Author: Vicar Wojciech Waligórski

A Christian starting point about creation can be explained more easily by considering creation without God. A creation without God ultimately leads to an approach in which man becomes a burden on the planet we live on. Without God, it is also not possible to count on God's Providence. In this context, God's Providence means that our planet is deliberately not as large as Jupiter and not as small as the moon. We do not have to be afraid, for example, of running out of raw materials or of an overpopulation. Nor do we need to think about populating other planets. This cannot be God's purpose and will with mankind. 

A creation with God does not see man as a burden. Quite the opposite. Creation is a gift to man and is therefore for man. God is superfluous and generous with his creation for us. A gift "to man" in the sentence "for our sake"; for us to use, use and manage the earth's raw materials and resources under responsibility, thereby praising, promising and serving God. Creation is a testament and sign of God's care and love for us:

"Be fruitful and multiply, fulfill the earth, and put it under you" (Jf.1. 1:18)

This mission means that we can actually both manage the earth with responsibility and at the same time be generous to new life – children.

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CHILD WORKERS – WHO SHOULD THEY VOTE FOR?The workers live with their families at the brick factory, where they work and live in inhuman conditions, Sarberia, West Bengal, India. Photo: Shutterstock.

There is no contradiction in this; to be responsible for the environment and to be generous with new offspring for the human race and its survival. Not being aware of this God-given calling leads to man and his reproduction becoming a problem. For many so-called climate activists, it is difficult to bring together the call to manage creation and the call to give new life. Rather, creation takes over the role of "God" for many of those who do not count on God. A Gaia philosophy bordering on the worship of creation is already widespread among these. This philosophy apparently emerges in, for example, the "Third Testament" by Martinus Thomsen. Here there is an essence of life that characterizes everything and is everywhere in nature – everything depends on this natural being. An atheist view of creation also has another flaw, namely a lack of gratitude. How many of the alarmists about the climate thank God for the food? They barely thank the farmer who drives his diesel tractor and makes sure daily bread is on the table. They do not thank the farmer; he emits CO2 with his tractor.

Let us move on to this issue by looking at how the carbon threat has come about. Do concerns about CO2 rest on a scientific basis or not? One instance in this context that cannot be ignored is the so-called Club of Rome .


Club of Rome is a Masonic lodge of intellectuals who holds high positions in science and politics. It was formed in 1968 on david rockefeller's estate in Bellagio Italy during one of their meetings. Since 1 July 2008, the organisation has been based in Winterthur, Switzerland. In its official presentation, Rockefeller is not named, but the official version is that it was founded by Aurelio Peccei (an entrepreneur) and by Alexander King (a Scottish scientist) at a meeting in Villa Farnesina in Rome in 1968. In any case, Aurelio sets the tone by starting from a social philosophy linchpin that in turn became a Promblématique.

Here he creates the basis for a perspective that poverty, crime, health danger, disintegration, etcetera can not be mastered locally and individually, but the problem must be tackled through a global agenda. This agenda should have a metasystem because it attacks a meta-problem. At first, Club of Rome also a momentum via Dr. Paul R. Ehrlich's book "The Population Bomb" (1969). It is a distinctive neo-Malthusian book and advocates limiting and reducing the world's population. By no means is the Club of Rome today a calcified institution, quite the opposite. Very much involved in the events and events of our time. For example, public recognition was given for Greta Thunberg and her cause on 14 March 2019 and also for the global school strikes on climate. The associated and regular members of the Rome Club clearly have a neo-Malthusian philosophy. Here you should mention physics professor Hans Joakim Schellnhuber – one of the regular members of the Rome Club. At the same time, he is a regular member of the Vatican Academy of Sciences (he is, for that matter, an atheist; I only mention it as an enlightenment). Among the other ordinary members of the Club of Rome there is Anders Wijkman, who holds a leading position as Chairman together with Ernst Ultrich von Weizs?cker.

