Reflections #19: 2008 to Present. Professional Women's Organizations
Throughout my career, participation in women’s professional organizations has offered valuable professional engagement and networking opportunities. Additionally, and in many ways more beneficially, these groups have offered genuine friendship and camaraderie.
Early in my career, I joined the BSA Women in Design Committee (WID), a Knowledge Committee of the Boston Society for Architecture (BSA). This is a group comprised of women engaged in architecture, design, engineering and affiliated professions. This committee comes together to discuss a wide variety of topics. The Women in Design Committee sponsors a Mentoring Program and also an annual Women in Design Award of Excellence.
Later in my career, I joined the BSA Women Principals Group (WPG). This is a BSA Knowledge Committee comprised of a group of senior women leaders in architecture, design, engineering and affiliated professions. We have quarterly meetings to discuss topics that are relevant to office leaders and senior women in their respective professions.
For many years, I have been a member of CREW Boston, part of the national CREWNetwork. Group members are typically women engaged in real estate and related professions, including brokerage, law, architecture, engineering, construction, and affiliate professions. Monthly luncheon programs bring the larger group together and committees address issues related to real estate and provide programs on various topics.
Judy Nitsch organized a group of women leaders who were interested to expand and enhance creative networking opportunities for annual retreats to Canyon Ranch in western Massachusetts. We each did presentations to the group on relevant topics from our respective disciplines. We also enjoyed the classes, services and culinary delights that were offered at the Ranch!
Additionally, I have participated in valuable programs by Professional Women in Construction (PWC) and Women’s Transportation Seminars (WTS).
Though they are not specifically related to architecture and design, these organizations have contributed significantly to my development as an architect and planner. I encourage others to join these or other professional organizations to broaden their network and enhance their career development.