Reflections of a 40-year-old
Chris Hyland
Co-Founder of The Happiness Index - B2B Entrepreneur | Board Advisor | NED
This Sunday I turn the grand old age of 40. For me, this feels like a significant milestone, mainly because I remember going to my Mum’s 40th party as a 16-year-old and getting very drunk. I also remember it being a big party and a fantastic night, so as I approach 40, it felt like the perfect time to stop and reflect. I started my first business when I was 26 and in that time I have learnt so much along the way, so I feel it’s time to do my Baz Luhrmann impression and share a few things I have learned which may help you. So here goes…
By the way, I am well aware many of you will have no clue who Baz Luhrmann is… so here is the BBC news article of him topping the charts in June 1999! Check out the song ‘Sunscreen’ on YouTube
Love what you do.
For every one that hears this statement in a job they do not enjoy, I know this is the last thing you need to hear so I apologise, but I can only talk about the impact of doing what I love every day has had on my mental & physical health, which has been amazing. I feel very fortunate that I genuinely love what I do, which at its very basic level is giving human beings a voice. Just by feeling that your voice matters makes you feel so much more valued as a person and can lead to a happier life. I always think about the ripple effect this has on people e.g. A happier person = a happier friend = a happier family member etc. I also think of the Nelson Mandela quote which is a real source of inspiration to me. “And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”Maybe I am naive but it’s what fuels the fire inside.
It's hard to separate personal and entrepreneurial happiness.
As an entrepreneur, whether I like it or not, my happiness is intrinsically linked to the success and progress of my company, which today is The Happiness Index. Over the years I have learned to manage my work emotions better and put some distance between how I feel like as Chris the entrepreneur and how I feel like as Chris at home, but there is no doubt that having a great day at work makes me a better person after 5 pm, and when I have a bad day it's hard not to drag it into my personal life. I will probably always be working on managing this.
Work smarter, not harder.
Working hard is an important value to achieve any success, but I have also learnt that working longer hours is not the answer. Today, I am consciously trying to work fewer hours. I now appreciate that in order for me to bring my best self to work every day, I need to feel fresh and energised. If I work crazy hours Monday to Wednesday, by Thursday I feel tired and I will take this through to the weekend. I have never been more hungry to grow as a person mentally and physically, but I understand it's about quality output rather than quantity, and we all know that long hours can lead to burnout. We all want success yesterday but I constantly need to tell myself… “anything can wait until tomorrow”.
Taking sustained time off to recharge the batteries is life-changing.
When I left my first business after an intense 10-year journey, I decided it was time to take some extended time off, which ended up being 4 months. Without a doubt having that time to reflect and ponder what I wanted to get out of life was the most important thing I have ever done. It is crazy and upsetting to think that many people will work straight through to 65 before even taking a breath, but I encourage anyone to find a way to do it. I fully understand that not everyone can do this, some people are in impossible situations but perhaps a middle ground is finding an employer that is more understanding of peoples needs and understands that life is not all about work. I have yet to meet anyone who regrets having sustained time off! Perhaps I should be speaking to the government about this… a paid mid-life career break? I will save this fight for another day.
The time we have is finite - so choose how you spend it wisely.
Why does the time go so fast as we get older? My theory is that in business you’re always looking forward, so despite it being November 2021, we are already talking about our performance in April 2022. When we actually get there, it seems like we have been there for ages. In a peculiar way, this has actually been a great benefit of the global pandemic. Please do not get me wrong, COVID has brought many bad things and it’s terrible to think of the lives that have been lost, but for me personally, it brought many great things too.
I now get to see my children every single day. As the old saying goes “they grow up so fast” and I feel so happy I get to see them living out their young lives. As a business owner, I have always had more flexibility than the average working person, but it makes me so happy that other parents who have children get to spend so much more quality time with their kids too (and I know this also extends to dogs, cats, horses, grandparents etc). In a funny way, spending more time with the people you love slows time down a little. (This is a picture I have on my wall at home, and it's called the "Guardian Of Time" - always a good reminder to make the most of life)
It’s NEVER too late to start your entrepreneurial journey.
