Reflections of a Young Warrior. Ed. II
Our recent Course.. BraveHeart Leadership @nowayjoseproductions

Reflections of a Young Warrior. Ed. II

Saturday, September 1 7:56PM Analog Coffee

What’s up Warriors? Very grateful to be with you again. I just finished a serious upper body workout at Good Life Fitness and I’m feeling REVOLUTIONIZED. Ready to crush the world and In my judgement, one of the best ways to end a long day at the Dealership. Deep in the trenches of the hustle…

This week has been awakening for me..

These are the key things that I learned.

  1. Discernment
  2. Follow Up
  3. Be aware of the thoughts in my head

During my week, I experienced crazy things that happened at work. My own personal beliefs were challenged as a man. The values that I was challenged is whether I should keep my values of telling the truth to other people or keep things back in order to make money! Without going into detail. I really learned that when I lie to other people, I am not true to my character. I am no longer true to my core. I am further away from people.. I am further away from who I am. I am further away from the Relationships that I want with other people.

My passion lies in being close to others. To relate. To serve.

I started talking trash about people in my head… Then I realize judging others doesn’t serve me.

Whenever I would be angry or judgemental to others, I would tell them straight up to their face without being aware of the impact of my words. I would tell people “FUCK YOU” or I would say harmful things to my mom (god forbid) and realize I wouldn’t consider how this impacts our relationship.

My mentor gave me important feedback.. To discern my truth. To be aware when it’s time to be completely HONEST, to be tactful in my words and use words or strategy.

For example.. When I disagree with my Mom, the old me would of said: “FUCK YOU, and more....”

However, when I am with my family now.. I know that I truly want to build a stronger relationship with my mom. If I swear at her, this wouldn’t help my goal of building this relationship. If I am upset about something.. It’s valuable for me to be honest; however, NOT UNFILTERED AND inconsiderate. I can either get angry and have a temper tantrum, or say things in a way that are respectful; however, getting my point across..




Leader Kevin: I am angry when I think you are disrespecting me, I want you to talk to me with respect.. If not? I am leaving the party…”

Do you realize the difference?

Here’s an ACTION STEP: Before losing control ask yourself… “What outcome do I want to have with this person?”


“What is the intended IMPACT that I want to have with them…?”

From that power of SELF AWARENESS. I trust you will find a gift in building relationships with others.

In Business and Human Relationships, there’s a huge connection. If I want to connect with people and help them, I need to initiate the conversation. Leaders are the ones that initiate contact with others..

Victor Hugo once said “Initiative is doing the right thing without being told..”

This week, I learned from working in the Dealership, is that I need to get up off my chair away from my desk and Initiate contact with people who come in! If I want to go out and get a sale, make money for myself and my business, I need to go out and INITIATE CONVERSATIONS. Once I can initiate, that is half the battle.. This week, I truly learned about the second Key to Building a Relationship with others. That is Follow Up.

When networking at a Business Event, coffee shop or a networking party.. I can meet people left right and centre; however, the true gift lies in the Opportunity to Create a Stronger Relationship with that person. In order to, I need to get their phone number/cell phone or email. This week, I learned that if I need to follow up with the People that I meet, the opportunities that come my way require follow up. Whether that’s by sending an email to a Business Owner after I meet them at them at the Cocktail Party or calling a Young Leader that I meet at the gym and doing what it takes to getting in front of them again! There is Fortune in the Follow Up.

The last Takeaway that I learned this week:

Be aware of the thoughts in my head..

This week at the Dealership, I judged the heck out of people.. I judged my co-workers, I judged the people that came in and ULTIMATELY.. The judgement came when I judged myself.

This week, the judgements went hard on others and ultimately myself. When these negative thoughts enter my mind, I jump into a state that doesn’t serve me. I’m not productive, I’m not connecting with others.. And the true negativity impacts me when I forget that It’s my job to Serve others.

I am grateful for my awareness. The times when I would be aware of my judgements, projections and thoughts and I ask myself. “What about all these judgements, are all about me?”

When I reflect and I own these judgements that I put onto others. I realize the importance of putting POSITIVE INPUT into my mind. I do this by listening to a Positive Audiobook (I’m listening Grant Cardone’s 10X Rule and Be Obsessed or Be Average on replay) or by hitting the gym and going into my body.. (REALLY IMPORTANT) By hitting the gym and moving my body, I enter a new state where I am focused and relentless and most IMPORTANTLY, Self Compassionate to myself.

When I forgive and love myself, I can become the loving Leader that I am meant to be.

If you are at the bottom of the article and you have taken value from this… I sense you have learned my takeaways of the week..

Discern your words: Be aware of the intended impact you want to have with others.

Follow Up: Reach out, reconnect with others, build a relationship (especially when others don’t answer the phone!)

Be Aware of the Input: Fill your mind with POSITIVE THOUGHTS. Having a Positive Attitude with Yourself is a Key to Building a Positive World for Yourself… and believe me. With others. Bonus.. Do this and watch success attract into your life.

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For any questions about Leadership, growth and success. Email me at [email protected]


Have a powerful week.


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