Reflections #11
Hi all, you know one of these life adages where anything good or bad just comes in heaps. That is painfully true. I used to think that maybe the universe is trying to teach me something and it would not give me anything that I cannot handle but its getting harder. I’m heavily trying to not fall into such pattern forming behavious and not trying to fall victim to my brain’s ridiculous shenanigans.
I hurt my hand this week in a gym-related injury and its been a revelatory experience with constrained ability to navigate the daily routines. I’m glad that I have made past in this world for so long without such injury before. But if given a choice, I would have preferred to have had it earlier in my life. One silver lining in all of this is that almost every stranger I meet has been asking about my injury and has been so graciously kindful in helping me out. Just makes me a teensy bit more hopeful in the humanity and wants me to believe in the goodness of humans more.
Things I did in this past week which all turned out be ‘meh’ ?? :
Okay, enough ranting :
For the pieces of content I consumed this week ???
That’s it for this week folks. Hope you are enjoying this rare Monday holiday.
See you next week :)