Refresh and Gladden
Barry Lewis Green
I am an Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, and Creator ... advancing high functioning Purpose and Unity through elevated conversations, capacities and Character. Let's move forward together, stronger.
Recently, as part of ROCK105, I wrote on Cleanliness.
It inspired me to write again.
Last evening I shared on Facebook...
- As I sit under the stars and moon so gloriously coming forward this evening; decision. For July, I will be stepping back from Facebook. 1 singular post a day, period. Done in the morning, ahead of the day. Removing Facebook from my phone for the month. Going a little stealth. Road trips to Winterton and Heart's Content. Visiting graveside too. Time with Panda. Time with the moon, stars and deck. No Facebook presence other than the one post each day.
- Messenger will remain should anyone wish to connect. Those that have my text too. Will connect with friends on Zoom as well. But Facebook, one a day.
- Taking care of my body during this time. Taking care of mind and spirit too. Orders from the Soul. A comic strip will be created in July, long overdue. A short series of sci-fi novellas long promised... written too. Books to devour. Prayers to say. A reshaping of the body is underway and will be advanced too. This boy is going into dry dock. Life does not stop here, but it will change. Good byes too. This July will be eventful but not recorded.
- My work will continue... 5 cool youth, entrepreneur and community projects. LinkedIn will be my online space. But Facebook once a day. The moon and stars now out to bear witness. What comes out on the other side will be interesting. Be well. Take care. Peace.
Dale Carnegie once said, "Rest before you get tired." Yesterday in writing on Confidence... I shared that REST can be about the practice of Resilience, Endurance, Strength and Trust. Indeed, July for me will be about these four as I steal and steel away. Amidst the undulating events and affects of the Pandemic and my own self isolation, this is a conscious practice of Initiative in carving out my life for a month, and for the beyond. I am taking a slice of the 2020 pie and making it wholly mine. It is the only month, I have no teaching College and seems the clear and clean opportunity to do so. It will be about finding a new understanding of Resilience, Endurance, Strength and Trust. It will be physical. It will be mental. It will be emotional. It will be spiritual. It will be soulful.
I am not sure your plans this Summer. I am not sure where your life is and what constraints are upon it. For me, I am a free agent in so many ways with no parents nor children but my #bestlittledogintheworld Panda. I do know that, whatever your lot and space and responsibilities, finding time to go truly soulful is imperative to living and loving truly. We go inward to live outward. I intend that dive. I intend to refresh and gladden. These prayerful words will be said and enacted in July.
Promise, to you...
... to those I love ...
,,, and mostly to me.
Rest before you get tired. REST before you get tired.
I recommend, given these days especially, that you find the capacity to dive yourself.
Peace, passion and prosperity...
Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy with Epic Engage
Lead, inspire, educate, and unite. Move forward together, stronger. My work is about bringing campuses, companies and communities together, moving forward stronger. I work with educators, entrepreneurs and emerging leaders to do just that. My work is about character leadership and education and its role in helping individuals and organizations build a better world at school, work, business and community. I deliver on it through speaking, coaching and development in character leadership and education. My expertise is character leadership and education. I advance unity in diversity by moving the needle on leadership and education that is high character and results forging. I speak, teach, coach, facilitate, lead, write, sing, dance, cartoon and create on that. In 1980, Professor Rolf Hattenauer changed my life. A highly respected expert in Human Resource Management, he expected much of us and he believed much in us. He was an educator and leader of high character. He was extraordinary. To this day and beyond, I try my darnedest to honor his spirit with my own work. That is another story. But I hope I did him service here.
AAAAAAAAND thoughts on character and leadership...
Launching very soon...
- broadCAST Live, June 2020
- Justice Lead, June 2020
- Talk Reel, June 2020
- TUGtalks (coming soon)