Reflections on democracy on a Saturday afternoon

Reflections on democracy on a Saturday afternoon

In today's world, the importance of democratic development cannot be overstated. Democratic development refers to establishing and strengthening democratic institutions, promoting individual rights and freedoms, and encouraging citizen participation in decision-making. It is an essential aspect of modern governance that ensures that the people have a say in how they are governed and that their voices are heard.

On Tuesday this week, I had the pleasure of having bilateral talks with Mr Talgat Zhumagulov at the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Norway, who is an adviser to the Kazakhstan government. We talked about the importance of democratic development. Parliamentary elections will be held in Kazakhstan on 19 March this year. In this connection, I make some reflections on the importance of democratic development in the spirit of our times. In 2014 I had a long conversation with Joachim Holmboe R?nneberg; at the time, he was Norway's most decorated war hero from the Second World War. He told me: "Glenn, you who are young must never forget that peace and freedom are not a given. A free society does not arise by itself, and we must fight for freedom every day”.

There are several reasons why democratic development is essential in our time.

First and foremost, democratic development promotes political stability and economic prosperity. Countries that embrace democratic principles tend to be more stable, with lower rates of political violence and unrest. Moreover, democratic governments are more likely to have robust economies, as they tend to attract more foreign investment and experience less corruption.

Secondly, democratic development is crucial for ensuring human rights and freedoms. Democratic societies are built on equality, justice, and fairness principles. By allowing citizens to participate in decision-making and hold their leaders accountable, democratic systems help to safeguard individual rights and freedoms. These include the freedom of expression, association, and assembly, as well as the right to a fair trial and due process.

Thirdly, democratic development promotes good governance and accountability. In a democratic system, leaders are chosen through free and fair elections and are accountable to the people elected. This creates a system of checks and balances, ensuring those in power are held responsible for their actions and decisions. Additionally, democratic institutions such as independent judiciaries and free media helps to ensure that abuses of power are uncovered and addressed.

Finally, democratic development is crucial for addressing global challenges such as climate change, poverty, and inequality. These challenges require collective action and cooperation, which are best achieved through democratic processes. By promoting citizen engagement and participation in decision-making, democratic systems can help to mobilise resources and build consensus on important issues.

Democratic development promotes and strengthens democratic values, institutions, and practices. In today's world, the democratic product is more critical than ever before. The increasing globalisation and interconnectedness of the world have made democracy an essential element of stability, peace, and prosperity. Democracy is a form of government that is based on the principle of equality and freedom. It is a system in which power is vested in the people, and their representatives are elected through a free and fair process. Democratic systems ensure that individuals have a voice in decision-making that affect their lives. This helps to build trust and social cohesion within a society and promotes the rule of law, human rights, and social justice.

Despite its many benefits, democratic development faces several challenges in our time. These include rising populism, polarisation, and authoritarianism, as well as threats to the rule of law and the independence of democratic institutions. Moreover, democratic development is not a one-size-fits-all approach, and different countries may require other methods to achieve democratic governance.

One of the main benefits of democratic development is the promotion of economic growth and development. Democratic institutions create an environment that fosters economic growth by providing a stable legal framework, protecting property rights, and promoting free trade. This increases foreign investment, job creation, and economic opportunities, benefiting individuals and businesses. In addition to promoting economic growth, democratic development also helps to promote peace and security. Democratic societies are less likely to engage in conflict with one another and are more likely to resolve disputes peacefully. This is because democratic institutions provide a forum for citizens to express their grievances and a process for resolving conflicts through peaceful means. This helps to build trust between individuals and groups and promotes social cohesion.

Another critical benefit of democratic development is the protection of human rights. Democratic societies protect individual freedoms, such as freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of the press. This helps to ensure that individuals can express themselves freely and participate in the political process without fear of repression. In addition, democratic institutions check on government officials' abuse of power, ensuring that individuals are protected from arbitrary arrest, detention, and other forms of government abuse. Democratic development is essential for promoting sustainable development. Democratic societies are more likely to prioritise environmental protection, social welfare, and the preservation of cultural heritage. This is because democratic institutions provide a mechanism for citizens to express their concerns about environmental degradation, social inequality, and cultural erosion. This leads to policies and initiatives that promote sustainable development and ensure that future generations enjoy a healthy and prosperous environment.

In conclusion, democratic development is essential for promoting political stability, economic prosperity, human rights, good governance, and global cooperation. We must continue prioritising and investing in democratic development domestically and globally to ensure a more just, peaceful, and sustainable future for all.

Democratic development is essential in our time. It promotes economic growth, peace, security, human rights, and sustainable development. As we face the challenges of the 21st century, we must continue to promote and strengthen democratic institutions and practices. Doing so can build a better future for ourselves and the generations ahead.

Lars-Arne Pettersen

Teknisk konsulent i Statkraft

1 年

You come across a number of exciting topics, Glenn. You are a man with many facets, whose perspectives are exciting to hear. There is probably a real danger that today's democracy can erode quickly

Camilla Jansen

Regnskapsleder/controller i Universitetet i Bergen (UiB)

1 年

The fact that the world is entering worse times and a depression can quickly contribute to us also losing today's democracy. Unfortunately, history has a habit of repeating itself without man learning anything from the past....

Kai-Ole J?rgensen

Bedriftsanalytiker i Nordea

1 年

Probably afraid we take things for granted, and don't understand the value of our democracy until it's too late

Tonje Hansen

Tidligere Assisterende leder ?konomi i Oslo kommune - n? uf?retrygdet

1 年

Yes, we live in scary times, and the importance of standing up for democracy is probably more important than ever!