Schellnhuber is keen to push the whole climate issue on its own track by introducing "global commissioners" for the climate. Globally, they must check that a climate agenda is being followed to the letter. There should be bodies that check that a global "conscience" about the climate is being followed.

This professor of physics has switched to the climate issue and was one of the initiators of the establishment of the Potsdam Institute in Germany and also its first leader in 1991. An institute that presses the climate issue unilaterally from the perspective of the alarmists. He has previously advised Chancellor Merkel and also To Pope Francis ahead of his round letter on climate, "Laudato Si." Schellnhuber has renounced his leading position in the Potsdam Institute in favour of two others, one of which is Swedish environmental professor Johan Rockstr?m.

Based on the work "The First Global Revolution" (Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider, 1991), Club of Rome the threat of global warming, not as something diffuse, but very concrete, namely that the threat is CARBON dioxide. The book faithfully follows up another previous book from Club of Rome , namely the work "The Limits to Growth" by Donella and Dennis Meadows et al. (1972) – a pessimistic work in which, for example, food (per capita) would peak in 2020, accompanied by a rapid decline.

Man and his activity in creation as a threat became part of the agenda early on Club of Rome . On page 75 of "The First Global Revolution" (1993). 2 ed.) it says, as a Magna Charta, the following:

"In the quest to find a common enemy, in which we can unite, we came up with the idea of pollution, of the threat of global warming, water scarcity, starvation and the like; these things suit our cause. In their totality and in its internal context among themselves, these phenomena have a constituent factor such as a common threat, which must be confronted by each of us. However, in defining these threats as an enemy, we fall into a trap – as we have already warned the reader – namely to mistakenly assume that the symptoms are the cause. All these dangers are caused by man and his involvement in the natural processes and it is only by changing attitudes and habits that they can be overcome. The real enemy is therefore humanity itself."

The concrete instrument for advancing this idea became the issue of CO2. One person who did it systematically by anchoring the idea both in a political branch and a controlled scientific branch, was Maurice Strong.


Maurice Strong questioned if the only hope for the planet to survive is that industrial civilization will end: "Isn't it our responsibility to make this a reality?" ( "The Cloak of Green", 1995). Similarly, dated September 1, 1997 in The National Review Magazine, Maurice speaks in the following terms:

"Honestly, we can get to the point where the only solution to save the world is the collapse of the industrial world".

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According to Maurice Strong, before the Stockholm Conference in 1972, we had ten years to stop the disaster. Doomsday has been postponed for 10 years since 1968. Photo: Shutterstock.

How Maurice went on to achieving his plan can be illustrated by comparing an industrial nation to a car engine. Both the industrial nation and the car engine use fossil fuel. You can stop the engine by stopping the fuel supply, but if this is done, there would be an outcry, it is also politically dangerous. You can also stop the engine by plugging in the exhaust pipe. Therefore, if carbon dioxide is found to contribute to global warming and this gas destroys the planet, it will justify clogging the exhaust pipe. These were Maurice's shrewd and thoughtful traits according to Professor Tim Ball, as described in the book "Human Caused Global Warming" (2016).

What Maurice Strong insists on also has a hidden aspect that touches on man's place in society. It's not just industry that's a burden on creation. Even man as such. These ideas that man is a liability and a danger to creation were already in focus in the 1960s and 1970s. For example, through the aforementioned works "The Population Bomb" and "The Limits to Growth". In addition, the work "Ecoscience: Population, Recources, Enviroment" by John Holdren (1977). Noting is that John Holdren was an adviser to President Obama and was partly behind President Obama's "green" policy, which in turn involved an aggressive abortion policy. These writers, in turn, date back to Thomas R. Malthus (1766-1834) and his dark, antihuman philosophy. Malthus highlighted his perspectives in the work "An Essay on the Principle of Population" (1798). Here he presents the theory that there is no limit to population growth, but a limit to a maximum of raw materials – in this case, food raw materials. The works cited above are typical examples of neo-Malthusian perspectives. Today, however, the issue of food raw materials has been replaced by the issue of energy raw materials. However, the fundamental danger of "overpopulation" is the same.

