I gaze at your reflection in the mirror of my mind.
If I could somehow travel through the mirror to your world, I wonder just what marvels I might find.
You seem too real to be an actress in imaginations play,
And though I know that I am sleeping, I am certain that this is no fantasy that withers at the dawning of the day.
If I could smash the mirror would you disappear, or would our worlds combine?
I wonder, can the magic of your vast, eternal world be squeezed into this tiny universe composed of space and time?
You are no simple human, with your pale blue skin and tranquil features touched by bliss.
Your deep and penetrating eyes can pierce the veil between our worlds and draw my soul to yours across the great abyss.
What mystery is yours that fills my soul with such an ardent thirst?
How can a single glance from those dark eyes enchant so deeply that my heart is fit to burst?
In daylights lonely hours I hear you whisper words that I can’t understand.
And yet, they make me long for restless dreams so I may try once more to reach across the void and touch your hand.
The flowers which surround your portal scarce do justice to the beauty seen within.
I marvel at the wondrous creatures which surround you and the pale blue lustre of your skin.
Each night I press against the glass just like a moth would beat his wings against the lantern as he reaches for the flame.
I spend each anxious day in brooding contemplation, - wondering if the dream will come again.
Patrick W Kavanagh
Art by Bill Oliver