Reflections on impactful gifts this holiday season ?
At our Youth Annual Summit held a few weeks ago, we reflected extensively on the management of emotions, mental health, and our leadership from the inside out. Some young people were overwhelmed, and we discussed how challenging it is for us to be there for them. Spaces like these where they can experience these emotions while finding support are scarce, especially for young people with limited resources, from remote areas, where taking care of mental health is a privilege.
During this time, there are many feelings of joy around us, but many people may also be experiencing loneliness, anxiety, depression, and other difficult emotions to express and manage. If it is within your means, give a hug, a moment of listening, and create moments together. I invite you to move beyond and let your gifts create an impact for those around you and for others who have yet to be known.
May these holidays and celebrations be spaces for connection and reflection. And although the new year is approaching, let's not forget what we've learned, the new, the uncomfortable, the growth, and the mistakes. How human we are and how much we can all give to others.
We want to finish by wishing you happy holidays, allowing yourselves to give the unexpected to others and to yourselves. Thank you for your support and trust during 2023.
With gratitude,
Co-Executive Directors
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