Reflections from CONEXPO 2023
Fluid Life
A leading North American provider of fluid analysis and reliability services. Always reliable. All ways.
By Jeff Walkup , VP Sales & Marketing
This past week Steve Hernandez, Steve Irving and I attended CONEXPO 2023 in Las Vegas, Nevada. CONEXPO is considered to be the largest trade show of its kind in North America and conference officials said that in excess of 200,000 people attended the event.
With over 2,000 equipment manufactures present and hundreds of educational sessions conducted throughout the course of the week, it was truly a massive wave of humanity and technology all in one spot. We walked on average 6-8 miles a day and these old bones felt every inch of it.
There are many, many exciting things from the show that I could share, but what was a very prominent and consistent element to me time and time again, is that Fluid Life can and does provide that quintessential “Missing Ingredient” that most end-users require even if they don’t know it just yet.
Let Me Explain
In my conversations that I had with individuals this last week, it was a common theme in that not only in business but in individuals own personal lives, they all struggled with their own success or more importantly their own journey unto discovering what that success means. As I spoke with these people, and gathered my own mental notes, it came down to these seven items:
I discovered that the vast majority of people I spoke to gave indications that these things permeated their business and trickled into their own lives to a great extent. With that as I shared with them the Fluid Life story: as an fully independent lab, we can speak on behalf of their equipment, provide solid, time-tested, industry proven, practical step by step instructions and counsel. It was amazing to watch that inner switch or light click on inside as you saw the countenance on their faces change.
If you are reading this today and you find yourself struggling with any of the seven items above or even something different, STOP, look yourself in the mirror and know that you matter, you are important and that you can do this. Don’t let Unbelief, Doubt or Disappointment from things in your past strike you down. Don’t grow Complacent or so Familiar with things that you loose interest, true meaning, or your passion to achieve beyond mediocrity. Replace Fear with Things of Faith, the things that even though you might not see but know the influence is upon your life (just like gravity.) Tell Busyness that you are not the Captain of my Ship or the Master of My Life, but you are, and you choose balance and say Yes to things that really matter.