REFLECTIONS:  Read ... Anything for starters.

REFLECTIONS: Read ... Anything for starters.

Read.  Reading.  Readers.

The BEST entertainment.  Reading works a muscle that'll strengthen over time.  Finding the joy of books early sets the stage for one's life.  

Always imagined myself in every book that I read.  I didn't care if someone who looked like me wasn't written into the script.  I was there.  The narrator.  The observer.  The all seeing one ... at least in whatever I was reading.  Just like the PEANUTS. 

Coming from a family of readers does create the proper environment for learning.  Doesn't it go without saying.  Rounds out all the words coming your way well before you even make it to elementary school.  Reading allows you to relax your mind.  Sounds unusual huh?  Well, these days, it sounds weird.  

Yep, reading gives you places to go without spending a dime or dollar.  Pick up a book.  You can lift yourself form either the most horrendous or extremely lonely pampered environments.  Travel.  Pick a country.  Pick a topography.  Pick your own dress wear.  Reading takes you there.

Reading will always be the ultimate equalizer.  

Reading.  Give it the time.  Connect with the words then they'll become your friend.  

Ahhh, reading.  In so many countries, people do not have access to libraries and more.  But, here in the USA, you have libraries, book stores, etc.   Yep, book in hand (or hands).  Doesn't have to be electronic.  People not reading because they don't have a computer is "bull" and "bogus".   To think about 100 years ago, US citizens would have given anything to have access to books.  Some ethnic groups were NOT even allowed to learn over 150 years ago without risking their lives.  Now, we all have the right but have allowed the urge to read a book slip.

For years, you'll hear parents and politicians complain about "BAD" or underperforming schools.  They come down so hard on the teachers, administrators, and some politicians.  Wondering why verbal scores "suck".  Heck, it is tough to have good scores as a reader.  Has to be much worst not even being a reader.

But, who pushes back?  Who says to the parents and child "... what did you read to day?  On your own time?  How do you use your free time?"    Hundred-sixty-eight hours in a week.  Approx. seven hundred-thirty hours in an avg. month.  Over eight thousand-seven hundred-sixty hours per year.  Yet, you'll hear so many kids and parents state that they don't have time to "READ".   You can bet that folks spend around seven hundred to a thousand hours a year on TV / Cable.  This doesn't include the video games, team sporting events, and simply empty moments.

Hmmm, so if.  What ... 

... if more parents read then their kids would? 

... if more of us had a conversation about what we've read versus what we heard TV / Cable's talking heads say ...?

... if people & kids read more than a short electronic ...?

Can we really blame our schools for failing when many parents probably can't even do their kids homework?  I am not even referencing those elusive math questions (don't you still hate all those darn word problems).

We can all change our schools.  Doesn't require another "DIME or DOLLAR".  Doesn't require "FIRING" anyone.  Doesn't require changing "UNION CONTRACTS" (just yet).  Requires much less.  Requires parents and kids to spend less on video games, sports shoes, fancy clothes, etc.  READ.  READ.  READING.  READERS.  

My mother read to us.  She encouraged us to read.  We laughed out loud as she read to us or as we read to ourselves.  My sisters loved Nancy Drew.  My Grandmother read those love novels.  My mother loved Zane Grey, the Holy Bible, Peanuts, etc.  She said read.  Read anything.  We had comics and stories.  

The big prize were the Encyclopedias and Peanuts series.  Mesmerized, we grabbed on to the 20 or so Encyclopedias flipping through the pages.  Each kid grabbing a book from A to Z.  The glossy black & white photos with the compact short stories.  Wetted your appetite to read even more.  Couldn't wait for the next Peanuts book which we read and re-read over and over.

We laughed as Mom would read the Greek Mythology stories out loud.  Then, one of us might do the same.  Making the funny sounds.  Acting out the parts.  Chat about the relevance to real life.

Did you know this inadvertently prepared us for school?  Built our vocabulary.  

Both Mom and Grandma would say "you don't have to be rich to READ."  Just as my Grandmother and Mom would also say "just because you are poor doesn't mean you have to be dirty.  So, pick it up.  Clean up."  We got direction.

Dad read.  Didn't push it. But, you could see he was informed.  So, even when he was long gone, it was already in our DNA.  Mostly due to my Maternal side of the family.

So, next time you hear someone "bitching" about their schools, please do us all a favor.  Inquire what the parents and kid do in the non-work hours?  How do they spend their down time.  Are the comfortable being alone ... with a book?

Those who spend more on their "appearance" then their mind deserve the long-term financial outcome.  No one to blame.  

Why?  Because aren't books at all of our finger tips?  Can't folks put down the remote, alcohol, snacks, shopping bag, etc. to pick up a BOOK?  

Yes, internet is an option.  But, the internet should not be the crutch.  Kids should learn to read and write without electronics.  We'll before touching a electronic gadget.  Get used to holding a book.  Sitting off by themselves to read.




We can own the progress and DESTINY of ourselves.

Perhaps, start with the Charlie Brown and the Peanuts.  That is how we started.  I still read them to this day.  I can laugh at the short comic strips.  Then, the Peanuts movie(s) will mean so much.  Ok.  

Ok, you really can grab something more challenging too.  But, I'll save that for another date.


Robert N.  Johnson  /// acommon1 imperfect reader (and writer)

hao ren

Robert N. Johnson

Board Of Directors | Corp. VP | Retired @ 50 yrs old | *Imaginary Statesman* | Certified Commoner!!! |!Strong Follower!??| I celebrate your celebrations. ??

9 年

Overlooked. Reading is important but if you're going to "Type" then slowdown and proof READ. (I am so guilty of moving faster than the keys. Used to using only pen and paper.)



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