Reflection on Holding Back
If you’re reading this, you’re lucky. You’re living.
Whatever negative thoughts you have in your head right now are going to go away at some point. You know how I know that? Reflection.
I’ve had so many feelings, thoughts and worries in my life, just like any other person. I still do. But that is all temporary.
When I’d get these feelings, I’d harp on them for weeks, months at a time. I’d let it sit with me day and night, ruining everything.
But last year, when I got out of a big rut I was in, I realized that all of this stuff really is temporary. If you decide to do something about it, you get through it at some point.
Now, it’s not like everything has been peachy since. Life gets difficult. But what I’m starting to feel is that although it may suck sometimes, the suck is not permanent. It goes away.
There will be good times, and there will be bad, and there will be even worse. But the more you let things go, and just move forward, the better off you’ll be.
Reflection, reflecting on all those bad experiences, moments and thoughts I’ve had, helped me realize this. That’s the power of reflection.
Do this for me: reflect. Realize that nothing is permanent. Health, fitness, business. Keep going.