Given that the carbon dioxide issue has become essential, particularly through Maurice Strong's move, it may be appropriate to briefly explain what this gas is in the context of the atmosphere.


Carbon dioxide is a plant nutrient and is vital for photosynthesis and therefore for all life on our planet. The carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere has been much higher in the planet's history than it is now. The carbon dioxide content increases as the temperature increases. In other words, it is false to suggest that carbon dioxide levels contribute to increased temperature. The carbon dioxide content basically follows a temperature rise – not the other way around. The atmosphere has a concentration of 2% of so-called greenhouse gases. Of these two per cent, 3.62 per cent is CO2. Of these 3.62 per cent, 3.4 per cent are additional via human activity. The problem lies in the fact that the entire carbon dioxide content from the atmosphere is calculated as if it were merely a product of human activity. In reality, the calculation includes natural causes. The human factor of emissions is actually 3.4% of 3.62%, where the 3.62% figure is in turn from two per cent of the atmosphere.

In this way, the data modules are entered with the wrong variables from the beginning. Waste in and out, as critics of the IPCC approach have pointed out, such as professors Richard Lindzen and Tim Ball and others. Other shortcomings are that the data modules cannot really calculate cloud formations, tornadoes, water influences (the influence of water makes up 97 percent of greenhouse gases via the world's oceans), volcanic activity, sun activity, etc. This also explains why the scenarios and forecasts of the data models do not correspond at all to the observations of hot air balloons and satellites.

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Carbon dioxide is a plant nutrient and is vital for photosynthesis and therefore for all life on our planet. Photo: Shutterstock.

In order to conceal empirical facts, a well-proven means is preferably used, namely the use of emotional arguments. A good example is that the UN uses children as a mouthpiece for this purpose. In the last known case, it is a 16-year-old girl: Greta Thunberg.


This with Greta Thunberg is therefore nothing new in principle. In this way, it is easily aimed at emotions and less to science and empirical. It is therefore unconvincing that the true scientists of different perspectives were not allowed to have a say in the 2019 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Meeting, but I guess a 16-year-old child could say what she wanted. As a result, a petition of over 500 professors and others familiar with the climate was written as a small question mark and a hidden protest.

How is it that Greta Thunberg in particular has had a much greater impact than other children and young people? She began her strike outside the Swedish Parliament House in Stockholm on August 20, 2018. A few days later, on August 24, her mother, Malena Ernman, published a book about her family and the climate titled "Scenes from the Heart." Malena is an opera singer by profession. She was part of the Swedish competition in the Eurovision Song Contest 2009 and won with the song "La Voix". She has no scientific education on either the environment or climate. Greta's father Svante Thunberg is an actor and has been involved both at the Royal Dramatic Theatre and in Riksteatern. Riksteatern is Sweden's largest tour theatre. He attended the University of Gothenburg at the Theatre and Opera Academy in the 1990s. On the day Greta started her strike, Ingmar Rentzhog (chairman of the Global Challenge think tank) happened to come by. He took some photos that had a big impact through the media, for example via Facebook. Well to note is that Ingmar has a broken agenda in his luggage when it comes to the climate. This is beyond doubt as it also emerged that he had been on a summer course that year on climate in the US with Al Gore as a keynote speaker. Ingmar is a PR magnate who generally shuns the public light but who all the more works in the dark. The fact that Greta became a snowball of immense proportions is largely to Ingmar Rentzhog's credit.

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The talking points of the climate emergency plan are Greta's talking points. "By 2030, in 10 years, 250 days and 10 hours, we will be in a position to trigger an irreversible chain reaction beyond human control that is likely to lead to the end of our civilisation as we know it," Scandinavian Cassandra told British parliamentarians. So, the only way to save ourselves is to follow the climate emergency plan and immediately "green" the global energy activities through massive state investment and emergency legislation. Anders Wijkman from Club of Rome sees Greta as crucial to driving this strategy on Europe's political elite. Photo: Shutterstock.


