Reflections on the TRUTH of Life
I recently had a birthday; I am 72 years old. I noted in my journal that morning the fact that it is the first day of the rest of my life. As a friend recently shared that he does, I ask God for what is on His heart for me to do each day. The answers are not always clear or easy. They may be something completely out of my comfort zone or center on all my talents and abilities.
In trying to make sense of what these 72 years have been all about, I have come to a few conclusions. I am a man of God, imperfect and flawed, who is loved and cared for by my God. My life has not been perfect or without problems. It has had very high, highs and very low, lows in between years of little progress and others of great accomplishments. My passion for certain things, and my lack of patience, has often got me into trouble. I come off brash and harsh to others at times when I am only seeking TRUTH and fairness, the best we all have to give.
Writing has become a release for me, a way of sharpening my mind while seeking wisdom. Even if nobody reads my posts, they are an expression of who I am and what I am thinking. Financial wealth alludes me, but I am enriched as I have conversations with others and exchange points of view. A quest for TRUTH drives me as I seek different concepts and perspectives. I am convinced that there is only one TRUTH but there are many different perspectives and viewpoints that must be considered. All other TRUTHS are relevant to these perspectives and viewpoints.
My knowledge is limited, as is my wisdom. I marvel at scientists and engineers, doctors and attorneys, and many others who possess such things that I may never have. I have no specific expertise, no real talent to offer. I will never be a great writer, dancer, poet, or artist. This is who I am; I cannot change much now at this point in my life, but I will continue to learn and try to improve. I have much more to offer. Creative thoughts and ideas that can make a difference. Strengths I am willing to share and insight that no one else has except me, because I am unique and like no one else.
On my website ( and in other encounters I ask the sincere question…” How can I help you?” I can’t offer money, a job, or many other more tangible things. All I have is an ear to hear, the wisdom God has given me, a willingness, and the ability to listen, the experience of a lifetime, compassion and love, confidentiality in all things, non-judgmental, and sincerity.
Perhaps you are the one God will put on my heart tomorrow, or the next day, or the next. I would love to have a discussion with you about the things that are important to you. I don’t have all the answers, but I know how to listen, and I have people and resources I can turn to. We may not always agree, and there on some areas in which I will not compromise or change. TRUTH, I have found, can only be determined by asking questions, the right questions that get to the center of things.
As I say in my website… We will take a somewhat different approach to explore all the possibilities of our lives; to help us see things others do not see, feel things others do not feel, and believe things others do not believe possible. To persevere when others want to quit and give up. Our role will be to help each other think, speak, and act in ways that make the greatest difference in our life, your field, and the world. We will look beyond asking WHY to ask the more difficult and fundamental question of WHY NOT?
We can work together as you define the terms. There are no contracts, long-term commitments, or letters of agreement. If I can't help, we determine that up front and acknowledge the time we spent together. If we determine that there is something to be gained by meeting again, we do so without any further obligation.
Feel free to email me at [email protected] to explore the possibilities further.