Reflections in Numancia
Juan Carlos Menendez Gijón
Freelance - Fotógrafo y redactor de contenidos
Could it be that in these times, where miserable uncertainty seems to play hide-and-seek with reason and where, more than ever, labels tend to be the thrown weapon of mediocrity, the same thing happens to me as to the famous character of Gaya Nu?o, the endearing Santero of San Saturio and I also like to go up to Numancia when the wind blows and shakes the bloody petals of the first poppies, to remember, in these ruined solitudes of Numantia, those prodigious events, where the pride of a people was able to sacrifice oneself on the always honorable altars of Freedom.
It matters little or nothing if today, the new generations, fed up with the world of cyber-fantasy, in which they remain happily prisoners, as Orwell warned, recognize the symbol that always meant the immeasurable Numantine feat. But, for those of us who are still more or less clear about who we are and where we come from, the spirit of Numancia always sweetens our path, making us move forward with optimism, attached to the pride and resilience of an immortal race.
NOTICE: Both the text and the accompanying photographs are my exclusive intellectual property and are therefore subject to my Copyright.