Reflections on the Elmina plane crash
Background image by Cerqueira on Unsplash

Reflections on the Elmina plane crash

Let's set a clear boundary: this is not an article advocating the virtues of financial or estate planning. It's a reflection on the implications of our absence and what we leave behind, both in tangible assets and emotional legacies.

When we hear the term “life after death”, the immediate thought for many is of an afterlife, a continuation of the self beyond this mortal coil. It's an unsettling topic, one I initially associated with a possible selfish perspective, for it was still about me. However, the tragic Elmina plane crash and its aftermath provided a poignant reminder that “life after death” can also mean the lives of those left behind after our departure.

The depth of this tragedy was brought home to me when I learned about the families of the victims. Their stories evoked a profound response, reminiscent of Keanu Reeves' reply during an interview with Stephen Colbert. When asked, “What do you think will happen when we die?”, Reeves said, “I know that the ones who love us will miss us.” Indeed, every death affects a web of connections, from emotional bonds to financial dependencies.

I recall a time when my life was simpler, and the future felt distant. The idea of what I'd leave behind – and whether my loved ones would have access to it – was a distant concern. It was something for "future me". But life, in its unpredictable manner, changed. Suddenly, there were people depending on me, making postponing such considerations impossible.

In addressing these considerations, I realized I may have overlooked something vital. Although I had ticked off the basics like insurance, savings, rudimentary investments, and even updating my will, I hadn't deeply contemplated how those I leave behind would access and make the most of these assets. It's a challenging notion, imagining a world without oneself in it.

So, why broach this topic publicly? It's because I believe that by sharing, we might all benefit. It's essential to remember that every one of us has a legacy, both emotional and tangible. While the emotional cost of loss is undeniable, we also need to consider the practical implications and ensure that our loved ones are prepared for the world we leave behind.

To keep these ramblings from getting any longer, I am going to continue this discussion over several articles. The discussion I am most probably going to explore is the complications of dying without a will, the limitations of trusts, and what I know to be practical difficulties insurance and investment products. The underlying concept that I will be pursuing is ease and practicality of access. Why? Imagine the impact on your loved ones if the assets you leave behind for them are essential to their survival but it is difficult, expensive, or even impossible to access.

See you in the coming weeks.


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