REFLECTION By S, M, I ,Sobriety Matters International

REFLECTION By S, M, I ,Sobriety Matters International

How much we use our holy books to sway opinion to justify our morals and our reasoning for taking action when really it's all about greed. Take slavery, for instance, there are passages that we can quote from the Bible to justify it also in Quran the same. Education is the gateway to freedom tolerance both Religious and social. I tend to look at history as a template for discovery. There are seven deadly sins pride Mmmmm in the wrong hand's dangerous Pride = excessive view of one's self without regard to others. Envy = the desire to have an item or experience that someone else possesses Oil Minerals of all kinds How can we get this. Gluttony = excessive ongoing consumption of food or drink Does it really only apply to food and drink? Greed or Avarice = an excessive pursuit of material possessions sounds interesting. Lust = an uncontrollable passion or longing, especially for sexual desires even better now we are getting somewhere . Sloth = excessive laziness or the failure to act and utilize one’s talents ok sounds reasonable your probably asking we know all this yes you may but others may not plus there is a point to all of this patients is a virtue . Wrath = uncontrollable feelings of anger and hate towards another person Now we have identified what is known as the seven deadly sins lets look where they applied to history and how history affects us today. Oh forgot to mention there are also virtues get to those later lol dom de dom ok. King Henry The 8 lovely fella when he was asleep anyway he had a shitload of wife's seven in total six got the chop I want to keep this as simple as possible so if we consider that there was no divorce in the Catholic religion at that time why did the bold Henry seek one? The first of Henry VIII's six wives, Katherine of Aragon (1485-1536) was a Spanish princess who was married to Henry for 18 years before he began divorce proceedings in his desperation to remarry and produce a male heir.

Katherine had been pregnant six times but only one daughter, Princess Mary, later Mary I, had survived. Dying in 1536, Katherine wrote to Henry: 'Lastly, I make this vow, that mine eyes desire you above all things. Farewell.' we got pride envy on Henry part that's for starters and wrath towards young Kay and the pope of course later ok juicy bit England's King Henry VIII had reigned since 1509 at the age of eighteen. Loyal to Catholicism he suppressed Protestantism with his standard brutality – while making his court a centre of Renaissance erudition. By the time he had turned forty-two, he had come into conflict with Pope Clement regarding marriage. His queen, Catherine of Aragon, had not given him a son who had survived, and Henry, who was accustomed to having mistresses was smitten by Catherine's unusually intelligent and fascinating lady-in-waiting, Anne Boleyn. Henry wanted his twenty-four years of marriage to Catherine annulled. Pope Clement refused to annul the marriage, and Henry responded by assuming supremacy in his realm over religious matters.

Henry, I believed he was competent enough in theology to head the Church of England and he made himself the "Supreme Head in Earth of the Church of England." In 1533 Henry declared his marriage to Catherine invalid and he married Anne on the judgment of the clergy in England.

Henry stayed with Catholic doctrine and ceremony. In 1534, the Parliament of England accommodated him with the Treasons Act, which made it high treason, punishable by death, to refuse to acknowledge the King as head of the Church of England. His old friend Thomas More, another of Europe’s famous humanist scholars, refused to sign the document that made Henry head of the Church of England, and Henry had More beheaded.

Clement died in September 1534 and was succeeded by Paul III, and Paul used his power of excommunication against Henry, followed by his rescinding Henry's title as "Defender of the Faith." England's parliament declared that title still valid. Pope Paul had to watch – powerless – as Henry "nationalised" all Roman Church property in England into his personal ownership and sold off these properties to the highest bidders among the aristocracy and the gentry. Roman priests in England were dismissed unless they swore an oath of conformity to Henry's new Church. Those who would not be dispossessed of their positions and livelihood, or if they made too much political noise they executed as "recusants" – dissidents. The plot thickens we can see that the organised Catholic religion was corrupt and it was you scratch my back I'll scratch yours.At this point in the game, we have Religious intolerance and we can see that it didn't begin there with the crusades and the holy grail and Jerusalem so really we are right and we will show you.


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