Maurice Strong contributed to the creation of the Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988 by merging the WMO (World Meteorological Organization) and UNEP (The United Nations Enviroment Program). The wisdom of Maurice Strong was to bring the WMO and its official bureaucrats into the UN. They can easily lead and accompany politicians wherever and however they want.

The IPCC operates in such a way that there is a working group of a total of 2500 people (initially it consisted of about 6000 people). Of these, 600 people are working with research. They belong to Team I. Team II and Team III (another 1900 people) work to anchor and translate the results into practice.

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The Rockfeller Brothers Fund themselves highlighted their efforts between 1984-1992 in their Sustainable Development Programme and pointed out the importance of the Fund for the Rio Conference and the formation of the IPCC. During this eight-year period, RBF's financing of the IPCC amounted to USD 1,000,000 – at today's value of USD 2,211,175. A pittance of what was to come from Rockefeller's oil money.

In addition, there is another group, which is basically political, with government officials and only a handful of scientists involved. This team is called Summary for Policymakers (SPM). They, in turn, are given directives by anonymous government officials. SPM speaks in writing and proclamations before the fact that Team I has published its works. In between, there are deliberations aimed at harmonising the results of Team I with the SMP Directive. They have failed to do so several times and it has become clear that the results of Team I have not been at all in line with SPM's official statements that benefit the media. It is therefore unsurprising that the IPCC has had to correct its statements, for example that the Himalayan glaciers are melting.

SPM provides information to Conferences of the Parties (COP) and their international meetings on climate. The purpose of the meetings is to shape the political arena globally and also decisions of an economic nature in their favour and for their perspectives. The political-philosophical basis of the IPCC is laid down in Agenda 21, which is basically the result of the Rio de Janeiro climate summit in 1992. Agenda 21 has not only been adopted in Rio in 1992, but has probably been an underlying driving force for that meeting.

The basic motto of the IPCC is to demonstrate that everything to do with the climate is due to human carbon dioxide emissions. Everything that the IPCC produces, through the UN, about the climate has to be and must be angled by all possible means to uphold this 'truth'.

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According to Dagens Industri, there is no clean market in the field of energy, as renewable energy sources aresubsidised. The forest offers the possibility of storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in biomass and soil on a large scale. An individual forest stock with high growth can take up 10-15 tonnes of carbon dioxide per hectare per year over an orbital period. However, with the large establishment of wind turbines in forest areas that are now taking place, the binding of carbon dioxide is greatly reduced. At one year of electricity production of renewable raw materials in the UNITED STATES, all forests will disappear, not a single cone will be left. Photo: Shutterstock


There is a clear agenda and this agenda comes from special thought currents and is largely based on a Malthusian philosophy. This agenda was driven by Club of Rome and its associate Maurice Strong. The source literature is clear and evident and reveals – in black and white – the basic approach is in this agenda. Concrete authors, books, with their concrete pages, prove this.

This agenda is dangerous because the beautiful and sympathetic about protecting the climate is like a Trojan horse. There is something else here – for example, a concern for overpopulation. That's why most climate activists are also fomenting abortion, euthanasia, and dismantling the traditional family structure.

The way to achieve this goal is to dismantle Western industry, which is done by portraying carbon dioxide as the culprit in the drama. To believe that carbon dioxide, as a parameter, can change the climate is very close to believing in magic, says Richard Lindzen – one of the world's most respectable professors in the field.

Fundamentally, what is missing in all of this, is faith in God's Providence in creation and a touch of gratitude.

How should this deficiency be offset? Through anxiety and fear, it materializes in control. Getting the entire energy sector under its feet, is also to say the least - profitable.

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Vicar Wojciech Waligórski has been a Catholic priest for 25 years. He began to study the subject more in depth as an amateur because the confirmations seemed to be too worried and anxious about the climate. One of them was also bullied in her class because she thought a little differently and began to question the official environmental policy line.

