I'm just reflecting on my last poll and post that I created on Linkedin few days ago.
Writing this post a few days ago was a challenging decision. I was aware it would be an eyesore in some feeds. It is always challenging to publish uncomfortable content that doesn't fit the current narrative on social media. After all, we have a wave of layoffs, happy announcements about starting new roles, and war - an actual subject of the most significant importance. However, I was unaware of what may come my way because of this post. Firstly, I was accused of defamation; Then I was "warned" by random people in private messages about potentially becoming a "damaged good" because no one would feel comfortable hiring me in the future; I was accused of having a personal vendetta against the CEO of TALENTFIRST - Talent Partners , Pawel Majchrzak, whom I only know professionally for the time of the project, roughly four months. And he threatened me with the police because I was exposing this situation. I didn't give any background or details in this post - yes, that is true.
I have been waiting since July to take this action. I was civil and gave every opportunity to do the right thing. In return, I only received more threats from a person named Jan Diemer, who claimed to be an accountant for Talent First, an accountant! The person who doesn't exist and is CEO is writing those e-mails.
Today, however, thanks to this post and my investigation, I spoke with someone in an even worse situation than me, who suffered emotionally and mentally. I am not going to call them out. This only confirmed that I was not the only one and that it was deeper than I would have imagined.
I am not starting a new "me too" movement. I don't want to picture myself as a victim. It is not a cry for justice because that is not the kind o people I am dealing with in this situation. I want people to be aware that this kind of practice is happening. And it is putting recruiters and clients who trust companies like TALENTFIRST - Talent Partners in danger.
And because it is not a "he said"-" he said" situation, everything is documented in correspondence, and all my actions and content regarding this situation are carefully curated with my lawyers to avoid the exact of what I am accused of- defamation, next week I will start unveiling more details and background so that readers can be informed of what this is about. This may help many recruiters to spot red flags in their future projects, recruiters that were/are in a similar situation and are afraid to come forward, and Clients to choose more ethical RPO partners.
Will I be cancelled as a recruiter after exposing it? Recruitment has been my life, passion and conscious choice since day one of my careers. I am not afraid of revealing the ugly truth. If this will cancel me - so be it. I will manage.
As a disclaimer, it is worth mentioning my intention here - even though I created a newsletter with more than 2600 subscribers, I decided not to use it as a platform for this subject out of respect to subscribers. As the headline photo for this article, I use a screenshot of the actual career page of TALENTFIRST - Talent Partners where they are listing their Clients:
emnify and ExpressVPN are not listed.
Even as I write this now, I have received another threat, this time with a promise that payment will be made. However, again it is just delaying tactics.