Reflections on Giving Thanks for Black Friday
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Reflections on Giving Thanks for Black Friday

Black Friday is a tradition for me. When I was broke, it was the time of year when all the delayable upgrades took place. I would save around the year for that day to replace small appliances and tech. I would also bulk up on essentials like socks, undergarments, and clothing like shirts.

I no longer need most of the items they sell because my 10+year old tv and Xbox 360 still work well. Old habits die hard, though. I usually go to the grocery store or gas station on Thanksgiving day to get the ads in the newspaper (the one day a year I buy the newspaper). This is what takes place when I'm not vacationing on Thanksgiving.?

I get out and give thanks in a different city or state. I've been to Canada (who doesn't celebrate T-day) and DC. I'm pretty sure there were more, but they weren't memorable enough. I had hoped to go to Walt Disney World this year for T-day, but it didn't quite work out like that. When I'm somewhere else, I rarely participate in Black Friday because I don't want to pay additional bag fees, and I'm not always able to have it sent home.

This year again, I purchased items on the "need" or "nice to have list." After hearing about it for a couple of years, I finally bought an air fryer and a replacement printer for my current printer, which has started giving me problems after a decade.

I struggled with purchasing clothing because, like Ariana Grande, "I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it." I have a closet?full?of clothes. I work from home full time except for Wednesdays when I go in because I like seeing people in real life. I also wear tanks and shorts or tanks and sweats 80=90% of the time (when I'm not dressing for work or a special occasion). I asked myself if it made sense to pour more money into clothes when I didn't wear the ones I had for the past few years.

I went shopping in my closet and decided to copy the models' poses on Torrid and take selfies with my current clothes. It was a lot of work yet fun too. It reminded me why I fell in love with the clothes I'd neglected during the pandemic.??

I spend my money on experiences and training, which are usually affordable (a holdover from my broke days). Because I can't take anything with me when I go, my stuff will be junk for someone's yard sale or disposal. For the time I'm here, though, no one can take away those experiences and memories. I'm here to soak in the highs, the lows, and the beauty of living. I want to experience breathtaking beauty, unspeakable awe, and the confidence to find my way after being lost. (I get lost so much when traveling). I am humbled by jumping into the unknown only to feel comfortable and expanded when I leave.?

I'm so grateful for strangers who share their stories with me, like the African-American man who shared his side hustle of turning old magazines into art highlighting black achievement at a Hell's Kitchen flea market. The Oklahoma hotel registration lady who chain-smoked cigarettes off Route 66 while sharing wild stories of rural living. I assumed rural living was complex and relatively routine. I didn't know these things happened, yet I was, soaking it all in.?

In the context of Thanksgiving, it's about learning about different cultures and being grateful for it. I'm thankful I decided to shop my closet for Black Friday this year.

I still would have rather been learning the culture of the Mouse House. With that said, satisfaction delayed isn't satisfaction denied. You're on my mind, Mickey, and where there's will, I'll make a way.


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