Reflections : Learning to Dance
Sampath Thrimavithana
C-Suite / Tech Talent Transformation / Data & AI Evangelist / Entrepreneur/ Contact : 0713-876-936 Email : [email protected]
Here are few of my personal reflections of trying to learn dancing. And the learning analogies to life and corporate world.
Exploring new skills has been my Hobby. I've delved into many, ?such as learning to Code, swim, playing the guitar and piano, trying to sing, composing music, cooking, and even trying my hand at fashion designing. The most recent addition to my list is dancing, sparked by an unexpected visit to Playtrix on a Thursday night, where I witnessed the captivating energy of a Salsa Night. Below are few reflections of the journey so far.
Inspiration: A casual outing with friends shifted my Friday nights to a Thursday, leading me to discover the world of what they called Street Latin. Witnessing the joy and energy of them on the floor ignited that sudden thought – I could learn to dance too.
Initiating: A thought or a hope can only be realized through taking the first step. So, I sought out instructors, acknowledging the efficiency of learning from an instructor, despite the abundance of online resources. The initial stages of acquiring any skill can be challenging – grappling with rhythm, an inflexible body, and the fear of making mistakes. Yet, understanding that this struggle is a universal part of any skill-building serves as a driving force to persist.
Commitment: To do anything, you need to put the effort. Confronting the initial hurdles, perseverance is the key. Malcolm Gladwell's 10,000-hour principle echoed in my mind, emphasizing the importance of consistent practice. Attending a weekly class wasn't enough; practicing at home, sometimes with an imaginary partner and later with the help of my younger daughter. Later joining a practice group with similar enthusiasts.
Communication: A key thing I learned from instructors is dancing is all about communication. I’ve read Robin Sharma’s book “Leading without Titles”, but this is more like “Leading without Words”. Sending the right signals to a dance partner is crucial; a misstep in communication can lead to unexpected outcomes. Understanding this silent dialogue became a fascinating aspect of the learning process. Somewhat like playing “Poker” and “Simultaneous moves in “Game Theory” during my Strategic Thinking studies.
Understanding and Empathy: Observing the dynamics during social dances revealed the importance of mutual understanding. If Leader is inexperienced, the partner still should give him a chance to lead. ?If the follower is inexperienced, the leader should assess, adjust and encourage. If both are experts and in sync, you will have that thrill of competitive spirit and for spontaneous creative possibilities!
Challenge: Each new dance move presented a challenge, accompanied by a rewarding "aha" moment, a “dopamine rush”. Celebrating these small victories fuels the motivation to continue pushing for more.
Camaraderie: The camaraderie within the dance community added a social dimension to my journey, connecting with successful individuals from diverse backgrounds, each offering unique perspectives of life.
Health: While there are more conventional ways to stay fit, I've found the 90 minutes of dancing to be a more enjoyable alternative to the monotony of treadmill workouts.
Discipline and Boundaries: ?Yes, the socials exposes you to Spirits and some glamorous people :-) so if you don’t know your limits can get into trouble. Stay focus on priorities!!!
Overall, this new Hobby helped me to relax, relieve stress, enrich life with newfound connections and to be healthier.