Michael Field
Digital Marketer | Storyteller | Writer | Content Manager | Content Creator | Podcaster | Author
I quit my job! The biggest impact in my professional career this year was cutting the cords of my safety net. Exiting stage right of my comfort zone. I left a steady job back in May of this year to join the hectic world of freelancing. I've found some steady freelance work since then, but still, it's a wildly different experience.
I've always been a writer and content creator, no matter what everyone called it over the years, but the work was always on the fringe. A hobby. Nothing in the professional space. It took me some time, but I finally made the commitment to make a plan and get to work, so to speak. There was no "A-ha" moment. No epiphany. I just knew it was time to take the step. Even if I wanted to stay at my steady job, there was no path for me to grow within the company or even increase my pay. I had to leave.
Quitting my job lead me to my ultimate reflection of this past year. That I can do this. I may be out of my comfort zone in terms of steady work and pay, but I've firmly confident in my ability to get the work done. I'm not perfect, but I'm consistent. I'm not the best and that's really a relative, but I get the job done.
Who knows what 2022 will bring. More freelancing. Perhaps another permanent, steady job. Or maybe something even bigger. It's all on the table whereas in the beginning of 2021, I struggled to find my way. Sometimes taking that leap opens up a world of opportunities.