Reflections on the response to Queen Elizabeth’s death
Terrific Mentors International
Mentoring Training Coaching, To make sense of work and life
Although it was General of the Army, Douglas MacArthur who coined the phrase “Duty, Honour, Country” it is a phrase that was turning around in my head during the observance of Queen Elizabeth’s funeral rites.
It is clear that she epitomised this motto to millions around the world and, collectively, we seemed to mourn not simply the passing of a long reigning monarch but the passing of an era of decency, honesty, institutional integrity, “fair play”, good humour, good manners, and respect for one another.
Regardless of whether one is a monarchist or not, the Queen, as an individual, certainly performed her duty to the highest of standards and brought honour and respect to the position of Monarch and the institution of the Monarchy while enhancing the reputation of her country.
Our recent trials and tribulations of the global pandemic combined with the political, societal, and racial divisions caused by the ruthless ambitions of far too many dishonourable, clearly amoral, politicians and leaders have caused many of us to worry about the type of world we are creating for our children and grandchildren.
What happened to the standards that those of the Queen’s and my generation (I am approaching my 80th?year) were brought up with? Who will now restore the best of those standards?
In my opinion this is partly why the passing of the Queen has brought about such global, and personable, feelings of grief – we are also grieving for ourselves.
Maybe we could re-examine those standards before it is too late?
Bob Gattie
If you have a view about the meaning of such overwhelming response to the Queen’s death, please share it with us at?[email protected]