Reflection on Life
Have you ever stopped to just reflect on your life? The honest truth is I don't do it often enough, I'm always looking for that door to open, the call to come in or looking a mile down the road. Why? I'm really not sure. This morning I'm taking a pause, I'm reflecting on the days gone by and the days go by fast most of the time, and then there are days that seem to never end. Embrace them all. Stop to smell the roses as the ol' cliche goes, or the coffee or whatever, but, stop to take it all in. It's such an incredible world we live in, so much beauty, opportunity and life to be lived. STOP and reflect.
This morning I'm reflecting on quite a bit. Maybe because I've had to deal with medicare as I'm coming of age?! Maybe because our kids are getting older and I couldn't be more proud of them?! Maybe because it's been awhile since I took the time to do so?!
Awhile? It's been five years since I have stopped to reflect and I can remember the place, the people and the accomplishments of taking a pause. I went on an art retreat with a friend who knew the host. As we all gathered to start the weekend, the host turned to me and asked, "Joni, what brings you here?" and I quickly replied, "I want to find Joni" while our kids were grown and my husband traveled a lot, I wasn't needed as much. I believe it's something that many women go through. I'm creative and yet I hadn't sat down to paint, craft, write or do anything for so many years, other than for the organization I built.
Two weeks after this wonderful adventure, my friend and I went on another one called Turning Point. We met wonderful, supportive, encouraging people who all reflected on life all the time. They were growth coaches for the most part and wanted to become better at who they were. I get it! It was three days full of activities, lessons, conversations and a whole lot of growth! I remember sitting at one activity where you had to share with a partner, a stranger at that and ask and answer questions. The thing about this is that when you're not honest with yourself you're truly never going to grow, or change or learn. The questions was simple actually, "where do you see yourself in the next few years? And, if we ran into one another a year from now in the airport, where would you be headed to?"
I actually began to cry at the first question. You see, I created Characters of Character NFP a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide a firm foundation for children to establish strong civic values. The characters earned an award which is what led me to step out of my comfort zone. I now had to form the organization, learn about nonprofits, learn how to write grants, learn how to fundraise, learn how to get these character messages into daily conversation of our children, learn how to write books, learn how to do bookkeeping, network, become involved in the community, join the Chamber of Commerce, run painting classes and the list goes on an on an on. I never knew I had it in me!
Why did I cry? I looked at my partner and said, "I have so much more to give" and she said, "look at all you've accomplished, aren't you satisfied with that?" No, no I am not. Again, I have so much more to give, I have so many ideas on how to engage, empower and implement character traits into the life of a child, who by the way are the future for all of us. I hadn't really thought of it that way until a friend mentioned it, how today is so different from when we grew up, how so many things have changed. She was correct on that! I needed to keep my mind and my hands busy at all times, it's who I am most of the time, hence, not taking time to reflect.
I must say, when you do stop and look at your life, reflect on where you've been, what you've accomplished and what lies ahead of you to tackle, it's a nice feeling. Did I mention how incredibly blessed I am with three adult kids, all creative, doing their own things, one is Chicago Johnny's, one is Vindictive Vinyl and one is Dear Antoinette and JenDowney Designs? Well now I did! I am so proud of them and looking back, they had the courage, the vision, the strength, the desire, the creativity, the yearning to do what they enjoyed, what they are good at and what they want to make a living out of. Congratulations to them because we all know it's a struggle to be an entrepreneur and build anything from the ground up!! These are my GREATEST accomplishments, my kids. However, they don't need me like they used to, we have no grandkids, but, we have a close family circle in which we support and encourage one another. This reflection makes my smile, makes me proud and makes me stop to appreciate each one of them in their own way. Although, they ask all the time, "Whose your favorite child mom?" hahaha
My struggle today comes from not being where I want to be, not doing more with Characters of Character. It seems there just aren't enough hours in the day or enough dollars to get more done. It's hard running a nonprofit! The majority of nonprofits have little or no paid staff and do what they do because they have a passion to make a difference in their cause and believe they can make one. That's where I am today. I know I can make a difference, I know I have made a difference and I know that those who meet the characters, engage in their activities and lessons build a firmer foundation on their own character. Our characters are relatable, friendly and provide comfort to children who are in search of role models to help them build their foundation to good citizenship.
Our organization earned a National Promising Practice Award, a Great NonProfits Award, Small Business Of The Year Award, Best of The Fox Charitable Organization Award, and Joni herself is a member of the John Maxwell Team. We work tirelessly sharing activities, messages and resources to help others become the best they can be. Although the characters are geared towards children, they are certainly a friendly reminder to our youth and adults alike.
So, as you reflect, remember that what you do, what you say and who you are is making a difference, and that you, you are a role model for others. Make good choices!
Thank you for being part of our journey & joining us in making this world better, together.
Miss Joni and Characters of Character NFP