Reflections of a Modern Bluestocking

A day that acknowledges and celebrates achievements of women and examines their struggles that is what women's day is all about. It is also the time we aim to collectively understand and find solutions to their problems, unite to break the gender bias within the families, society, and workplace and raise awareness on the role of women in every layer of the society.

We have progressed a great deal from a world in which achievements by women went unacknowledged to now when we celebrate them. Thanks to the enlightenment that happened during the 17th and 18th centuries, followed by several women’s rights movements that happened across the world. From the Bluestockings in 18th century to #MeToo movement in 21st century, women and supportive gentlemen have been trying to establish the rights of women to education, work, vote, equality, live dignified life, for financial independence, for compassionate work environment, and safety, to mention a few.

Even though we are taking baby steps to equality, we still live in a world designed by men and institutions created and maintained for men. We need more women out in the society to lead the way and lift more women through empathy and setting examples. We need more women on the top layer of workforce for other women to look up to. Quoting Robert Frost, as a society, we have still miles to go to reach our vision for women – liberty, equality, and dignity. We still have promises to keep for setting a better stage for our future generations.

Mahatma Gandhi said, ‘Be the change you want to see in the world.’ Women should strive for the changes they wish to see in the family and society. Each day in a woman’s life should be to prove to the world of what they are capable. Irrespective of gender, believe in the potential of women power, trust their ability to lead the way, embrace the diversity in thinking, collectively work for the best outcome, and create awareness among young men and women the need for mutual respect and acceptance for effective work. Every part of the society should be dedicated in encouraging women to do better, making them feel safer, letting them live a life with dignity, giving them independence in decision making, helping them stand on their own feet, building them in every way and definitely not break them.

The world is being encouraged and enlightened to march together for the equality of women in every sector of society ranging from family to space station. Therefore, vision of this celebration must be conserved in every way than allowing it to be reduced to yet another ‘day’ celebrated by consumerist marketing strategists. We must break the biases, think, and work collectively for a progressive society where women are treated equally and with dignity. “Break the bias” and cheers to a wonderful world where both men and women would co-exist happily ever after.

With love,

Bibi Mary Francis, ADI Researcher @ Aaivalayam-DIRAC  


