Reflections on Leadership
The events industry are dealing with an unexpected situation of unrivaled scale.
For the first time in modern digital history, in real time at hyper speed, we are all unwillingly connected to deal with a binding unknown.
Yet as a community we have the intelligence, appetite, knowledge and the care for each other to handle what comes our way and emerge better in countless ways.
The extra time in lock down, shared with my sons Fynn (8) and Ethan (5) and wonderfully supported and nurtured by our dear Carolyn has provided a unique opportunity. In between P.E with Joe, Yoga with Adriene and learning to cook new dishes with previously ignored ingredients, the chance to connect with mentors and read or listen to leaders across the planet for opinions, guidance or wisdom is limitless.
Taking the time to reflect on what it means to lead a team (unrelated to the pandemic), I found Australian T20 World Cup Captain, Meg Lanning, summed it up pretty well.
“The important thing was to quickly identify what the scenario was, adjust to it, and seize the initiative back when the moment arrived.” Meg Lanning after the match in relation to how the team emerged triumphant on March 9th - doesn’t that seem so long ago now!
Then in logic around supporting an industry, a sport and families that cover every wonderful cultural background in our community.
“We all need to come together, call it a strategy group or council. We have to use this time to plan on how we look and what we do after this is all over,” John Didulica, CEO Professional Footballers Australia.
And there are plenty more examples of fine leadership during these uncertain times. Personally one of my mentors “Bill” who has more than 45 years of corporate experience said to me last week – “Son, I have never been more strategically focused in my entire life, focused on protecting our people and our business, but I have zero idea on the outcome.”
As each day presents a new challenge and shifts away from our growth plan for Rosterfy in 2020, we hold great faith in the ability of our team to adapt, concentrate on the plan, and share some private skills in performing an excerpt of Schubert Impromptu to lift the spirits, unexpected and soothing.
We will continue to enhance the Rosterfy platform to provide more value in delivering next level volunteer and workforce technology for charities, not for profits, government and health segments - beyond the sport and events activities that have shaped our history.
As my sister, Principal at a regional primary school keeps reminding me,
Stay Strong – Stay Safe – Stay United!
See you on the other side.
Andrew Walton