Reflections from recent Lancet Countdown and CSIRO/BOM reports
HEAL National Research Network
Australian research initiative catalysing knowledge exchange & translation on human & environmental health -NHMRC funded
Associate Professor Aditya Vyas from the University of Canberra reflects on the recent findings in the 2024 Global report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change and the CSIRO/BOM State of Climate 2024 report, on the importance of the research being conducted by the HEAL Network.
‘These reports build on the body of evidence that show just how large the health threats and effects of environmental warming and climate change are in Australia and around the world. These two reports highlight important findings such as:
The HEAL Network and its Communities of Practice in each State and Territory are generating new knowledge, developing solutions, that will address the cross-cutting and urgent problem of climate change to benefit the health of all Australians’, says Aditya.
Check out our latest research finding at the HEAL 2024 conference coming up in 3 weeks' time on 26-28 November 2024, registration is free or at