Refocus: Lessons from Jonah's Journey

Refocus: Lessons from Jonah's Journey

I arrived in Pagadian on September 30th for a special assignment as a consultant. I didn’t know the place, and we didn’t have accommodations arranged. But by God’s grace, He provided a place for us to stay at the church guest house. I reached out to Pastor Gumapac, and he kindly approved our request.

When I first set foot in Pagadian, I felt like a "nowhereman", unfamiliar with the place and the people. But in just two months, this city has become home. I've learned to love the people here and have come to appreciate the simplicity of life in ways I never expected. I truly feel blessed.

To be honest, after the long flight and hours of travel, I never imagined I would be speaking during Sabbath service. Preaching wasn’t something I sought; I was more of a listener. I would often jot down the sermons in my notes app, especially one of my favorites by Pastor Cadao, which focused on reigniting our passion and refocusing on God’s great commission.

Though preaching was never my calling, I’ve come to understand that when God calls us to serve, we should not hesitate even if it's just for a short time. And so, when the invitation came to speak during Sabbath, I said yes, trusting that God would guide me. It’s not always about what we are comfortable with, but about answering the call to serve where we are needed.

Let me share my sermon, and have a short reflection on the end. I first heard this sermon by Pastor Cadao, this is one of my favorite the story of Jonah, that sometimes, I was like Jonah as well. I used to do what I like rather than the God's plan for myself.


First slide; title slide
Second Slide, illustration of focus to refocusing

In our modern world, we often use tools to help us focus. We use a magnifying glass to focus on something small and bring it into clearer perspective. We use prime lenses to isolate a subject, enhancing our attention on that single thing.

But during the pandemic, we were forced to refocus in ways we never expected. We couldn't gather, we couldn’t touch, we couldn’t see each other face to face. Our world became more isolated. And in that isolation, we had to ask ourselves: What are the things we were giving attention to?

Now, as we emerge from that time, it’s time to refocus on today, on the present. We are given the opportunity to reconnect, to be present with one another, to physically touch, and to feel the presence of the people around us. It’s a blessing to once again be able to stand hand-in-hand with those we care about, to be truly present with each other.

But our refocusing doesn’t just stop with our relationships with one another. It’s also a call to refocus on our Lord’s given duty to us. This duty is simple but profound: to take care of the welfare of others. In a world that often pulls our attention in many directions, it’s easy to forget that our ultimate focus should be on serving those around us, lifting them up, showing compassion, and sharing God’s love.

Let us refocus on God, on His calling to us, and on the mission He has entrusted to us. When we do, we find that all other distractions fall into their proper place.

Third slide: First Point "God Can Send Storms into Your Life."

God Can Send Storms into Your Life

In Jonah 1:4, we see that God sent a great wind and a violent storm to challenge Jonah. Sometimes, God allows storms in our lives, not because He wants to harm us, but because He wants to get our attention, teach us something, or redirect us toward His will. Just like the storm was meant to stop Jonah from fleeing, the storms we face can be a wake-up call, pushing us to reflect, realign, and trust God more deeply. While these storms may feel difficult, they can also be opportunities for spiritual growth and deeper reliance on God's power and grace.

Fourth slide: Second Point "God Can Touch Someone Near You."

God Can Touch Someone Near You

In Jonah 1:5, we see the sailors, who were not followers of God, deeply affected by the storm. In their fear, they each cried out to their own gods and threw the cargo overboard to lighten the ship. This event shows that God can use our own struggles and storms to impact those around us. Sometimes, the difficulties we face may touch the hearts of those who aren't yet walking with God, causing them to search for answers, question their beliefs, or even draw them closer to Him. God can use our trials to open the door for others to experience His power and presence, just as He did with the sailors in Jonah's story.

Fifth Slide: Third Point "God Can Touch Someone Near You."

God Can Send Someone to You

In Jonah 1:6, the captain went to Jonah, asking him to pray to his God, hoping for deliverance from the storm. This shows that God can send someone to us in our time of need someone who can challenge us, wake us up, or even point us back to Him. Just as the captain reached out to Jonah, God sometimes sends people into our lives at just the right moment to remind us of His presence, call us to action, or lead us toward a solution. These divine appointments are opportunities to be encouraged, refocused, or corrected as we navigate through life’s storms.

