Reflections from Working in HR during the Pandemic

Reflections from Working in HR during the Pandemic

I've had lots of ups and down in my 30+ year career, most of which was in Human Resources.

Euphoric highs (founding a new company, acquisitions, global assignments, promotions) to contrast blind-siding lows (San Francisco earthquake, Enron debacle, layoffs and firings, 9/11, CEO deaths) and yet through it all I've learned, grown and am better for each and every one of those experiences. My career has lived up to Charles Dickens quote that "it was the best of times, it was the worst of times" and I shudder when I think that I only have two to three decades left to write the final chapters of my work life!

And how will the chapter currently being written of leading and managing through the COVID-19 pandemic read? I'm certain for everyone it will be written differently, but for me:

Glass Half Full

  • I'm on the field, not on the sidelines, and contributing as a key part of a high integrity leadership team. When the game is on the line and the stakes are high you want to be in the game, not watching on the sideline.
  • I'm seeing HR pros everywhere show the real value that HR can bring, not just in a pandemic but every day. Who's the right hand of the CEO right now? Yeah, the CPO not the CFO. Nothing against the bean counters but people have, and will always, be the difference between business success and failure. CEOs are getting a first hand lesson about that right now.
  • It's mandated personal and professional reflection, and an evaluation my priorities and how (and with whom) I invest my time. It's just not in my DNA to do this very often, and I sincerely hope that I can carry forward beyond this pandemic investing my time and effort more wisely - on the stuff that matters.
  • It's elevated the importance and my personal appreciation for family, friends and personal connection. Hard times make it easier to ask for help, and offer help to others who you see struggling. Everyone has people who care about them around you. Maybe it's a sibling, a neighbor, a work colleague or someone you pass by when walking your dog. Use your network to help you when needed, and be willing to return the favor when you know someone else needs the same.

Glass is Half Empty

  • So many people struggling with their physical and mental health and/or their financial security. I've realized how many people are "health compromised" and they are now carrying an extra burden of not catching the virus. Others aren't able to pay their bills in spite of their desire and interest to get out there and earn a paycheck. And the final wave of this pandemic is just beginning to emerge. The mental anguish that comes from dealing with the first two waves.
  • Companies being forced to layoff, furlough and shed staff due to the business downturn. I'm not very empathetic to the big companies but more to the mom & pop shops, and small businesses that simply can't afford to be out of business for a month, let alone the months (and hopefully not years) that this pandemic has gone on.
  • Seeing polarization and a continuance of division, rather than unity. My experience is that when America comes under fire from a foreign adversary that we come together as a nation. Not the case with the pandemic. There has been partisanship, unproductive fights, and personal attacks on others. I've seen little constructive debate, openness to new ideas, and the genuine empathy for others that is so desperately needed right now.
  • Missing the fulfillment that comes from real social interaction, and realizing that the virtual tools (regardless of how impressive your technology stack) can't completely fill that social interaction void.

There is no crystal ball that will tell us how this pandemic will turn out. No road map of the do's and don'ts, or a scorecard on whether our actions to address it were right or wrong. But one thing is for sure. We will never forget this time. What we did, what we didn't do. Err on the side of recognizing the glass-is-half-full side of the equation, and helping/supporting others and you'll be happy with how this chapter of your work life (the great COVID pandemic of 2020) is written.