Does Ray Kroc or Arianna Huffington ring any bells? Read on here if you need any further inspiration. It makes me feel so sad when I hear people say it’s too late for them now. Yes, I am so so aware people have bills & mortgages to pay and having a family or partner that points out all the risks will not help either…. However, the people I know who have taken the leap into entrepreneurship have never looked back and said it was the most important decision of their lives. Don’t get me wrong, it’s bloody hard and running a business is not for the majority, but if you are on the fence just go for it! You will regret it more if you don’t try…
It’s all in the mind.
What you achieve in your life is down to the limits you put on yourself. It’s only when you start to realise this and start to turn the blockers into hurdles, you feel you can achieve anything. Where does this start? With your own mind. I have always had the opinion that you win or you learn, and not just in business, but in life. You must have the mindset that you will never stop learning. Experience can definitely be advantageous, but just because it has been done a certain way before does not predict the future for how it should be done now, life continues to change and evolve and we must evolve with it.
The world is a crazy place, block the craziness out.
The world is more connected than ever and the fact you can speak to anyone at any time anywhere in the world is an incredible technological advancement, however, this also means we get to hear all the bad news every minute, of every day around the globe. I used to feel a sense of guilt if I did not watch the news a few times a week so I could stay in touch with current affairs, but the truth is it brings you down. There is so much good in the world but there is no news channel for that, but the bad stuff gets reported constantly. Bad stuff creates fear and fear can lead to a decline in mental health, so my advice is to block the craziness out.
Making a positive impact is the best feeling.?
Who knew that the gift of giving is actually addictive? As you get older your priorities change, and for me now its is about making a positive impact. I have already proved to myself (and my former school teacher gggrrr) that I can grow an amazing business that attracted amazing employees and customers, but this time around I want our reach at The Happiness Index to go far and wide. As the B Corp community says, it’s about being a Force For Good, and that is exactly what I intend to do.
Do not underestimate the power of working with people you trust.
I can only talk for the entrepreneurs I know, but the people that choose to work with true friends and/or family endure for much longer and are the happiest in the end. I am very lucky to be in business with two of my best buddies, Tony Latter & Matt Phelan, as I know, whatever happens, they will have my back. That is a pretty special feeling. To flip that around, I can’t imagine the stress of not trusting a business partner and I can only imagine the damage it would have on someone physically and mentally. Find your ‘keepers’ in work and in life!
Surround yourself with good people
But it’s not just about business partners and entrepreneurs, it’s in all walks of life! Surround yourself with people you want to spend time with, be it at home or at work. I know for a fact that if I did not enjoy spending time with the people at The Happiness Index this would seep into all walks of my life, but it's exactly the opposite, I love working with my fellow Quokkas.
So there you go. I hope some of these points have resonated or at least been helpful? Can I tell you a secret? This has personally been an amazing process for me and I have enjoyed writing this article. Stop, reflect, move forward. I hope to see you in 10 years for my reflections at 50 :)
3 年We share a birthday, although I wish it was my 40th, not my 68th ??
?? We help teams align, innovate, and execute at speed. ??The STORM Process? | Team Alignment & Culture Change ??? Host of Beeline Leadership Podcast
3 年'Force for Good' just about sums you up here Chris Hyland. I'd say I can't wait to see the impact you make long term, but to be honest I'm really enjoying watching the journey as you scale that impact up. What a ride! I agree with your point about 'surrounding yourself with good people' and so I hope that our conversation continues to grow far into the future. Happy birthday!
Marketing Agency Co-founder
3 年Happy Birthday Chris
Digital Transformation & Demand Generation Manager | SAP S/4 HANA, SAP Business One | SAP Business by Design ERP, BI , Infor SunSystems, Automation, ServiceNow & Hexagon EAM. CRN Women & Diversity Finalist 2023
3 年Happy Birthday Chris ??????
DEI without BS - Avoid foot in mouth moments | Leadership Confidence Coach | Speaking of Inclusion… podcast host | TEDx Speaker
3 年Happy birthday to you Chris Hyland, I shall be hot on your heels next month so you’ve really inspired me! Thank you ?? Congratulations on achieving your life’s PB today ?? #40years