Reflections @60: My First Tryst with A Bank

This is the 59th of my 60 planned posts of Reflections @60a. Thanks for your time and feedback.

Reflections @60: My First Tryst with a Bank

Withdrawing Rs.25,000/- from the company’s bank account without any authorized signatory signing, was my first corporate banking experience. As an internal auditor in Mumbai Regional Office, it was on December 31, 1986 when I had to depute for the Regional Accountant who had to go on leave for a personal emergency. It being the last day of the quarter, we had to pay octroi for bringing Personal Computers into Mumbai and bill them to our dealers. Deferring the sales to January was not an option as meeting the regions sales targets, dealer and sales executives’ incentives was at stake. With Regional Manager and Regional Support Manager, the other two authorized signatories travelling, I had the unenviable job of withdrawing this amount.

After a lot of pleading and ‘cringing’, the Branch Manager gave me the money after getting my signed undertaking on our company letterhead to bring the authorized signatories to the branch next day to sign the unsigned cheque leaf. With my visiting card firmly stapled to the letter, the Manager placed it securely in his custody, that was returned the next day, when I went with the authorised signatories to have it signed as committed.

So began my corporate banking engagements with my bank visits, as the Corporate Finance Manager and later as Corporate Treasurer, often to get exceptions approved. A key factor for positive response from banks was the reputation of our company and with time, knowledge of my personal trait of honouring all commitments made, be it small or big. Punctuality was a key factor in building this trust, not just being in time for meetings but also providing any information or completing promised action as committed.

In the last 35 years of my career, I can remember only a handful of meetings where I would have been late. Even in those instances, keeping them informed was the vital. While I cannot promise anyone of results, I can and will assure them of my efforts to get the desired results.


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