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Mar 3, 2021


Jan 15, 2021 


Dec 17, 2020 


Nov 9, 2020 


Oct 11, 2020 


Sep 7, 2020



Tagged: Creation, Climate Policy, Climate, God, UN, Club of Rome Club of Rome, Maurice Strong, Anders WijkmanCarbon Dioxide, Greta, IPCC

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Sweden's climate policy opens the door to A red-green eco-socialism


Meteorologist Per Holmgren, as well as EU parliamentarians and Green Party members, praised the philosopher Torbj?rn T?nnsj?, who in an article simply said that it was time for dictatorship (DN 28/11). T?nnsj? talked about creating a "global despotism" "through a coup" (revolution sounds a little too provocative) – all for the good of the climate because time is short and we do not have time for democratic processes. "Interesting" thought Holmgren, who shared the text on Twitter and praised T?nnsj? for daring to think outside the box.

This argument is not to think outside the box this is the Agenda of the Rome Club. Back in 2009, he advised the then Environment Minister, Andreas Carlgren (C), that if he became Prime Minister, he would "quickly abolish all elections", since "the climate crisis is as intractable as a Third World War".

Prioritising the climate over everything else may sound sympathetic. If Holmgren had got what he asked for and democracy was scrapped – what would happen? Would large groups of people be deported to places where their existence was less harmful? Would women who have given birth to too many children be forced to have abortions? Would the despots distribute just as little food as the climate required? Lock up people who tried to move freely? Perhaps even the climate would be best to quickly get rid of a large part of the world's population?

"The wet climate dictatorship dream would make people just as infallid, trapped and arbitrarily suppressed as in other dictatorships. If you do not see the problem in this, you are not just a lousy advocate of the environmental movement. Then you have nothing to do in a democratic parliament." (Amanda Sokolnicki, 2018).

Photo: Shutterstock.


Al Gore's father was an oil tycoon- his big breakthrough as a climate professor came in 2006 with the film "An Inconvenient Truth." After the 2007 ruling, it may not be shown in British schools without the teacher mentioning nine of the film's factual errors and one-sidedness.

GLOBE, where Al Gore was chairman in 1990, was developed as an Anglo-American project to represent political and economic interests mainly from the UK, the US and the Netherlands. In the background there was also Club of Rome ; several members were members of both organisations. Anders Wijkman ( Club of Rome , the Swedish Red Cross and the World Future Council, for example, chaired GLOBE EU for eight years. At the same time, he was an MEP for the Christian Democrats. After the G8 summit in Gleneagles in 2005, GLOBE was also invited to its global summits.

Globe still brings together parliamentarians from virtually the entire political establishment under one umbrella and with a common agenda that they enforce in their respective legislative assemblies, including the European Parliament.

First, the goal is determined – then the voter base is influenced by the media through various environmental organizations and activist campaigns. The politicians then respond to public opinion that emerges and implements the goal itself at the beginning. This turns the usual democratic rules of the game upside down, with politicians listening to the wishes of the electorate and implementing them to the best of their ability. Instead, various techniques are used to manipulate public opinion to adapt to the interests of the elite. The procedure thus circumvents democracy and rather represents a totalitarian and centralised order.

Photo: Shutterstock


The Rockefeller family's long-running fight against the "climate threat" includes elements of sophisticated propaganda techniques, futuristic visions of the future, new philosophy and a dream of a perfect utopian world under the control of the elite. To achieve the dream of a world government, the family enlists the help of environmentalists, green parties and environmental organizations such as Greenpeace and Divest-Invest Philanthropy – a global environmental network of 899 organizations and assets of a staggering $6 trillion. ("Rockefeller – A Climate-Smart History", Jacob Nordang?rd, 2019).

Illustration: Rickard Gr?nkvist

All children should have the right to hope for a bright future.

Photo: Shutterstock


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