Sixth Slide: Fourth Point "God Can Expose Your Disobedience."

God Can Expose Your Disobedience

In Jonah 1:7-8, the sailors cast lots to determine who was responsible for the storm, and the lot fell on Jonah. This moment reveals how God can expose our disobedience, even when we try to hide it. Jonah’s attempt to flee from God’s calling was eventually revealed, not just to him, but to the sailors as well. When we try to run from God’s will, He has a way of bringing our disobedience into the light, often in ways that affect others around us. Just as the storm was a consequence of Jonah’s rebellion, our actions can have ripple effects on those near us. Yet, God exposes our disobedience not to shame us, but to call us back to His purpose and restore us to His will.

Seventh Slide: Final Point "God Can Touch You Physically."

God Can Touch You Physically

In Jonah 1:15, after Jonah was thrown into the sea, the raging storm immediately grew calm. This powerful moment shows that God can touch us physically, either through direct intervention or as a result of our obedience to Him. Jonah's physical experience of being cast into the sea was a dramatic illustration of God's power to affect the physical world. Similarly, God can use physical circumstances, whether through healing, discipline, or even moments of peace in our trials, to get our attention, teach us, or reveal His sovereignty over all things. Just as God calmed the storm for Jonah, He can bring peace and restoration to our lives in ways that are tangible and real.


The story of Jonah is a powerful reminder that God is always at work in our lives, even when we try to run from His will. He can send storms to get our attention, touch those around us to bring change, and expose our disobedience to lead us back to His purpose. But He also has the power to physically touch us, bringing peace, healing, and restoration.

In the midst of life’s distractions and challenges, Jonah's story calls us to refocus. It’s a reminder to realign our lives with God's calling and to recognize that He is always at work, even in the storms. When we refocus on God’s plan, we can trust that He will guide us back to where we need to be. No matter how far we’ve strayed, God’s love and grace are always there to bring us back. Let us refocus on Him today, responding to His call with obedience, and trusting that His ways are always for our good and His glory.


The story of Jonah serves as a powerful reminder to reflect on our own lives. How often do we, like Jonah, run from God’s will, thinking we know better or wanting to follow our own desires? But in the end, God’s plans are always for our good, even when they involve trials or detours along the way.

If Jonah had obeyed the Lord’s will immediately, he might have avoided the trials and challenges he faced. Had he surrendered to God's plan instead of running away, the storm might never have come, and the sailors wouldn’t have suffered. Likewise, in my own life, there are times when I’ve delayed obedience or followed my own will instead of God's.

If I had submitted to His guidance sooner, perhaps I wouldn’t have spent two long years feeling lost or uncertain. I might not have ended up pursuing an MBA, but rather I could have been in my third year of Law School by now. If only I had been more patient and trusted God's timing, instead of rushing into decisions on my own.

I realize that when I choose to follow my own path, it often leads to frustration or unnecessary struggles, just as Jonah faced a storm because he tried to flee from God’s calling. But the beautiful part of Jonah’s story and our story, is that God doesn’t abandon us. He’s always ready to redirect us, give us second chances, and help us refocus on His will. As I reflect on this, I’m reminded that it’s never too late to realign our lives with God’s purpose. Even when we’ve made wrong choices or delayed obedience, God is always there, ready to guide us back to His plan with grace and love.

But just like Jonah, I’m reminded that God is the God of second chances. Even when we stray from His will or make wrong choices, He is always ready to redirect us when we are willing to submit to Him. God’s grace gives us the opportunity to start again, and with His help, we can walk the path He intended for us from the beginning. It’s never too late to refocus, to realign ourselves with His purpose, and to trust that He will guide us toward His best plan for our lives.

Today, let’s choose to refocus, to realign our hearts and minds with His purpose. Whether it’s through a storm, a second chance, or a gentle reminder from those around us, let us be willing to listen and obey. When we refocus on God, we will find peace, direction, and fulfillment that only He can provide.

So, whatever you may be facing today, remember: it’s never too late to start again, to refocus, and to trust in the God who always leads us back to His best plan for our lives. May we go forward with hearts open to His call, ready to serve, to love, and to follow His will.

See you in my next article!


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