Reflections & Resolutions
Tamarah Ellen
Entertainer/Host of Tamarah's Closet LIVE INTERVIEWS, Writer & Photographer
It’s that time of the year again, where we prepare for a New Year, reflecting on the year’s past accomplishments, things we missed and what we will change for the future.
It’s also a restless time for many. We can easily slip into regrets, shame or frustration over what we did not accomplish versus looking at what we did. We have high hopes each time the New Year rolls in. Some celebrate the bringing in of the New Year with great anticipation in a grandiose fashion, with high hopes of resolutions & demonstration of new change.
Then, the morning after there is often an anxious feeling; almost a rude awakening perhaps, of fear and disconcert. These anxious feelings of: “What will the New Year bring in? Will I really change, and what if my change doesn’t work?”
The “what ifs” can be overwhelming at this point. More importantly, we should all remember instead, the “what if it does work?” The pessimist tends to want to overrule the optimist in each of us. The truth is, we are truly in control of our actions. We may not be in control of the results or the timing of things, yet we are in control of our actions and intent. Our intent is more powerful even, than our actions.
When we have a powerful intent through our thoughts and our manifestations, the action part becomes easy. The action naturally becomes the next easy step, as our thoughts are aligned properly. The more we focus on our intent through positive self-talk, our intent gets stronger and when our intent strengthens, our body naturally begins to move into action.
It’s been proven that what we think about, we bring about, as it is embedded into our subconscious minds. We don’t have to wait until January 1st to begin our change. We can begin our thoughts now to prepare our focus to be in high gear by the time the New Year rolls in.
What do you want the New Year to bring in? Is it love, better opportunities, new wealth, new spirituality, new forgiveness, new friends, a new home, better health? Whatever your desires are, the only way to bring them in, is through focus on our thoughts to prepare for the CHANGE that is required.
Change can be frightening at times, yet in reality it is only false evidence appearing real, which is only FEAR. Don’t let fear keep you from changing. When we face our fears, which is really just CHANGE, our false evidence dissipates with our first steps.
Make the New Year, YOUR Year to change through focusing on your thoughts & desires, letting go of fear & the past, through forgiveness which will bring in love. Where there is love, we are capable of conquering great things. We learn to walk away from the past by stepping into our future! Stay in the moment one day at a time! ~Tamarah Ellen~
Self-Portait: Tamarah Ellen
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