Reflections of January
Reflections of January
The new year, 2023, rolled in. Wild celebrations of fireworks could be viewed either in person in or electronically. Celebration of new life and change starts with Christmas, the ultimate celebration of new life, birth. The three wise men did not only follow the star to find a new king, they followed it to find a King that would make a change to the world, to bring enlightenment.
The twelve days of Christmas is their journey to enlightenment and can be your journey also. Bring to the new year the treasure that you have accumulated and how you will enjoy the new life that can manifest.
For me, it meant to revisit a childhood desire to learn Italian. My Nonno tried to teach me because he spoke very little English. I am ethnically Italian and proudly an Italian-American. So I started Duolingo, which has a free version. I am getting in touch with my roots and hope to visit Italy. I am doing it because I loved him, he is as important to me 40 years after his death as he was when I was seven years old. Funny thing about people you love, they never leave you. People you love are always present in your heart.
If you have not started a new beginning, its not too late. Any day of the year is a good time to connect with your past, not because it is behind you, but because you hold it dearly to you in your present. Think of someone or something from your childhood and connect to yourself today. It might be a cliché but it is still true. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Pick up a book, google "self-improvement", reflect on what makes you happy.
Go for it!
C.C. Cargnoni is the author of Love Among Us, The Twelve Days of Christmas, which can be found on