A Refocused Country to Protect and Serve Communities...
Joe Armendariz
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America is in the middle of what seems to be an unprecedented crime wave. And yet, inexplicably, there is a war on police underway by the professional activists, political agitators, as well as from the local elected officials where most of the crime is happening on a daily basis.
Last year, 264 police officers were killed, which is almost a 100% increase from the year before. Hundreds if not thousands of law enforcement officers have resigned in protest to this war on the police. And what is the response from politicians and their amen choir in the news media? Reduce police budgets. I.e., "defund the police." This is exactly the opposite of what should happen.
Elected officials throughout America should be defunding every program other than those that are essential...and at the top of the list of essential services should be law enforcement and public safety. The American people, aka the silent majority, will not tolerate what is going on much longer. And when they finally decide they've had enough, heads will roll. And those heads will be the politicians who chronically misunderstand their fundamental role in a free society.
What is the role of an elected official?
I'm glad you asked. The role of elected officials isn't to pander and posture while substituting their limited wisdom and biased judgment for the collective wisdom and sober judgment inherent in the body politic. The role of an elected official is to represent the interests of their constituents while focusing on the preservation and maintaining of the quality of life that overburdened taxpayers desire and are entitled to.
America needs a national refocus and a well-executed strategy to recruit and hire 1,000,000 new police officers in the next 5 years. These men and women must be dedicated to protecting and serving their communities. As local taxpayers, we should be willing to pay these new police officers a salary that is at a minimum 100% higher than the average salary of an employee working for the same public agency in the same general area.
Our public education curriculum should be modified to accentuate the value of public service in general, and in law enforcement in particular. The goal should be to hire as many minorities as possible in order to mitigate the concern of systemic racism in our law enforcement agencies. A concern that I believe is entirely overblown but probably does exist to a very limited extent nonetheless.
Members of law enforcement should be our highest-paid government employees...higher than someone who works as a city or county planner, surveyor, assessor, public defender, lawyer, engineer, etc. And with that level of annual compensation obviously comes great civic responsibility and dedication to respecting the inalienable rights of the people they are employed to protect and serve.
To pay for this we should cut all non-essential spending, rightsize all public sector agencies via privatization, and eliminate departments that fail to deliver programs at a lower cost than the private sector. We should do this while also raising taxes on the largest corporations in America, particularly those that involve themselves in partisan politics and who do business in China...