Reflections on Labor Day

Reflections on Labor Day


As I reflect on Labor Day,  I think of my dad who worked until he was 91 years old. This week I went to his office trying to pack up what is left. No, my dad did not die. However, he is not able to work and unable to process what is left. I can’t help but think about the work ethic he instilled in me and how important work was to him.

I remembered, my early memories of going into his office learning basic accounting during busy tax seasons. He was a CPA and tax attorney. He was in  law school when I was born. I know this story since my mother’s water broke and I was born prematurely (6 weeks early weighing 31/2 pounds). There were no cell phones in those days. I will not date myself, although I guess I have (oh well- don’t hold my maturity against me- look at how old my dad was until he retired!)

The law school in Queens (St. John’s Law School) was called when my mom was in labor. The staff at the school had to go find my father in his class and he took the subway from Queens to Brooklyn directly to the hospital (Brooklyn Jewish Hospital). Needless to say, my father missed my quick birth but certainly got to see me in the incubator.

Work was so important to my family and continues to be part of who I am. I believe in work-life balance. Yet, I love working and have no problem being proud of that. So on this Labor Day as I move my dad to a better place to thrive, I listen to him sing and enjoy what he is able to do. I love you Dad and hope that this note inspires other workers to thrive in their work. For those of us who are looking for work, hang in there, don’t give up, and appreciate what life offers.

Happy Labor Day!


Beth J. Milton, MPA

Mary Ann Ryan-Erdek

State Rate Filing Specialist at A.M. Best

9 年

Ah, yes - "Labor Day" - the ultimate slap in the face to those "in transition"............



