Reflections - Series #4 | Healthy Feet = Happier lifestyle
The way we nurture and develop our feet has a big impact on our overall lifestyle. The feeling of just kicking out our footwear and stretch out at the end of they day, only means one thing!
We need to re-look at our daily lifestyle, the kind of footwear, exercises, strengthening and building long-term health of our feet.
Bunions (the extra bone growth on the big toe), Hammer toe, Flat feet, Pronation / Supination etc., all these are an outcome of unhealthy development of feet and not using the elasticity and strength of our feet to the needed extent daily in our lifestyle. Strengthening our feet the right way, earlier on in life is the key
So how do we address this and how can I start taking care of my feet better?
Essential reading for your benefit: All about Proprioception
I've been personally driven towards the concept of developing a healthy lifestyle and am fortunate to have been exposed to scientific knowledge, practical application and outlining methods to re-introducing ourselves to a healthier lifestyle, all starting with our feet!
Guide to oversee a healthy foot growth in our children:
Connecting you to the experts who I've had the privilege of working closely with. They're on a mission to help us lead healthier lifestyles, starting with our feet!
Prof Daniel Lieberman - The science behind the benefits of barefoot
Coach Lee Saxby -
Most of us would have children or know families with children. It is said that by the age of 10, a child's foot is fully formed, and if by then the child isn't using the advantages of being bare feet - playing, jumping, feeling the ground etc. as per the proprioception guidebook above, well, time to take corrective actions today, and start benefiting from it.
Watch this brilliant video -
Happy foot strengthening & Stay inspired!