Reflection and Grattitude
As we head towards 2025 firstly let me?thank all our customers who supported us in 2024, without you we are nothing. Secondly to our suppliers' thanks for your continued support. Finally, to our competitors, having you on our heels and us on yours pushes us to work harder and smarter in developing the next generation products that will drive our growth.?
To all the Nanoflam and KLT support staff, Administration, manufacturing, warehouse, and finance teams a great big thank you for all the hard work, I am sure I speak for all the Sales and Marketing team Paul Mekkering Mahmut Satman Derya Uluad Andrew Littlewood John Fearon , we really appreciate everything you do every day to support us.?
Now let us reflect on 2024. Like many of our customers and competitors a difficult business environment was made even more difficult with major flame retardants more than doubling in price and becoming exceedingly difficult to source due to export restrictions from major sources. Even with all these issues the market seemed to recover, and we ended 2024 with some of our busiest months. ?
We ended the year with a successful Exhibition at ?Interdye in Istanbul where we connected with several new customers as well as current customers. Lots of?interest was shown in our new innovative Halogen Free FR solutions for both Blinds/Drapes and UK Domestic upholstery more detail at ??[email protected] ?