Reflections . . . the First Step Toward Limitless Possibilities!
Susan Luke Evans, Global Speaking Fellow, CSP
Elevate your leadership message to maximize your Return on Influence. Speaker. Executive Leadership Coach. Author.
(Approximately a 4 minute read)
She wasn’t very big yet, although her eyes indicated that she had a huge heart and understood very well that she could trust the person connected to the very large hand that was holding her fragile, young fingers.? Those eyes said it all, “I know you are someone I can trust.? You are kind, helpful, compassionate, honest and truthful.? You will keep me safe.”
Perhaps you’ve held that small child in your arms.? Perhaps you have experienced many of those moments filled with total and absolute trust.
Perhaps, like many thought leaders within your community/organization/family you wonder where that trust is now, in terms of our relationships, both personal & professional, our businesses, our planet.
Several years ago I read this quote, "Trust takes years to build and only moments to lose. Treasure trust before you lose it." --Terry Paulson, Ph.D., CSP, CPAE
Dr. Paulson is not only a professional colleague but also a good friend and mentor.? As I read his “Message of Mastery and Mirth” ( from several years ago, I began to think about what trusting really means.? The visual of a small child seemed to fit perfectly.? Like some other characteristics, i.e., creativity, we appear to lose the ability to experience, demonstrate, and cherish the art of trusting.
Funny, when we get into our cars we have no trouble trusting that they will get us from point A to point B.? I have spent more time and more miles flying than driving. It never occurs to me not to trust the pilot (and the maintenance crew).? Daily we all have implicit trust in many people we’ll never meet.? We walk into buildings all over the world and never think twice about the myriad of architects, engineers and construction workers responsible for those buildings being stable and safe. Yet in our more personal and (sometimes) our professional relationships we seem to consistently be on the lookout for reasons not to trust.
A story is told about a multinational company that was looking for new business partners for expanding market share.? Several potential partners being considered had made the “short list,” after various financial checks, interviews, and other due diligence activities.? Of primary importance was assurance that the potential partners were ethical and had impeccable integrity.?
In their quest for this assurance, the company invited several of the potential partners to participate in a golf tournament.? None of the potential partners was aware that they would be playing in carefully selected foursomes, with two other potential partners and a member of the leadership team from the company seeking the partnerships. ?At the end of the round of golf, none of them were chosen as new partners.
When asked why they had been turned down, they were told that they lacked integrity.? Dumbfounded at the accusation, they didn’t understand.? The explanation was devastating in its simplicity.? Each of the individuals from the various companies being considered had “cheated” during the golf game.? Not counting extra stokes, nudging the ball to a more beneficial place on the green, were some of the small acts that communicated a huge lack of integrity on the part of the individuals playing.?
While they didn’t know they were being “tested,” they were exhibiting their personal values.? The “story” they were communicating, from both personal and organizational perspectives spoke loud and clear to those interested in partnering with them.? If the potential partners were not honest in the small, social activities, the company seeking the partnerships did not want to become involved in major business transactions?
What values do you exhibit in your personal and professional lives; does your business exhibit, through your leadership, your staff, your service?? What is the value proposition/story of your organization?? Is it one that others trust without giving it a second thought, metaphorically placing their hand in yours like a small child?? Or is it being “seen” from another perspective?
As our planet continues to shrink, our ability to collaborate, to form partnerships and alliances becomes increasingly important.? More and more these partnerships are with those we don’t know well; perhaps we have never met face-to-face.? For a variety of reasons, we must “treasure trust before we lose it” and thereby enrich our relationships, to enhance our ability to do business, and to “get along” in all the other aspects of our lives.
Are you experiencing trusting moments?? Or perhaps more importantly, are you providing experiences and opportunities that are considered trustworthy by your colleagues, clients, customers, friends, and family?? It’s a challenge we all face; one we must answer individually and organizationally.? Do you give a consistent and congruent answer personally and professionally?? Is your answer consistent and congruent with the rest of your team?? Have you agreed to disagree when appropriate with those who populate your life, whether personally or professionally?? Can you consciously change your storyline to better communicate, influence, and enhance your leadership opportunities and provide limitless possibilities for those whose lives you touch, directly or indirectly?
Lots of questions that should be considered after reflection on your past experiences, relationships, and opportunities.? One last question for this edition, are you up for the challenge of reflection and changing or enhancing your storyline?