and then once instigated when refugees and migrants interact within the model themselves and improve upon it in their own way. This is the frame work. In it's current form it could be instigated with one government behind it, however it is best if it is seen as a shared option. It's cost is impossible to evaluate the cost involved in setting it up at present. However, i believe the costs can be offset by the huge amounts of money being spent currently and with the costs reduced in managing the Mediterranean due to less crossings in the medium term I believe would save a lot of money. This is confirmed again by reiterating the fact that the migrants and refugees themselves are resourceful willing to work and want opportunities. This provides them with many options and their own skills, dexterity and willingness to want to help themselves and their motivation to really want to be good providers I believe will enrich this plan with the energy and the commitment it needs to succeed. To help the refugees and the migrants, really together we can turn this great tragedy of mankind into a little bit of hope for all of us.
This article is written to bridge build between all perspectives, to be apolitical and thus create a plan more feasible than is considered today. All participation is seen as being on a voluntary basis. If you think this can work or be adapted to work then please share and acknowledge this.
Integrated Peace Strategist, Designer, Inventor, Policy advisor. .
6 年Janine, thank you. Yes, the article does cover a lot. I have tried to present this in a way that is apolitical. Somehow, defining an answer that can bridge differences and seek to provide a third way to debates that have gone on for years..? You identify the crux. The communication of viable affordable intermediate technologies is the foundation? of all other aspects within the plan and everything else is built around that. Currently though there are no organisations knowing nor combining the intermediate technologies in this way and therefore this plan is built up of innovations not yet really widely known, recognized nor appreciated. Yet all very well scientifically proven. I'm due to present in London at an NGO conference the findings and technologies that knit together here next year. However, given how relevant the refugee and migration situation is, and how this can provide new answers not yet known, it would be better to be able to present and exhibit this before then either at an event or in the press.
Executive Director, Leaders in Energy | Building a community of leaders to advance clean energy & sustainable solutions
6 年Peter, you cover a lot in this article.? ?One recommendation that you make that I concur with is when you state, "?The real answer is to push a significant number of the social advancement methodologies in the direction of the south and that way people have much more reason to stay where their families and communities are, which is what most people want, if you speak to them."? ?