Reflections Series #5 | Being Debt-free! Possibility or a Myth?
Is it actually possible to be Debt-Free? $$$
Dear Customer, your EMI for Aug is due on.....
Dear xxx, your Credit card bill of Rs. xxx is OVERDUE... pay immediately to..
Dear Cx, now get a Rs. 50,000 spot money in your account, no KYC needed....
Dude, where's my money you promised to return last month????
If you have received any of the above communications at any point of your time, well, welcome to current Debt trap we all live in!!
We live in an overwhelming market of consumerism and everyone everywhere every moment is tempting us to spend and spend even more. EVEN if we don't have the money for it.
However, it is absolutely difficult to know IF we can afford it or not.
Credit companies, Micro credit companies, and Umpteen number of banking solutions are all focused on ensuring this only compounds multi-fold and ensuring we stay in a Debt-trap = IF WE ARE NOT CAREFUL
Checking one's Credit scores is an absolute necessity to stay on track
Using any of the mainstream apps in the market gives you free access to knowing your personal credit score = Which basically gives us insights on what the market perceives our financial standing as:
Evidently, I've faced my share of bad financial planning, high dependency on credit, over-spending, and bad excessive credit exposure in the past.
However, we can all overcome this by putting in place some amount of discipline in our money inflow & outflow.
Some Golden rules me and my wife have implemented that has helped us overcome debt to a large extent:
Credit: I owe a great deal to my significant other - Soumya for enduring my thrifty nature and helping us systematically unshackle and be prudent in our money matters! Thank you for building the financial discipline in us!
So reader, how did you Un-shackle from your Debt? Go ahead and tell us..