Reflections on the Impact of COVID-19
Women's Leadership Initiative at UD
Advancing gender equity and empowering the next generation of female leaders.
As a healthcare provider, what are your observations about the impact of the pandemic on the profession??
The pandemic had a twofold impact on healthcare. The reality of an undesired outcome showed many healthcare professionals who left the medical field for various reasons once the pandemic started. Understandably, each person had to make the best decision for themselves and their families. Elderly parents, immunocompromised loved ones at home, daycare/school closings, scheduling conflicts and more were all taken into consideration when the tough decision of stepping away was made. Yet, on the other hand, there were just as many healthcare professionals who stayed in their field as well as came out of retirement to help during this crisis. Although the risks were deadly, nothing was going to keep these individuals away from serving their community and joining forces to fight this virus. I was amazed to see the amount of healthcare professionals coming out of retirement.
Would you have taken the leap to creating your own business had it not been for the disruption of COVID?
Yes, regardless of COVID I would have still started my own healthcare business. This is something I have been talking about and wanting to do for years. I came up with various excuses why I could not start the business and delayed it several times. I would say COVID gave me the extra boost needed to take the leap. Being a new entrepreneur is both exhilarating and scary. I am learning new things each day and cannot wait until the business grows/expands.
What is your advice (or observation) to women whose lives were turned upside down by COVID – particularly mothers who had to leave the workforce or place their careers on hold?
My advice would be to embrace change. Yes, embrace it. Make it your own. Do not let leaving the workforce define your worth. Define your value and worth yourself and create what that looks like for you and your family while at home. Leaving the workforce and placing a career on hold may only be for a season. Learn to make the best of the season and enjoy it while it lasts. In this new season figure out how to redefine the role so you can work from home if that is your desire. Another option could be pivoting and making a change to embarking upon something you have always wanted to do but never made the time for.
What advice would you give women wanting to enter the healthcare field?
Go for it! It is never too late! You can do it! While all of this is true, it also takes dedication, hard work and time management. Being successful in school requires intentionality. Start researching what you would like to do in healthcare and what school you would like to attend. Next, start applying to that school and a couple more as backups. Build a support system to help you during the process. Reach out to people who are already doing what you would like to do or attended the school you are applying to. The journey may not be easy; however, it is not impossible. Do not give up.
How do you define success?
Being able to do what makes you happy while financially being able to support your family. This looks different for different people and there is not a “one size fits all” answer. Success is waking up each morning excited about what the day holds rather that is working, being a stay a home parent, being a care giver, vacationing or something else. It is the thing you look forward to each day and would do for “free.” To me, it is not about materials, possessions or maintaining a certain image. I think the pandemic reminded us all of this. Success is about having the freedom to call your own shots, being able to slow down and enjoy those precious moments with loved ones, and truly being in the moment without feeling like the weight of the world is on your shoulders.