Reflection on Problem Solving
Michael, Zhang Junpeng
Create positive impact through lean + coaching: Career coach
In the world of AI, when I typed title of this article “Reflection on Problem Solving”, with Microsoft Copilot easily generated a well-covered and all-correct article. ??It is really nice to have the information if you don’t know about problem solving or want to check your blind spots, but I have very less interest to read it thoroughly as it appears too formal and don’t want to practice it even it is all correct! ?? Just like Lean, if you don’t practice it yourself, it appears everything is correct but no envy to practice it. ?Through practice, reflection, and sharing, you really learn into your head, heart, and body. I would rather to reflect it by myself of past 6 months of experiences of deployment of Problem Solving rather rely on AI, I think my own reflection make me a human being. ?? ??(Noted: Lean work together with technology, so I do use AI in this article) ??
Why deploy of Problem Solving (PS)?
Benefit: I believe Lean in 2 words, Visual and Kaizen.? Visual: Make problem visible; Kaizen: do Problem Solving, change for better.
From AI: Problem solving is an essential skill that permeates every facet of our lives. Whether in personal scenarios or professional settings, the ability to identify, analyze, and resolve problems effectively is invaluable. Reflecting on problem solving techniques and experiences not only enhances one's ability to tackle future challenges but also fosters personal and professional growth.
Plus my view: in order to survive in the future AI world, to be able to solve a complicated problem is one advantage that human can hold on, it is essential for us to continuously grow problem-solving skills and master it. Of course, Problem solving will improve company performance through each problem solved at root cause. ?
How deploy of Problem Solving?
I have seen and lived many initiatives to develop and deploy problem solving, but failed many times. ?To form a culture of problem solving, continuous improvement is hard and challenging. But in this round, I see it is working. Why?
1.????? Engagement of management (sponsor who is responsible of result of problem solving)
a.????? A daily routine (15 mins after SIM meeting) lead by manager, in this routine meeting to discuss:
???????????i.????? Priority of problems with grid point rating system (similar like FMEA but grid link to performance KPI)
???????????ii.????? Assign resources (Problem Solving Leader/team) to tackle the top priority problem
???????????iii.????? Clear blocking points of problem solving process if there is
???????????iv.????? Problem Solving leader present his/her progress at different steps (management to give direction/validate the root causes and corrective/preventive actions)
b.????? A weekly Gemba by sponsor?(go to Problem solving session) This is to show management support, appreciation, engagement of the team, to give direction, define the scope, challenging the team go deeper of the PS.
2.????? Fixed Daily 1hour Problem Solving Session ?
1.????? PS leader pilot the session with diversified team by applying PS Methodology (5W2H, Process break down, Fishbone, 5Why, impact-effort…)
2.????? Lean/Quality referent’s support and coach PS Leader to make sure right application of methodology and efficiently executive from 3rd parties views
Challenges of Deploying Problem Solving
There are many challenges to deploy Problem solving successfully to form a problem solving/continuous improvement culture. The culture is building on habit and daily practice, like brush the teeth, at first we need to understand why we do it, then start to practice it till it build into the blood without reflection:
1.????? Starting of the routine, for every new habit, we need the force from management in the beginning of the change. Without the management drive and force in the starting to form a team and do PS session daily, team will not even want to start as common excuse is I have many other urgent topics to do. One possible solution: An external party could help the start the engine with management together.
2.????? T shape in axis of quality and speed of PS:? In some of local context, when there is too much fire, we need decide how much resources on fire fighting and how much on deep problem solving with Root cause analysis. One possible solution: could be we need to have both, we need resources for quick fix to deliver, the other is for mid long term fix at root cause so less fire arising.
3.????? The maturity of the Problem Solving Leaders: PS Leader not only apply methodology, but also need EQ, soft skill to lead a diversified team to work towards to a common goal. It is not easy, it needs practices and learn. ?One possible solution: Lean/Quality referent coach PS Leader daily before the PS session. By giving feedback and questions: What did PS Leader did well, and what we learn from last session? How can we do better next time? How can we be more efficient and effective I our next session?
Challenges of Problem Solving Leader to apply methodology:
1.????? Contract of team: when we form a new team, we need to know why we are here to spend 1h everyday together, what is the objective, how everyone shall behave so we could successfully solve the problem? What are the rules and regulations we shall abide by ourselves? Open, respect, listen, team work, courage, search process error not culprit…
2.????? Define a precise problem title is crucial especially after we understood the problem after asking 5W2H. The title shall define the gap from current status to the standard with data, and scope of the problem we are trying to solve.? (Problem Scope will be much clearer once we ask the 5W2H questions of being not a problem)
3.????? To understand the problem, we must also go for Gemba and collect data and evidence. A problem solving in the office is hardly able to solve the problem from root cause, we risk imagine the root causes not existing and apply “bandage” actions to the problem.
4.????? To calculate financial impact and KPI to measure the impact of the corrective measures. Financial impact estimation not only show ROI to management and also engage the team to know why it is important to work on this problem right now. KPI measure is for us to learn which actions will have what major impact to the problem, and it is important for everyone to know who, when, how to collect the KPIs.
5.????? In root cause analysis: 5 Why: Human Self-esteem, resistance to change, which require our courage to admit it is our fault and say it in front of others: we need courage to ask 5 Why deeper and deeper, it is anti-human nature to admit I didn’t know this, it was my mistake… often we stop at super facial instead of root cause due to human nature.
6.????? Validation of the root causes with data/evidence, we need to avoid every team member agree on the root cause without data/evidence. We could have a team agreement on the root cause but make mistake together. Data and evidence will show us the right root causes and right corrective/preventive actions.
7.????? New Standard, practice, procedure, communication of these capitalization of learnings from the problem solving is the crucial to make sure the problem will not happen again since everyone will be aware of the new practices, and agree to apply these new standards, practices, and avoid in future similar mistake in future. So the impact of the problem solving is even bigger. ??
Understanding Why and How to deploy problem solving culture, and its challenges in deployments and problem solving methodology itself, it is just a starting point. ?? To master them, just like Lean, if you just assign to Lean team or others to do it without self-involved and practice, it is totally waste of time and money for the company!? You can read my reflections, but without practice it, sadly, it still belongs to me not you! ?? If you want to learn it in your head, heart, and body, you need experience it yourself, and it will be always yours and for your personal maturities growth! Of course, company will benefit it from the PS culture build into its blood! ???
Senior Business Analist bij Thales
4 个月Great reflection, Michael! “To admit it is our fault and say it in front of others” also takes a culture in which employees are not ‘punished’ for faults that they made in the past. Too often I see departments making issues an ‘Improvement team’ problem, without staying in the same boat together. A lack of focus (wanting to change the whole world at once) and not having commitment of the responsible employees (involving people who have time, instead of involving people who are responsible) is a Project Management mind set and not a Continuous Improvement mind set that I see too often. A manager literally once told me that he wants people to feel ashamed if they did not do their job (properly). In my opinion this creates a culture of fear and not one of pride.